9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Help! 8.0 years ago

    O my god this will take some time it's not just those pieces I've had this problem with having two of the thing I used it to my advantage tho I'm not sure how you got 500+ like that

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    It wasn't the creator the creator had upvoted it and said he liked it what happened was I was trying to figure out how come a friend of mine was getting his planes removed then flightsonic started on us first him then me calling us copy cats saying we should be removed my friend got banned because it tick him off and Andrew then banned him not sure for how long but the worst part is while this was going on hexcorp copyed another one of my planes and got round the successor system again still don't understand how he did it anyway that got more attention then the original I posted and all he did was resparyed it so what the heck did I do wrong why is the copy getting the attention? and why am I the one who got the grief from flightsonic about copying when that stuff is going on I even show flightsonic look this is what copying is he said exactly I'm just as bad I'm like how?the@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Feeling Down lately now I'm feeling worse 8.0 years ago

    The points don't mean jack shit to me end of the day they are just points you can't do anything with them they don't even tell you what the person likes and dislikes about the plane it's just a pointless system but when people then copy my planes and circumstance the successor system claiming it as thier own aka @hexcorp and it gets more attention than mine i begin to wonder what the hell i did wrong plus as well as that I was then accused of being a copy cat because I had tweaked a plane which I had made notable changes and in the end with flightsonic starting on me a mod had to clear things up by stating that the plane wasn't a copy and infact was ok but still the argument and everything else plus the shit I had to deal with today not on this site in real life it's really getting to me@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • CedCo C12 MPV Scout 8.0 years ago

    @Derrick980 @Cedy117 the military is where

  • So my brother has rejoined this site this time he is being watched by my friend jack so no he won't be trolling like before 8.0 years ago

    I got it wrong it's Derrick980 sorry about the mix up@UnknownNate

  • B-14 Crawler 8.0 years ago

    Holy hell this thing could flatten all its enemies by landing on them

  • Dart M1 8.0 years ago

    Not bad at all it could do with some tweaking but and ok plane

  • Andrew Garrison... I Challenge you! 8.0 years ago

    Hey Andrew a of topic question here you know you Temporary banned cmj3008 well I was thinking that when his ban is up I could help him build planes so he doesn't have to tweak basically teach him the basics that the tutorial doesn't exactly show you stuff like getting the rough shape first with the blocks then working from therefore it also never showed what each thing did I myself didn't realise I needed a VTOL nosels to use the engine

  • Boat Entry 8.0 years ago

    A good attempt it's fast so it's easy to get near the boats but it's hard to stop and often it ends up going right past them I would say I could try to turn around but it has the turning circle of Japan which is ok for 747 to have but not really suitable for boats I recommend using the VTOLs rcms for the future however once I had finally managed to get the guns lined up it did sink the uss beast so it's a good build
    But it does need some more work keep at it
    Speed 10/10
    Handling 2/10
    Firepower 8/10
    Extra features- none
    Good work

  • Boat Entry 8.0 years ago

    So this is clearly a future fictional which means that there is one test can it destroy the uss beast

  • MOD REQUEST 8.0 years ago

    I don't actually know the the size I need all I know is that the current one is to big @Typhlosion130

  • Scaled timer 8.0 years ago

    Now all we need is someone to get it to say the right time

  • New Tag 8.0 years ago

    Ok @Squirrel

  • MOD REQUEST 8.0 years ago

    Ok I'll go se it@Dark4nge

  • Little landing gears 8.0 years ago

    Nice I'll see if they fit my plane

  • Battle Boat 8.0 years ago

    O yeah I saw this a bit of time ago it can be easily entered however I would like to see a ai to be able to use it

  • MOD REQUEST 8.0 years ago

    I'm on iOS Apple basically won't allow it @Typhlosion130

  • Batleship Bismarck 8.0 years ago

    I can't even download it so unfortunately it doesn't count it does look cool in the pictures

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    Ok that will help because I can upload them as unlisted and put my phone in for repair I broke the screen and the home button in fact th big crack goes through the button to the top of the screen @Squirrel

  • VTOL Fighter Tournament-Challenge [CANCELED] 8.0 years ago

    Thx I'll get right on it @mikoyanster


    Btw you may use the boat in the post as a template but be warned I didn't check if it actually works


    I've made it a plane here in s a link to it good luck @Temmie


    Can you send me a link so I can take a look?@JMicah4

  • The "Latent" Camaro - Drag Edition By MKI 8.0 years ago

    Could you build a zombie car version of this plz

  • New Tag 8.0 years ago

    Note I have the worst punctuation in the world lol@Squirrel

  • New Tag 8.0 years ago

    I agree @TheMajesticMrL

  • New Tag 8.0 years ago

    I'm looking to start a YouTube channel soon which will feature creations by the community basically me trying them out having fun messing around with the creation) so I was wondering how do I get a tag? so o don't end up doing a jelly because if I don't tell them to use a tag like what happened to jelly will happen again to me so to avoid this I'm asking in advance were to get one so we don't have spam @Squirrel

  • Steampunk Jet 8.0 years ago

    It's a very interesting plane

  • funny prop plane f-35 _2.0 8.0 years ago

    It's a nice little thing I like it good work

  • Goshawk 8.0 years ago

    Ok this is a nicer fix then mine good job

  • IAT DS III completed ver 8.0 years ago

    I already made a fix under successor I had to add weight to the nose @Ephwurd

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    So I need to change my phone I broke it and it's is going in for repairs soon and apple always factory default it so I always lose my stuff so your saying
    I could upload all the planes I've downloaded as unlisted to so when I get my phone back I can find them all again easily? @Squirrel

  • HolographicCockpit/OldNoseCone 8.0 years ago

    A nice cockpit but I have used better still nice so I upvoted

  • Rathian (Monster Hunter) 8.0 years ago

    This is simply sick

  • Bold Eagle 8.0 years ago



    As long as you can run it smoothly on mobile it's ok @JMicah4


    Sorry all weopens have to work it's a pain but I like the idea of rockets @EasternHorizon

  • AAT 870-B 8.0 years ago

    This is a nice little thing to drive

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    It definitely increased the fun tho I had fun crashing it over and over @Squirrel

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    A quick note cmj3008 the description does kinda provoke flightsonic and the other a bit personally I felt it shouldn't have been said

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    It seems fair I guess you have to draw a line somewhere I'll try to make more noteable changes in future if I do make something that isn't quite in the rules just say I'll remove it and as for cmj3008 I agree that some of his planes are a bit of a copy but I did feel this he had made a effort that's all thx for clearing things up hopefully we can all get along Andrew btw I don't think that he was threatening as such but rather staying he felt that's the mod was judging unfairly I personally think this should stay but end of the day it's your choice @Squirrel @cmj3008 @AndrewGarrison

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    And it is fun to drive whilst shooting everywhere

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    Plus I might use those angeled guns who do I credit for them?@cmj3008 if you made them yourself and this is removed how do I credit?@Squirrel

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    Plus you could say this adds the ability to shoot in all directions at once which the wings also add control for when you hit ramp pretty useless of a design but he did make some improvements @Squirrel

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    I thought it said you had to make it your own meaning you make the things to how you like if they aren't already? I.e if a replica has somethings that doesn't make the real thing you added them is ok as or if a design has something wrong and you fix it am I mistaken?@Squirrel

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    @cmj3008 @Squirrel I see his point about adding part especially when the person hasn't posted in ages and they have a good plane I feel it ok to add some new parts as new parts are added a lot

  • AA jeep 8.0 years ago

    Ok first of all I said that if anyone is harrsing its flightsonic as Every one of cmj3008's posts I seen where I have seen flightsonic he seems to be having a go at cmj3008
    this started on one of my posts where cmj3008 was asking me how come one of his posts was removed as he felt he had made notable changes while we were talking trying to figure it out then suddenly flightsonic jumps in and starts on us about cmj3008 being a copy (now cmj3008 isn't a saint he does tweak more then build but usually does add some good chances sometimes not many and cmj3008 has tweaked one of my planes before which I felt was a good tweak and even upvoted on and commented "nice I like it" the next day it was removed so it wouldn't have been the first time a plane was removed when it perhaps shouldn't have been which is way I think the mods should instead of just removing planes ask the original creator whether they feel it should be removed (give them the final say on if it says or goes)

    anyway in trying to explain this to flightsonic I could have worded a lot better but with my autism it's hard it I feel it caused tension to fuse and I then filghtsonic is stating that there has to be a ten block difference and his friend said removing parts don't count so I was like so then my post we are talking on should go now I felt I made changes but bacon planes thought overwise so I'm not sure now I felt flightsonic and his friend were trying to prove their point right or wrong but I respect @baconplanes and he said that it could be out of the rules so now I'm unsure I would like you to look at it here's a link and tell me if it is or not (the original is the successor) if it is I'll remove it but this whole argument has got way out of hand as my brother had to stick his nose in places and made things worse personally I think @filghtsonic if you feel a plane is a copy then tag a mod it not petty is smart to let them decide don't go at the person because in our case we felt we made acceptable changes and we should ether go separate ways or try to sort this out with a long talk worse comes to it we end up blocking each other but I hope to sort this out we don't have to be friends but we can at least get along? @Squirrel

  • police striker 8.0 years ago

    Hmm you do need to make more notable changes overwise even I can't help if they get removed @cmj3008