30 CaptLucas Comments

  • Boat making ? 6.4 years ago

    I am great at boat making and heres my basic quick tips that you should learn
    1:make it bouyant(obviously)
    2:two factors to make it not to go circle was make shure the bouyant part was imagine bouyancy was the leg of table and mass was the top of table, the further away the legs can strech , the longer you can support it stability when toggles , also try to avoid the com got higher in sea level
    2.2: the other way to support it was, think of it like a bottle, when you hold(pinch) the cap of bottle and lift it, if you shake it the nose will maintain at 90° angle (unless if your bottle wasnt ave enough water on it) at its elevation, and you know why this happens?.. its simple, your hand counters the gravity that pulls the bottle so it wont fall but therefore the part of volume of bottle you was holding was too shallow and far to the center of mass and center of mass will be forever attracted to gravity at all cost, so even the bottle wont fall at groun because your hands (exept butterfingers) , it will still find its naturaly way to get closer to where gravity wants it to go until it reaches its closest point at greavity source( or ground) without chqnging its distance from your hand to the mass so if we asume that the cap was front and the center of mass was the end , make a line from its two point , by only using 2dimensional scale like horizontal and vertical , if you includes the bottle in your 2d , the nose will end looking up at 90° horizontally or 0° vertically as the com has reach its nearest distance at the gravity while being suspended by our hand. and wahts the purpose of this bottle example? ... tip= bouyant part of the ship and hand=water while com was the mass making it stable. to be honrst this is the longest tip I ever write
    3:use engines as turning tool . how? make the engine look at the side instead of front and change the parts property by spamming the " throttle" button to change it to "roll" or "yaw" or other buttons that you intentionally use to turn.
    3:2 if you got smaller ship for your engine to fit in , you can use the gyroscope by increasing the yaw power depending how dense your ship/boat was,and also set gyroscopic stability to 0 so you wont end up looking at the same place you just look, also you can use RCS systems but it will requeres vtol engine
    4: never place engine beneath water , [quick reason] " so maneuverability wont end up as a piece of shit
    5: use fuelsage to change com and to change shape quickly and also as a compart

  • How high can you fly? 6.5 years ago

    you know its getting too boring to figured out how high the map was, I spend my 1 hour flying straight up 90° just to figure out how high and my PC gets lagg and the altitude wasnt stop increasing like I am 150 000 000+ above sea level, so if someone could figure out how high. please tell us