I’m using YOUR test, you should be flattered that I’m trying to live up to your builds functionality, not complaining about hate speech when I’m just here driving @BogdanX
It’s just a friendly competition/comparison between some vehicles that need food off-road capability. I don’t think me driving up a kerb implies hate speech XD
I'm building the 2021 Ford Bronco, and I remember how instrumental your help was to me when I was building my Martin Scout II, Could you help me with fine-tuning the suspension on the Bronco? @aircraftarsenal123
Could you please fix my username and bio? The username is not technically against the rules, and ill change the bio back to normal if my rant was too offensive
Actually, no, I’ve been making paper airplanes as long as I can remember
An airshow
Website drama
+2website drama
The original bronco and the scout are both similar looking and I love them both @Vincent_
I just do 10 times the fuel capacity exactly so you can still kinda look at the right number but also be able to get places @Beefy
45 minutes on an insignificant detail? Are you kidding me? That’s insultingly low
Range is 🤮 Everything else is pretty good. I would love if it was less nose heavy
Scale it down with the fine tuner @BagelPlane
What have it away ;) @RailfanEthan
Thank you, the suspension is much more impressive in Baja runs at maywar going 85 and in rock crawls in the low range mode @BogdanX
iOS default @F4Mustang
Thanks @Sam10684
I’m using YOUR test, you should be flattered that I’m trying to live up to your builds functionality, not complaining about hate speech when I’m just here driving @BogdanX
Just a comparison between off road vehicles @BogdanX
It’s just a friendly competition/comparison between some vehicles that need food off-road capability. I don’t think me driving up a kerb implies hate speech XD
Hate issues? It’s just a friendly competition. @BogdanX
People seem to like the kerb test, chill out man.
No, I can tag you in the post @rexzion
That code doesn't work anymore, how can I change the FOV now? @WNP78
If not, I can just give you a link to the vehicle @aircraftarsenal123
Do you have discord? It’s way easier to talk there @aircraftarsenal123
Is the ramp usable for a vehicle now?
I'm building the 2021 Ford Bronco, and I remember how instrumental your help was to me when I was building my Martin Scout II, Could you help me with fine-tuning the suspension on the Bronco? @aircraftarsenal123
Can you help me with a project?
How far along are you? @Sam10684
Thanks @rexzion
+1Thanks guys!
Partner with FliteTest
You need a more flashy picture, I o lay found this challenge because I was looking for it
I thought performance was factored in... mine crushed everyone else’s @asteroidbook345
This can be managed a little with wheel settings
Flugtag results?
Bush planes and ultralights are booming
I didn't realize that it wasn't
So you mean you want BeamNG to make a deal with Jundroo @jamesPLANESii
+2EternalDarkness is a good nice moderator who truly fits the job well.
+8This exists
Sure, give me your discord tag unlisted @Wallaby
It has been released in both colors @Cams
It should have been @RailfanEthan
+2Ok boomer @SupremeDorian
Could you please fix my username and bio? The username is not technically against the rules, and ill change the bio back to normal if my rant was too offensive
Thanks for the info, yes, I renamed myself to AmdrewGsarisom or something @EternalDarkness
It’s fine if you want to remove my bio and swap my username out, can you give me the reason why so I can avoid future mistakes?
I’ll debate you unlisted anyday, tag me on a post ;) @spefyjerbf
Who’s chancey21? @TheSavageManZ
Back it