@LunarEclipseSP But cassava has more menus than others, I mean processing methods. Some are dried in the sun, some are made into tapioca flour, a raw material for sauces, sweets, stews, fried cakes, And others. Cassava can also be eaten raw depending on taste, it is sweet.
@Kampf Of course Literacy Literacy is the ability to read, write, and understand texts. Additionally, literacy includes the ability to use language effectively and critically in various contexts, including the ability to search for, evaluate, and use information from various sources. Literacy is an important foundation for education and participation in modern society.
@Kampf I didn't expect you to be this smart. But not really, you definitely use the help of digital calculations. But the answer is wrong, why? Because I didn't say that the tank turret was at 12 o'clock, it could have been 16, 20 or 3 o'clock. So maybe the calculation is wrong.
Number 2 is a question that uses life IQ to answer, no need to think critically, just relate it to everyday life.
Dude, maybe you are wrong in the camera angle or the color of the plane, try using 4D vision and use brighter colors but not flashy (almost no reflections)
@Kamf Let me give you a clue. The largest country, including the strongest military in Southeast Asia, is known for its barbaric and bloodthirsty netizens, but in the real world they are very generous. , so that if they only see footwear such as sandals and shoes outside they will secure it for that person. And always resolve a problem through deliberation Like the students, they only brought swords, knives and sickles just for community work cleaning the streets.
Dude, the world is tough, but that doesn't mean you can just give up on your struggle so far. Stay strong and face reality even though it is a bitter reality. At least it was better than running away like a coward.
@Lanta1024 Uh.... Yeah.. Maybe if you really want something that big then it's no problem. The most important thing is that you know which parts you have to change or... maybe you've already made the blueprint.
I once made a large building but it was still friendly, at least for 3GB RAM and above.
The method is to change the fuselage size to 2x, 1.8x, 1.54x and so on. And stack them according to the interior of the windows and doors with the fuselage perforated according to size
If it's difficult then I don't know, I also had difficulty creating it and instead deleted it. How stupid I was.
@LunarEclipseSP Dude, If I find the person who made that meme I swear I will finish him off.
+3Can I make it a target for my 125mm tank Cannon, boss? :D
+2@FlatterGuy Pucuk ubi pucuk kangkung
+2@AircraftExperimental But that's in reality, this is fiction, and I just copied it from the guy who made the Turret (Plain turret and cannon parts)
+2@LunarEclipseSP There's nothing we can do...
+2@Kampf Can you stop saying that? I'm tired, if you want to curse me, do it tomorrow. I want to sleep.
+2@SILVERPANZER All tanks are good.
+2Not bad
+130% keaslian tapi yang penting niat.
@Zero0Two2 Similar to what? Idk
+1@Someboris12 Yes, I think a little shrinking his turret is for that, he needs to diet.
+1Chaffee Turret, guns and chassis of Italian tanks? Good job kid.
+1Blud makes Light novels💀💀
+1@Kampf Because it is based on the Kpzfw IV Blacktiger. And the Kpzfw IV Blacktiger is also based on the Leopard 2A6 so that means it's the 2A7.
+1@LunarEclipseSP But cassava has more menus than others, I mean processing methods. Some are dried in the sun, some are made into tapioca flour, a raw material for sauces, sweets, stews, fried cakes, And others. Cassava can also be eaten raw depending on taste, it is sweet.
+1@LunarEclipseSP A type of sweet potato but longer and bigger. 😳
+1@Kampf dude I serious
+1@FlatterGuy Kalo rebus manis enak.
+1Keadaan MiG-21 Ketika mesin jet masih belum di temukan hingga tahun 1970an
+1@Kampf Of course Literacy
+1Literacy is the ability to read, write, and understand texts. Additionally, literacy includes the ability to use language effectively and critically in various contexts, including the ability to search for, evaluate, and use information from various sources. Literacy is an important foundation for education and participation in modern society.
@Kampf -1500 LITERASI CREDIT 👎😡
+1How do you make a cover like that.
+1@PrussianAirlines I mean the one like the thumbnail above, not with the blueprint photo attached.
+1How do you make a cover like this! Tell me!!
+1@ZerkkOtakuGuy No, really. I've had enough for 50 minutes.
+1Oh my...
+1Reasonable reasons and strong facts for me not to make you friends.
+1@Kampf You're my biggest problem
+1Keep doing best!
+1@Kampf We agree about Schürzen.
+1@TheMouse https://ibb.co.com/gwHjkbP
+1Like this?
@TheMouse Sebentar.
+1@TheMouse I was also confused, when I wanted to make it into a picture it didn't work, so I gave up.
+1@AluminiumFX Cara bikin thumbnail build lu gitu gimana bre.
+1@AluminiumFX Mbah gua itu
+1@Kampf I didn't expect you to be this smart. But not really, you definitely use the help of digital calculations. But the answer is wrong, why? Because I didn't say that the tank turret was at 12 o'clock, it could have been 16, 20 or 3 o'clock. So maybe the calculation is wrong.
Number 2 is a question that uses life IQ to answer, no need to think critically, just relate it to everyday life.
+1Dude, maybe you are wrong in the camera angle or the color of the plane, try using 4D vision and use brighter colors but not flashy (almost no reflections)
+1@Kamf Let me give you a clue. The largest country, including the strongest military in Southeast Asia, is known for its barbaric and bloodthirsty netizens, but in the real world they are very generous. , so that if they only see footwear such as sandals and shoes outside they will secure it for that person. And always resolve a problem through deliberation Like the students, they only brought swords, knives and sickles just for community work cleaning the streets.
+1@HanakoSan No, it's not me. Even if I upload something like this, I will use harsh and toxic words.
+1@L1nus Idk I was just looking at his account for fun and then I found this.
+1And I suddenly became a "Motivator" haha...ha..
Dude, the world is tough, but that doesn't mean you can just give up on your struggle so far. Stay strong and face reality even though it is a bitter reality. At least it was better than running away like a coward.
+1Tekno heika
+1@Majakalona Yea.. maybe you're right, but.. You know.
+1@Lanta1024 Uh.... Yeah.. Maybe if you really want something that big then it's no problem. The most important thing is that you know which parts you have to change or... maybe you've already made the blueprint.
+1I once made a large building but it was still friendly, at least for 3GB RAM and above.
The method is to change the fuselage size to 2x, 1.8x, 1.54x and so on. And stack them according to the interior of the windows and doors with the fuselage perforated according to size
If it's difficult then I don't know, I also had difficulty creating it and instead deleted it. How stupid I was.
+1@Eggplant Thankyou very much sir.
haha just kidding
+1Can you make Air asia, Garuda Indonesia Airlines, and Lion air?
+1How to create a forum like this