9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    I would enter both if you don't mind? Here is the link there is lots of my planes that have small amounts of parts because I'm on iOS and my phone is where I build things so anything from me should be mobile friendly @AmazingAidan

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    Yeah I have a plane that doesn't use any mods at all @AmazingAidan

  • Thank you everyone who has supported me so far, and suggestions on what to build 7.9 years ago

    @JackTheBestBoss if you want i will post the engines as unlisted then mention you on them so you can have early access to make planes with just don't mention them to anyone until the plane series is complete pick a team red yellow green any colour you want and build a prop plane you can use my old blue as a rough example of what's allowed for tier one race plane 3 will show roughly what's allowed in tier 2 and tier 3 is to come and is undecided on what class of plane

  • PTT 38-06G Prowler ASF 7.9 years ago

    if this didn't have weapons i would put it in my roleplay where it would be race plane against other race planes note i have some engines that you might like ill give you early access as long as you don't tell anyone about them until my old blue 2 comes out

  • Thank you everyone who has supported me so far, and suggestions on what to build 7.9 years ago

    ha im going though the same thing only diffence is im stuck with what to build and how im not inspired to do it so i decied to take some time off in the meantime you can do some prop race planes for my up coming role play i have build a few for it already and ill post the engines for them soon so eveyone can use them im at the moment using the race role play to test and tweak them

  • So.........Much....Dank... 7.9 years ago


  • Hawker Siddeley AV-8A Harrier 7.9 years ago

    good job could be better if you had a cockpit view and maybe some more accurate landing gear overwise good job

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    I have parts saved under sub assemblies @AmazingAidan

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    Nah that wouldn't be fair if you just let me know if this has anything not allowed? @AmazingAidan

  • 100 parts challenge 7.9 years ago

    I just have modded parts I don't know what the numbers do

  • Banshee EVO 7.9 years ago

    No i mean how do think of such shape and then create it where do you start @Ephwurd

  • Off-road vehicle chassis /closed challenge 7.9 years ago

    I have a all terrain car it literally can go anywhere

  • Banshee EVO 7.9 years ago

    Nice build I love the shape it's really good could you teach me how you get shapes like that?

  • Besra 7.9 years ago

    I was going to make one of these myself but I guess you beat me to it@CALVIN232

  • Besra 7.9 years ago

    Nice should have used the darker green but other then colour it works

  • Hydra 7.9 years ago

    I have some working VTOL I can fix it for you @Bluedove8799

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    Our conuty is doing better without the Eu so much that we are slowly getting more people of the steets and in actual homes @BaconRoll

  • Hydra 7.9 years ago

    Wait why post one with VTOL and one without?

  • Hydra (Without VTOL) 7.9 years ago

    I can see why he didn't he has trouble with the VTOL I can give this VTOL flight he has made the hard part the body it's the most accurate one because of this @Nukemaster

  • VT-90 (Blue Angels) 7.9 years ago

    What few things? Other than colour?@kyle123

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    What makes you say that? Oh btw im British and Britain is no longer part of Europe @Dstroyer101

  • Why I don't like upvotes and like comments 7.9 years ago

    Ok @Thomasj041

  • Any Arrow 7.9 years ago

    Good build improvements to the last one love to see if there is anything else up your sleeve @CALVIN232

  • Any Arrow 7.9 years ago

    Shakes a lot which gave it trouble catching to air arrow 18 but it did get the mark 1 and mark 5 so which is a close as any plane has come as for uss beast some timing required to take out the uss beast and not get shot down in fact I had to destroy one destroyer and hope the other didn't hit as after destroying uss beast and one destroyer I didn't have enough ammo to get the last one

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    Ok well again when I post you can pick out every fault @DeezDucks

  • [Finished] Airliner Challenge 7.9 years ago

    I like the challenge but I don't do airliners

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    Like your humour thx @KingDeadshot

  • Cluster Nuke 7.9 years ago

    Nice build but if I had made it I would have been tempted to call it cluster **

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    It's all ture even number 4

  • 10 plus facts about me 7.9 years ago

    I was board and my sister suggested doing this so here

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    Ok thx@EternalDarkness

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    You say that as if I did a terrible job the first time @Ctracerx2

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    Well not sure I have my planned builds and my other builds but never post anything that looks ridiculous I keep them creations to myself @QuantumSandwich

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    Also you say that like it's the hardest one or something @DeezDucks

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    And you two can pick out every fault as I'm sure u will anyway I personally think it's healthy to have a equal amount of good and bad feedback @DeezDucks

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    Googled it and you two would be correct I'll still try and build a spitfire tho not this mark to probably a mark 2 @DeezDucks

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    It's not my fault I they look similar @Othawne

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    Really I'm sure all spitfires had curved wings? @DeezDucks

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    Huh didn't think of that I guess I have been on this none stop lately I'll take a break then I'll see about doing a repleca @EternalDarkness

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    Your know what challenge accepted @DeezDucks

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    I have the same problem only sometimes i rarely get comments let alone useful ones @MechWARRIOR57

  • Why am I not happy anymore ? 7.9 years ago

    Used to get feedback haven't had anything since I was bronze in fact my bronze plane was the last one where I got useful feedback that was just nice or cool @MechWARRIOR57

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    All I said was the wings are like the p51@DeezDucks

  • Why I don't like upvotes and like comments 7.9 years ago

    Your lucky I rarely get any feedback @Sunnyskies

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    It's pretty much a p51 mustang then@Othawne


    No need I just line up go really fast hope and pray I go in the tunnel and as soon as I enter I hit the chutes and cut the power then relax as I come to a sudden hault from all those chutes instead of the wall like my first Time trying it when there was no chutes @Alienbeef0421

  • Why I don't like upvotes and like comments 7.9 years ago

    Thank you you all understand I was worried that I would seem like a un greatful a hole but you guys understood thx @Deloreandude @Himynameiswalrus @KnightOfAraluen @PilotOfFuture @TheLatentImage

  • My Flip Clock 7.9 years ago

    Some people have too much time on their hands great build

  • Supermarine Spitfire.F Mk XIV 7.9 years ago

    The wings are wrong in fact the wings are from the p51 mustang perhaps you can see about fixing this


    It was back before the parachutes were added so to be fast enough to not get shot down and stop in time was impossible now my latest air arrow can you have to hit 4-5 as soon as you enter the tunnel the hard part is lineing it up @Alienbeef0421