I predicted it @Babbleoop
This is a modern design of the old International Harvester Scout, which was the inspiration and competitor for the first Ford Bronco
What I would recommend:
Find a vehicle you can get excited about in real life like a dream car or something
Take a 100% break from SP for a month
Make something random like interior design furniture
Help another builder with their projects
Research and learn more about modding/funky trees
Man, I couldn’t have imagined the backlash for saying this game needs to be more approachable to beginners. Has anyone else here actually tried to teach this game to anyone?
You need to type them into the input controller in overload mod, enable mods, overload, on the Home Screen, click the new overload button, and find input controller. Then replace “roll” or whatever with something simple like Roll + Pitch for your first one @lilgreen06
I can help, but I reccomend you watch some of the video guides on the website first and give it a shot yourself. What do you need the input to do specifically?
What specific changes would you recommend? @Babbleoop
+1No problem, but remember, constructive criticism is required to participate :) @Babbleoop
+1Early access for the interest :)
Enjoy and give feedback
+1I predicted it @Babbleoop
This is a modern design of the old International Harvester Scout, which was the inspiration and competitor for the first Ford Bronco
Yes, mine is going to be a good performance detail replica at maybe 500 parts with a low part count at 250 @BoganBoganTheWoman @Babbleoop
It’s not an F-104. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
+5Fuselages attached to a rotator @switdog08
Which part? Maybe not interior design @PapaKernels
What I would recommend:
Find a vehicle you can get excited about in real life like a dream car or something
Take a 100% break from SP for a month
Make something random like interior design furniture
Help another builder with their projects
Research and learn more about modding/funky trees
Many comments, join us
+2No, it says 978 comments on the forum home page @tsampoy
+2976 @tsampoy
+2Yes @tsampoy
+1You can run it for one frame as a screenshot though @jamesPLANESii
+1Yes @tsampoy
+2It’s a great place to be, learning “science” and barely any Reddit/Twitter garbage people
+1@Horsepower @Horsepower @Horsepower
@Horsepower @Horsepower @Horsepower
Petition to get this to 1,000 comments exactly
+3The map is Kumatanga Archipelago or something @Kimfri @Crispplane
Sure @MinecraftKidGuy
+1My “company” is just a use for product names and marketing on the site
You’re terrible
Why was I tagged?
+1Good flight characteristics don’t contribute to upvotes, but they get lots of spotlights. Interact with your followers and audiences
Thank you for preserving this, the original is gone
Not smooth enough for modern sophisticated aristocratic enlightened builders like me
Palpantine: I love democratic republics
+1What’s the joke?
2 FPS means nothing. Could you tag me?
Most likely rotators @AWESOMENESS360
This is nothing without a video, sorry, but I’ve seen many of these advertised and none working well
5th should be 2nd
But Bill Gates! the microchips!!
+1Fantastic, but unlikely
+2I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess
+3Petition to leave this at 7 upvotes as required
+1That feature is my top rated comment @RailfanEthan
Man, I couldn’t have imagined the backlash for saying this game needs to be more approachable to beginners. Has anyone else here actually tried to teach this game to anyone?
+5You need to type them into the input controller in overload mod, enable mods, overload, on the Home Screen, click the new overload button, and find input controller. Then replace “roll” or whatever with something simple like Roll + Pitch for your first one @lilgreen06
No problem @lilgreen06
I can help, but I reccomend you watch some of the video guides on the website first and give it a shot yourself. What do you need the input to do specifically?
You need to use the overload mod and increase the “Chord Scale” value to make it look like a boat propeller, maybe 5-7
Then it will work underwater
What map is this
It’s not time
The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles