9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Username Changes 8.1 years ago

    Just as well I'm happy with my name lol

  • Rules Update 8.1 years ago

    If you block the entire commuterty then who's left you won't have anyone to talk to@DarkLithium

  • Rules Update 8.1 years ago

    Jelly I know your probably gonna filp but he was the one who told me about this amazing game I don't build him planes but do understand that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him @DarkLithium

  • Rules Update 8.1 years ago

    If say someone blocks you are you allowed to ask why?@joeysellers

  • Vertigo 8.1 years ago

    A better design to the first one great job

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.1 years ago

    Like my Sam turret I'm currently build someone could mount it on to a tank made form the beta@CALVIN232

  • [Build Request] Beta Designs 8.1 years ago

    I don't have the beta but I could build somethings awesome for someone to then put beta stuff on

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    If you are on iOS then no @Zhgt88

  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    The real spitfire still beats the real mustang anyway@DeezDucks

  • SPEEDBOAT CHALLENGE 8.1 years ago

    Your lucky I didn't make it fly as well@CALVIN232

  • SPEEDBOAT CHALLENGE 8.1 years ago

    Yeah I got carryed way it does go on water@Cookie476

  • TEA-H15-D1 "Du-Ru-Mi" 8.1 years ago

    Ok can't wait@geekr

  • scrapy A27-96 8.1 years ago

    Why is this a successor to the black hole nothing from the black hole is here?

  • R.I.P SEAPLANE & VERTIGO 8.1 years ago

    It will still be in ur saved planes just load the plane and save it under a different name seriously it's not hard

  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago


  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    Techical ha the spitfire was the plane that the Germans couldn't beat the Battle of Britain was won because of the spitfire and as for the mustang many of them had massive faults causing them to crash history shows the better plane @DeezDucks

  • V-E-A Usurper 8.1 years ago

    I have made a unlimited fuel version under successor to the original enjoy @CALVIN232

  • V-E-A Usurper 8.1 years ago

    Yes I can

  • V-E-A Usurper 8.1 years ago

    Nice I like the way u did the wings really inventive do u mind if I use your vents?

  • TEA-H15-D1 "Du-Ru-Mi" 8.1 years ago

    I must admit the extra controls aren't really needed but still cool also I don't know why if it's me but it likes to dive a lot I think it's because of the massive drag on the vents it would be cool if you could make one with curved vent?@geekr

  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    Hey the spitfire is a better plane then a mustang not many can make one on here@DeezDucks

  • TEA-H15-D1 "Du-Ru-Mi" 8.1 years ago


  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    Why not this is half way there you just have to eidt it the rest @DeezDucks

  • Rocket-Powered Aircraft Catapult 8.1 years ago

    That's why I used this@CALVIN232

  • Rocket-Powered Aircraft Catapult 8.1 years ago

    Nope the air arrow is a plane I added it's crazy fast but the take off is wobbly @CrazyCodeC

  • Air-to-ground Missile 8.1 years ago

    Wow I was trying to build something like this now I I'm actually a little annoyed that I didn't try this

  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    Could you build me a spitfire

  • Rocket-Powered Aircraft Catapult 8.1 years ago

    My reaction this looks fun weeee
    My reaction with the air arrow

  • P-51 Mustang Mk.III 8.1 years ago

    I hate to bust your balls but it looks more like a spitfire

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    Sounds great I like new parts no matter what they are because it makes more options for building great things let me know as soon as it is out@joeysellers

  • Two parts challenge 17 8.1 years ago

    I guess I got carried away@CALVIN232

  • Air arrow 17 modded fuel and engines vtol fixed gear 8.1 years ago

    Press 1 after take It actives the secondray turning mechanism @AviownCorp

  • Press 1 8.1 years ago

    It's simmlier to how I found the island one of my jets crashed into uss beast and the cockpit flew off the front and skimmed the water I've tryed recreating that and this is the closest I've got to it@PorkyClown3

  • Rollercoaster prototype v1 8.1 years ago

    At this point the game should be call simply amazing

  • Press 1 8.1 years ago

    Make sure the cockpit floatsPlace on uss beast press 1 wait and ull find the snow island

  • Two parts challenge 17 8.1 years ago

    I count the whole bomb plane as one as I have it saved in my sub asumbles truth is I felt it was needed sorry@MasterManufacturing

  • Two parts challenge 15 8.1 years ago

    No in this one I only put two brakes in the vent I didn't put anything else on@Homersdonut

  • Two parts challenge 17 8.1 years ago

    Note I count the bomb plane as one part

  • AIV-619 P+5 8.1 years ago

    It looks so good I wish iOS had beta

  • Air arrow 17 modded fuel and engines vtol fixed gear 8.1 years ago

    You did active 1 after take off?@AviownCorp

  • A.T.V water buggy 4.1 8.1 years ago

    I do have a version that uses the other controls@TheRedStormer

  • Rocket Pod 8.1 years ago

    I have a Better version it holds a lot more good try tho

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    I had a lot of apps downloaded I forgot to clear them@CALVIN232

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    It's a iPhone 5s it has 16 gb and the oh wait I found the problem thx @Zhgt88

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    How do I fix it@Zhgt88

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    Then why is all the hyper plane I've got now freaking out@Zhgt88

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    iOS Update 9.3.4 actually my iPhone had a update then the planes started to go weird@CALVIN232

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    I'm not on about the beta two days ago I flew a plane it was fine today it shook to pieces I haven't had a simple planes update but I have had a iOS update to 9.4 something@Zhgt88

  • Steam Beta 1.5 8.1 years ago

    Been and gone insane I could just explode form this excitement I can't wait@TacoAircraftCo