@Formula350 thanks. Yes, this one was created a long, long time ago when I was just learning and before dragScale zero was enabled, so one had to accept drag from even small details, such as the insignia. Also before I figured out how to avoid the dreaded auto roll! Anyway, appreciate the work, nice job!
This is excellent. My only complaint is the unlimited fuel and negative weight, which is a big one, but the flight model is good and the construction is well executed.
@Formula350 SB = Speed Brakes. And gotcha that you were referring to changing the AoA attributes as they pertain to the wing, while I was discussing how to utilize AoA as an input in an FT formula! Anyway, sorry for the confusion.
@edensk yeah, gotcha now. I also looked it up to ensure that I was in the ballpark wrt AoA values; critical AoA values for most airfoils is around 15-20 degrees, so not too far off the quoted 10-13 degrees, but admittedly my value is probably more correct for thinner symmetrical airfoils vice more cambered wings as you already explained.
The ‘angleOfAttack’ (‘AoA’) attribute is not useless, @edensk, at least it’s very useful IRL and useful in game to command actions which would occur at certain AoAs or AoA ranges. Angle of attack is the angle that the airflow hits the mean chord line of the wing; so, if you’re flying slowly in level flight, with the nose at a high angle, but not losing or gaining altitude, you are at a high AoA. Likewise, if you’re turning hard pulling a lot of Gs. However, if you’re flying relatively “flatly”, such as at high speed in level flight, you have a low, or close to zero, AoA. Why is this even important? Well, a wing stalls when exceeding a certain AoA, both IRL and in game…it doesn’t matter the speed, altitude or attitude you’re at…if you exceed that “critical AoA”, the wing stalls. Granted, stalls often happen at slow speeds, because to produce increased lift at slow speeds the wing has to fly at an increased AoA, which puts it closer to the critical AoA. Additionally, greater AoA also produces more drag, as induced drag increases with increased lift. Though SP does use accurate lift and drag curves for the three airfoils present (you can actually look at the RL attributes for each NACA number that the SP airfoils represent and they are pretty accurate), I usually use AoA to extend SBs to simulate the increased drag present at high AoA using the FT formula: clamp01(-angleOfAttack - X), where “X” is the AoA, in degrees, where you want the action to occur. The negative sign is present as SP reverses the RL measure, so that what would be positive AoA IRL (nose up), is represented by the negative measurement and vice versa. Not confusing in the least. Also, to remember, most airfoils, both IRL and in SP, stall (reach their critical AoA) before 10-12 degrees, so I don’t generally link actions beyond that AoA range.
You’ve been listening to too many people who have no idea what they’re talking about. Capitalism is not America’s government. Capitalism is an economic system, very different. America isn’t a pure democracy, either…can’t think of a singe nation which has a pure democracy. The closest were the Greek city states in the BCs, and even then, only a limited number of citizens (free men) had a vote. America’s system of government is a federation or constitutional republic, it could even be described as a representative democracy. In the U.S., the people are represented by those they elect to office, both at the state and federal (national) level. The states have a certain degree of autonomy, but this can be trumped by the federal government, which reserves specific powers (raise a military, levy taxes, etc.). As for Capitalism, most of the world has this type of economic system, even many European states, which have socialistic systems where certain aspects of the economy are directed by the government (health care, schooling, etc.) are still by and large Capitalistic nations which have free market systems for most every other aspect of the economy. The antithesis of Capitalism would be socialism in which state (centralized) control and direction of all aspects of the economy, regardless of the prevalent market forces which might dictate otherwise. Ultimate communism is, according to Marx, both a political and economic system (I disagree with Karl here, as do all free citizens who have a clue, that you can have political and economic systems which are independent of one another), requires state control (socialism) to transition to communism from its previous form, has never successfully existed because every nation that’s attempted it has gotten stuck in socialism. Hope this helps.
@RicardoAs1515 yes, the two engines for the AB...same technique that I use. I wouldn’t be concerned that when the AB is activated, you use more fuel than when one engine is operating, which is known as “dry” thrust IRL. ABs dump raw fuel into the burner can (or “combustor”) which is after the the turbine section. Cheap and easy way to get extra power, up to around 50% additional thrust, but very fuel inefficient. And, nearly every AB engine is only operated in AB for limited periods of time, mainly takeoff, landing and combat situations. In fact, the jet I flew that had an AB, the T-38, was limited to 5 mins on the ground and 15 mins airborne. Of course, if you used AB for a full 15 mins, you’d be nearly out of fuel. So, the build technique of using an additional engine simulates both the additional thrust and the horrendously increased fuel consumption from AB use. The MiG-21 usually only flew between 30 and 45 mins and that was with very limited AB use. So, really no need to add extra fuel to a build to make up for a perceived increase in fuel consumption as that’s actually more realistic, IMHO. BTW, this one is on my “favorites” list!
A nice surprise...there are a lot of Fishbed builds, the vast majority are crap, unfortunately. Yours is very good. Accelerates realistically, rolls and turns realistically, as long as speeds are kept above 300 KIAS (RL 21 could turn at speeds below 250 KIAS, you can with this build, but it’s very touchy). The build quality is pretty good as well and the camo looks nice. The view from the cockpit is actually much much better than the RL jet, which is actually one of the Fishbed’s biggest drawbacks. I’ve sat in the MiG-21 and the impression is...claustrophobic. There are some additional differences from the RL jet, it doesn’t model the .98/595 KCAS airspeed limit below 15,000’ which results in adverse handling if exceeded. The energy bleed in high G turns is modeled, that’s good. Nice that you included the aft speed brake which only extends once the tank is jettisoned. I would have liked to see the moving shockcone, the RL shockcone program is easy to find, it’s actually on Wikipedia. You also should have reflected the abysmal lack of fuel and range of the RL jet, instead of overloading it with fuel (which BTW, would weigh about 25,000 lbs IRL). But overall, fun to fly and it captures the fundamentals of the Fishbed.
Small updates probably aren’t going to bring in the revenue necessary to make it worth their time, I think they’re banking on SR2 at this point. Getting the big payback would probably require an SP2, don’t know if they’ve decided to do that yet. I wish they would, because I like the game over SR as it’s optimized for aircraft and the I don’t really want to have to learn a new build style.
@Deputydangle there are many reasons why your build might not replicate exactly the F-14’s performance, default drag is unrealistically high and needs to be edited down, jet thrust doesn’t decrease enough with altitude, so speeds tend to be slow at sea level and too high at altitude and there is no such thing as transonic drag. Simply cranking the power up on SP engines also results in ludicrously unenjoyable acceleration. All that being said, there are ways of coping with these problems, Funky Trees can do a lot. But, recommend using symmetrical wings for any jet fighter, especially the Tomcat, which is designed to fly at high speed and has a symmetric wing IRL. The lifting body effect is harder to replicate; the F-14 isn’t really a big, curved wing shape, it’s a broad, flat area of the rear half of the fuse that works at higher angles of attack, much like a symmetric airfoil. Think about it, the F-14’s fuselage was not designed to produce excess induced drag at zero angle of attack, that would prevent it from flying at fast as possible and the F-14 is a Mach 2.3 jet, very, very fast. Where that rear fuse lift comes in is at high angles of attack, the same at any other symmetric airfoil. I’d recommend using symmetric airfoils for all your wings for your build. That way, you keep the drag at low angles of attack (high speeds) and have the increased lift at higher angles of attack, during slow speed flight as during approach and landing and fighting at slower airspeeds (but don’t get slow in an F-14!).
@MAHADI sure thing. There's probably a better one out there because my AB kicks in above 98% (at 99%). I couldn't figure out a way to get it to only kick in at 100%, but I know others have. But, feel free to use.
Nice. Especially given the limited info on the RL jet. It gulps fuel, as the RL jet certainly did, I am sure. A little gyro-intensive, do you think it might have been a little more true to life if it were a little less stable? I do like it though...I was able to fly it off the tiny, into a box pattern and actually landed it back on the Tiny! Can’t do that too often with a high performance jet.
You made it yourself? SP automatically credits the original builder (me), plus tags the post with the message, “Based on...”. Anyway, glad you liked it enough to pass it off as your own.
The rotary bomb bay is great and the build looks pretty good. The RL B-1 is actually pretty maneuverable, particularly with the wings swept aft, they’ve been known to aileron roll at fairly low altitudes, which requires a good pitch rate to prevent lawn-darting into the ground. Would love to see a more refined version as you get more and more experience with modeling flight characteristics, which are quite hard with variable sweep aircraft because the CoL moves aft when the wings sweep. I know that from my XB-70.
@EngineerOtaku I saw that when I started tearing it apart! The horizontal stab flutters around a bit, not sure why as I assumed it was some sort of FT input. I was wrong. But how you got the speed is fast down low while not ludicrous up high eludes me.
On my favorites list...for the Funky Trees employed here. Pretty sure you have something on the engines as well as the horizontal stab. The low level speed is appropriate, while the speed at altitude is correct...impressive, takes FT to do that.
Not incredibly difficult to fly around, takeoff is easy, though one does have to pay attention in transition to the hover and landing. Forget about spot landings, though. I think the RL example was a nightmare to fly, as were all the early VTOL fighters. Nice rendition.
Ok, there’s one big reason why I wouldn’t upvote this, but it’s not the build itself...this thing’s transformation process is MESMERIZING! I must have hit the “Gear” switch twenty times in awe of the transformation process! It sure is unstable when running down the runway in train mode...but, nice work!
And that’s not a turn and slip from 1944...that’s a modern one, the little “T” tail aircraft in the instrument is a dead giveaway that it’s a turn and slip from a training light plane of recent vintage, take a look at this. That’s why they called them “needle and ball” back in the day. In fact, that entire instrument panel looks straight out of Cessna 152 territory...the little rectangular ammeters and voltmeters are a dead giveaway. Nothing like that during WWII.
I had many thoughts as I threw this one around the sandbox...fantastical, anachronistic, ridiculously maneuverable. The auto-aiming is reminiscent of a RL jet, the Viggen, which had a similar system and was apparently a wild ride when in action. Of course, IRL, the quick adoption of jet fighters over their prop-driven predecessors became inevitable due to their speed advantage in combat. Interestingly enough, I think your flight model reflects a prop fighter’s inability to exceed Mach due to propellor thrust limitations, as well as accurately portraying the performance limitations from your build’s general shape with straight wings and no area rule. The fastest I could get it to was in a steep dive from 30,000’...max of .93 Mach at around 15,000’. Nice modeling, especially if intentional. Of course, freezing the controls to make dive recovery in the transonic regime slower would have been a nice touch. As for the maneuverability and the Cobra maneuver...not sure that big counter rotating prop would have survived that IRL, I’d wager the two discs might collide. Perhaps not if carbon fiber...who knows? Anyway, interesting build.
@ChrisPy nope. As with most modern aircraft, heck I can show you a schematic of the system on the 737, multiple pitot tubes (probably two on the F-22 and F-35) measure airspeed, that data being fed into several air data computers (there are three on the 737), which takes that data and compares and combines it with other data, which includes IRUs (Inertial Reference Units—gyroscopes), GPS data, static air inputs (which measure static air pressure used to measure altitude and rate of climb). I found this pic of the F-22, see the red streamers? Those are the covers for the pitot tubes and static ports.
@ChrisPy correct, Mach is physics, it has always varies with temp and will always vary with temp. So, yes, you are right, even new aircraft use temperature to calculate Mach. And all aircraft, even the brand new ones use pitot tubes. Airflow over the wing can only be measured in that way.
@ChrisPy no, it’s not a simple ratio of airspeed to the speed of sound, because the speed of sound varies based on temperature; the speed of sound will be a lower true airspeed as you climb, but only because air temp is generally less the higher you go. At the same time indicated airspeed will be lower than true airspeed due to the lesser air density at higher altitudes. But the TAS/IAS relationship doesn’t have an effect on Mach. Anyway, in order to calculate Mach, you’d have to be able to measure temperature. In SP, there is no temp, but IRL, a standard day is 15 degrees C at SL with a standard lapse rate of minus 2 degrees per 1000 ft. And, if it’s a standard day (or, really, at any given temperature variation), you can calculate Mach by assuming the temp it will be at any given altitude. So I just assumed that if temp was measured in SP, it would be a standard day and I just built my Mach formula that way. For example, at 10,000’ on a standard day, the temp would be -5 degrees C (15 degrees at SL minus 2 degrees per 1000’ of elevation). I just assumed those temperature values, looked up the Mach numbers for a standard day at each altitude and built a formula that reflected those values. It’s a hack, but it’s close and you can fly my Mach meter, record the values for Mach 1 and look up the standard day speed of sound for each altitude and it’s fairly accurate. My formula is as follows: clamp(TAS / (340 - clamp((Altitude * 0.003937), 0, 43)), 0,3) because Mach 1 is 340 m/s at SL and it decreases by 0.003937 for every meter of altitude (assuming a standard day). I threw in the maximum correction of 43 as the tropopause, where atmospheric temperature remains relatively constant, starts at 36,000’.
@ollielebananiaCFSP I have to try it out on my PC. Unfortunately, on my iPhone, it’s really hard to read the instruments you spent so much time working on.
Interesting, where did you get the Mach formula? Looks completely different than mine (haven’t put it side to side on my PC, just looking at it on mobile).
@FurYuki agreed, I avoid gyros as well. I think you could make all these changes aerodynamically and not resort to using gyros at all on a build like this.
Better than most. There’s way too much pitch change with flap extension, which requires full nose down trim to maintain control, but dynamics are nice, controls are smooth, acceleration is reasonable. You should include the fact that the “reversers” are activated through AG in your description.
Interesting fictional build, fun to fly around. Request you give it a little more trim authority, a tad quicker on the roll and perhaps a little less power. But I like it, nice work!
Very nice build. Nice attention to details and good flight model. I’d give it a little more trim authority and less pitch change with flap extension, but the performance is in the realm of realistic and the handling is nice. Nice work.
A very good rendition. I really like how you employ a little sleight of hand on the build itself to overcome some of the difficult bits, such as the junction between the rear fuse and the canopy glass...you also included the slope on the sides of the canopy, the bullet channels, even that spinner, which may not exactly match the prop, but is close enough to be virtually unnoticeable...very nice attention to detail. Flight dynamics are outstanding, it’s not hyperactive, but it is responsive enough. The only things I noticed is that it doesn’t lose as much energy in turns as I would expect. Roll rate is as I would expect; IRL the Gustavs onward were fairly heavy in roll, as in, stick forces were high. Too bad there’s probably no great way to emulate that in SP. The performance numbers are close, the climb is a little fast, so is top speed at altitude, but it’s not ridiculously off in any way. I kinda like the vibration effect, though it’s a little more than what I would have used, interesting effect overall, though. Very nice work.
@2Papi2Chulo that would be a great project. It wasn’t the fastest, highest flying or most maneuverable of the light/medium WWII bombers...the Mosquito, B-26 or A-26 were each either faster, higher flying or more maneuverable, but the B-25 was fast enough, rugged, very effective at both ultra low and medium altitudes and was, by all accounts, very well liked by its crews and got the job done. Plus, what other medium bomber launched an incredibly ballsy strike on the heart of Japan from an aircraft carrier??? Answer: no other. Great choice.
Quite nice and neat with very disciplined approach to building, especially for the cockpit glass. Can’t imagine I’d have the patience to replicate the process. Flight model is also very good. Typically,
though, reverse pitch or reverse thrust would be enabled through some sort of weight on wheels or ground sensing system, making it impossible to throw it into reverse pitch while airborne. There are exceptions to this (C-17), did you see in your research that the pilot can put this one into reverse pitch while airborne? Also, the trim tab would/should be moveable on the ground, even at zero airspeed, can’t imagine this plane IRL would work otherwise. Anyway, very nice/realistic and fun to fly! Spent a few wasted minutes just flying it in the pattern at Yeager, making nice landings, investigating stall characteristics, etc.
Third SP download this evening, first one I’m upvoting because the flight model isn’t bad. You added hidden SBs because you “suck at landing”...but it isn’t you, any airplane that can’t slow down is hard to land. So, why didn’t you have a set of SBs that automatically deploys with the landing gear and a set that deploys with the flaps? Besides actual SBs, those are both main ways that pilots use to control their speed and slow down for landing IRL. Suggest you employ that trick next time.
Actually, nice work here. @Dervito critiques your work, as follows:
1. Steering wheel is inverted...? No, it’s not, unless he’s seeing something I’m not, there’s no functional cockpit and all controls are normal, not reversed.
2. I see takeoff speed around 105 KIAS, around 120 mph...yes, a little fast...takeoff speed IRL is around 85 mph, so it’s faster than IRL, but not grossly out of whack.
3. Maneuverability is fine...it bobs and weaves just fine around 200 KIAS. I haven’t had it on the Dev Console, but I’m sure it’s pulling at least 5 Gs, which is in the ballpark.
4. Simple wing profile? I disagree, complex enough, 500 parts isn’t that much. If this build was 1,000+ parts with the same wing, I may agree, but 591 parts with full markings isn’t that much.
5. Would like to know where your work “isn’t that neat”. Have to disagree. From stand-off range, perfectly acceptable. What’s the specific complaint?
No, it can have two engines fail at 90 KIAS and there’s enough authority there to rotate and takeoff (barely). Then fly out and come back in and land. Problems include the on screen controls, which makes the rudder tough to lock in, the lack of nose up trim authority and necessity to carry a good amount of speed (no less than 175 KIAS) so as to have enough nose up authority to round out and land.
Quite the interesting build. Very low wing loading coupled with the semi-symmetric airfoil make for low stall speeds (54 KIAS/62 mph), long floaty landings and eggy shape makes nose over upon brake application highly likely. Recommeded approach speed is 85 KIAS with flaps extended (AG3) and touch down no slower than 65 KIAS. I feel about this one as I do all eggs, I like them better later in life and especially if they’re cooked correctly...I do appreciate this one as you’ve spent some care in this one and it’s eggyness gives me sufficient latitude to give you a big thumbs up! 👍
Flies quite smoothly and lands quite smoothly, which I like. The G limiter also acts quite smoothly, I would have limited it to 10 Gs, with a G meter there to prevent over Gs by the pilot, but it’s not nearly as annoying as some G limiters I’ve come across in SP.
Looks good and it flies easily enough. Nice effort. My complaint is that it’s stable...a little too stable, if you ask me. The RL jet wasn’t stable or forgiving, in fact less so than its Western counterpart, which is still a handful. Anyway, besides being extremely easy, I can barely force it to fly an aileron roll, which I’m sure wasn’t a problem for the RL Forger. I think I can disable the gyro and give an assessment because I think it would reflect its RL model more accurately.
Well, I’d say it’s not a bad effort at all. Interestingly enough, though it uses the biggest SP engine possible (though I also assume it’s power has been reduced), it flies a fairly accurate top speed at both SL and at altitude. That’s hard to do in SP, so I wonder if it’s the huge amount of thrust that’s been reduced that’s the trick here. It does have horrendously fast acceleration, though, and that’s a drawback. But it’s simple, while being refreshingly accurate in many ways. One thing that really detracts from the flight model is the use of the Cessna wing...no RL jet fighter uses a flat bottomed airfoil and this build flies like it has a flat bottom airfoil. It pitches wildly at higher speeds, it floats on landing, it’s impossible to set an aimpoint on approach. I changed the airfoils to symmetric to see if that improved things and, guess what? It actually flies much, much better with the symmetric airfoil. I have no idea why builders like that Cessna wing, I hardly ever use it for my builds as the in game symmetric airfoil possesses many of the characteristics of its RL equivalents. If you’re building a Cessna that cruises at 110 mph, fine, use the flat bottomed wing, but if you’re building a jet fighter, especially one like the F-8, the “Last of the Gunfighters”, give it a low drag, high speed symmetric wing!
Quite fun, plus the attitude indicator really works quite well and fits into the time period’s aesthetic. That’s what I like about the fictional builds, they tend to be more “fun focused” and don’t get bogged down by requirements to reflect the RL performance figures. It does accelerate a little too quickly for a WWII Luftwaffe jet/early turbojet, plus you should use a range of 0 to -1 (or 1) for your flaps so that they don’t actually retract beyond the up position and it needs more trim authority, but this one is quite good overall, not ridiculous by any means. Nice work.
@Formula350 thanks. Yes, this one was created a long, long time ago when I was just learning and before dragScale zero was enabled, so one had to accept drag from even small details, such as the insignia. Also before I figured out how to avoid the dreaded auto roll! Anyway, appreciate the work, nice job!
This is excellent. My only complaint is the unlimited fuel and negative weight, which is a big one, but the flight model is good and the construction is well executed.
@Formula350 SB = Speed Brakes. And gotcha that you were referring to changing the AoA attributes as they pertain to the wing, while I was discussing how to utilize AoA as an input in an FT formula! Anyway, sorry for the confusion.
+1@edensk yeah, gotcha now. I also looked it up to ensure that I was in the ballpark wrt AoA values; critical AoA values for most airfoils is around 15-20 degrees, so not too far off the quoted 10-13 degrees, but admittedly my value is probably more correct for thinner symmetrical airfoils vice more cambered wings as you already explained.
The ‘angleOfAttack’ (‘AoA’) attribute is not useless, @edensk, at least it’s very useful IRL and useful in game to command actions which would occur at certain AoAs or AoA ranges. Angle of attack is the angle that the airflow hits the mean chord line of the wing; so, if you’re flying slowly in level flight, with the nose at a high angle, but not losing or gaining altitude, you are at a high AoA. Likewise, if you’re turning hard pulling a lot of Gs. However, if you’re flying relatively “flatly”, such as at high speed in level flight, you have a low, or close to zero, AoA. Why is this even important? Well, a wing stalls when exceeding a certain AoA, both IRL and in game…it doesn’t matter the speed, altitude or attitude you’re at…if you exceed that “critical AoA”, the wing stalls. Granted, stalls often happen at slow speeds, because to produce increased lift at slow speeds the wing has to fly at an increased AoA, which puts it closer to the critical AoA. Additionally, greater AoA also produces more drag, as induced drag increases with increased lift. Though SP does use accurate lift and drag curves for the three airfoils present (you can actually look at the RL attributes for each NACA number that the SP airfoils represent and they are pretty accurate), I usually use AoA to extend SBs to simulate the increased drag present at high AoA using the FT formula: clamp01(-angleOfAttack - X), where “X” is the AoA, in degrees, where you want the action to occur. The negative sign is present as SP reverses the RL measure, so that what would be positive AoA IRL (nose up), is represented by the negative measurement and vice versa. Not confusing in the least. Also, to remember, most airfoils, both IRL and in SP, stall (reach their critical AoA) before 10-12 degrees, so I don’t generally link actions beyond that AoA range.
+1You’ve been listening to too many people who have no idea what they’re talking about. Capitalism is not America’s government. Capitalism is an economic system, very different. America isn’t a pure democracy, either…can’t think of a singe nation which has a pure democracy. The closest were the Greek city states in the BCs, and even then, only a limited number of citizens (free men) had a vote. America’s system of government is a federation or constitutional republic, it could even be described as a representative democracy. In the U.S., the people are represented by those they elect to office, both at the state and federal (national) level. The states have a certain degree of autonomy, but this can be trumped by the federal government, which reserves specific powers (raise a military, levy taxes, etc.). As for Capitalism, most of the world has this type of economic system, even many European states, which have socialistic systems where certain aspects of the economy are directed by the government (health care, schooling, etc.) are still by and large Capitalistic nations which have free market systems for most every other aspect of the economy. The antithesis of Capitalism would be socialism in which state (centralized) control and direction of all aspects of the economy, regardless of the prevalent market forces which might dictate otherwise. Ultimate communism is, according to Marx, both a political and economic system (I disagree with Karl here, as do all free citizens who have a clue, that you can have political and economic systems which are independent of one another), requires state control (socialism) to transition to communism from its previous form, has never successfully existed because every nation that’s attempted it has gotten stuck in socialism. Hope this helps.
+3Nice job balancing stability with tossability. I’ve never flown a rotorcraft IRL, so can’t really revaluate the flight model, but I like this one.
Is this the one we worked on together a long time ago?
@RicardoAs1515 yes, the two engines for the AB...same technique that I use. I wouldn’t be concerned that when the AB is activated, you use more fuel than when one engine is operating, which is known as “dry” thrust IRL. ABs dump raw fuel into the burner can (or “combustor”) which is after the the turbine section. Cheap and easy way to get extra power, up to around 50% additional thrust, but very fuel inefficient. And, nearly every AB engine is only operated in AB for limited periods of time, mainly takeoff, landing and combat situations. In fact, the jet I flew that had an AB, the T-38, was limited to 5 mins on the ground and 15 mins airborne. Of course, if you used AB for a full 15 mins, you’d be nearly out of fuel. So, the build technique of using an additional engine simulates both the additional thrust and the horrendously increased fuel consumption from AB use. The MiG-21 usually only flew between 30 and 45 mins and that was with very limited AB use. So, really no need to add extra fuel to a build to make up for a perceived increase in fuel consumption as that’s actually more realistic, IMHO. BTW, this one is on my “favorites” list!
+4A nice surprise...there are a lot of Fishbed builds, the vast majority are crap, unfortunately. Yours is very good. Accelerates realistically, rolls and turns realistically, as long as speeds are kept above 300 KIAS (RL 21 could turn at speeds below 250 KIAS, you can with this build, but it’s very touchy). The build quality is pretty good as well and the camo looks nice. The view from the cockpit is actually much much better than the RL jet, which is actually one of the Fishbed’s biggest drawbacks. I’ve sat in the MiG-21 and the impression is...claustrophobic. There are some additional differences from the RL jet, it doesn’t model the .98/595 KCAS airspeed limit below 15,000’ which results in adverse handling if exceeded. The energy bleed in high G turns is modeled, that’s good. Nice that you included the aft speed brake which only extends once the tank is jettisoned. I would have liked to see the moving shockcone, the RL shockcone program is easy to find, it’s actually on Wikipedia. You also should have reflected the abysmal lack of fuel and range of the RL jet, instead of overloading it with fuel (which BTW, would weigh about 25,000 lbs IRL). But overall, fun to fly and it captures the fundamentals of the Fishbed.
+1Small updates probably aren’t going to bring in the revenue necessary to make it worth their time, I think they’re banking on SR2 at this point. Getting the big payback would probably require an SP2, don’t know if they’ve decided to do that yet. I wish they would, because I like the game over SR as it’s optimized for aircraft and the I don’t really want to have to learn a new build style.
+1@Deputydangle there are many reasons why your build might not replicate exactly the F-14’s performance, default drag is unrealistically high and needs to be edited down, jet thrust doesn’t decrease enough with altitude, so speeds tend to be slow at sea level and too high at altitude and there is no such thing as transonic drag. Simply cranking the power up on SP engines also results in ludicrously unenjoyable acceleration. All that being said, there are ways of coping with these problems, Funky Trees can do a lot. But, recommend using symmetrical wings for any jet fighter, especially the Tomcat, which is designed to fly at high speed and has a symmetric wing IRL. The lifting body effect is harder to replicate; the F-14 isn’t really a big, curved wing shape, it’s a broad, flat area of the rear half of the fuse that works at higher angles of attack, much like a symmetric airfoil. Think about it, the F-14’s fuselage was not designed to produce excess induced drag at zero angle of attack, that would prevent it from flying at fast as possible and the F-14 is a Mach 2.3 jet, very, very fast. Where that rear fuse lift comes in is at high angles of attack, the same at any other symmetric airfoil. I’d recommend using symmetric airfoils for all your wings for your build. That way, you keep the drag at low angles of attack (high speeds) and have the increased lift at higher angles of attack, during slow speed flight as during approach and landing and fighting at slower airspeeds (but don’t get slow in an F-14!).
@MAHADI sure thing. There's probably a better one out there because my AB kicks in above 98% (at 99%). I couldn't figure out a way to get it to only kick in at 100%, but I know others have. But, feel free to use.
I’ll need to test fly it :)
Nice. Especially given the limited info on the RL jet. It gulps fuel, as the RL jet certainly did, I am sure. A little gyro-intensive, do you think it might have been a little more true to life if it were a little less stable? I do like it though...I was able to fly it off the tiny, into a box pattern and actually landed it back on the Tiny! Can’t do that too often with a high performance jet.
You made it yourself? SP automatically credits the original builder (me), plus tags the post with the message, “Based on...”. Anyway, glad you liked it enough to pass it off as your own.
The rotary bomb bay is great and the build looks pretty good. The RL B-1 is actually pretty maneuverable, particularly with the wings swept aft, they’ve been known to aileron roll at fairly low altitudes, which requires a good pitch rate to prevent lawn-darting into the ground. Would love to see a more refined version as you get more and more experience with modeling flight characteristics, which are quite hard with variable sweep aircraft because the CoL moves aft when the wings sweep. I know that from my XB-70.
+4@EngineerOtaku I saw that when I started tearing it apart! The horizontal stab flutters around a bit, not sure why as I assumed it was some sort of FT input. I was wrong. But how you got the speed is fast down low while not ludicrous up high eludes me.
On my favorites list...for the Funky Trees employed here. Pretty sure you have something on the engines as well as the horizontal stab. The low level speed is appropriate, while the speed at altitude is correct...impressive, takes FT to do that.
Not incredibly difficult to fly around, takeoff is easy, though one does have to pay attention in transition to the hover and landing. Forget about spot landings, though. I think the RL example was a nightmare to fly, as were all the early VTOL fighters. Nice rendition.
Ok, there’s one big reason why I wouldn’t upvote this, but it’s not the build itself...this thing’s transformation process is MESMERIZING! I must have hit the “Gear” switch twenty times in awe of the transformation process! It sure is unstable when running down the runway in train mode...but, nice work!
+3And that’s not a turn and slip from 1944...that’s a modern one, the little “T” tail aircraft in the instrument is a dead giveaway that it’s a turn and slip from a training light plane of recent vintage, take a look at this. That’s why they called them “needle and ball” back in the day. In fact, that entire instrument panel looks straight out of Cessna 152 territory...the little rectangular ammeters and voltmeters are a dead giveaway. Nothing like that during WWII.
@GuyFolk I also smell F4U Corsair in the tail feathers...
I had many thoughts as I threw this one around the sandbox...fantastical, anachronistic, ridiculously maneuverable. The auto-aiming is reminiscent of a RL jet, the Viggen, which had a similar system and was apparently a wild ride when in action. Of course, IRL, the quick adoption of jet fighters over their prop-driven predecessors became inevitable due to their speed advantage in combat. Interestingly enough, I think your flight model reflects a prop fighter’s inability to exceed Mach due to propellor thrust limitations, as well as accurately portraying the performance limitations from your build’s general shape with straight wings and no area rule. The fastest I could get it to was in a steep dive from 30,000’...max of .93 Mach at around 15,000’. Nice modeling, especially if intentional. Of course, freezing the controls to make dive recovery in the transonic regime slower would have been a nice touch. As for the maneuverability and the Cobra maneuver...not sure that big counter rotating prop would have survived that IRL, I’d wager the two discs might collide. Perhaps not if carbon fiber...who knows? Anyway, interesting build.
+2@ChrisPy nope. As with most modern aircraft, heck I can show you a schematic of the system on the 737, multiple pitot tubes (probably two on the F-22 and F-35) measure airspeed, that data being fed into several air data computers (there are three on the 737), which takes that data and compares and combines it with other data, which includes IRUs (Inertial Reference Units—gyroscopes), GPS data, static air inputs (which measure static air pressure used to measure altitude and rate of climb). I found this pic of the F-22, see the red streamers? Those are the covers for the pitot tubes and static ports.
@ChrisPy correct, Mach is physics, it has always varies with temp and will always vary with temp. So, yes, you are right, even new aircraft use temperature to calculate Mach. And all aircraft, even the brand new ones use pitot tubes. Airflow over the wing can only be measured in that way.
@ChrisPy no, it’s not a simple ratio of airspeed to the speed of sound, because the speed of sound varies based on temperature; the speed of sound will be a lower true airspeed as you climb, but only because air temp is generally less the higher you go. At the same time indicated airspeed will be lower than true airspeed due to the lesser air density at higher altitudes. But the TAS/IAS relationship doesn’t have an effect on Mach. Anyway, in order to calculate Mach, you’d have to be able to measure temperature. In SP, there is no temp, but IRL, a standard day is 15 degrees C at SL with a standard lapse rate of minus 2 degrees per 1000 ft. And, if it’s a standard day (or, really, at any given temperature variation), you can calculate Mach by assuming the temp it will be at any given altitude. So I just assumed that if temp was measured in SP, it would be a standard day and I just built my Mach formula that way. For example, at 10,000’ on a standard day, the temp would be -5 degrees C (15 degrees at SL minus 2 degrees per 1000’ of elevation). I just assumed those temperature values, looked up the Mach numbers for a standard day at each altitude and built a formula that reflected those values. It’s a hack, but it’s close and you can fly my Mach meter, record the values for Mach 1 and look up the standard day speed of sound for each altitude and it’s fairly accurate. My formula is as follows: clamp(TAS / (340 - clamp((Altitude * 0.003937), 0, 43)), 0,3) because Mach 1 is 340 m/s at SL and it decreases by 0.003937 for every meter of altitude (assuming a standard day). I threw in the maximum correction of 43 as the tropopause, where atmospheric temperature remains relatively constant, starts at 36,000’.
+1@ollielebananiaCFSP I have to try it out on my PC. Unfortunately, on my iPhone, it’s really hard to read the instruments you spent so much time working on.
Interesting, where did you get the Mach formula? Looks completely different than mine (haven’t put it side to side on my PC, just looking at it on mobile).
@FurYuki agreed, I avoid gyros as well. I think you could make all these changes aerodynamically and not resort to using gyros at all on a build like this.
Better than most. There’s way too much pitch change with flap extension, which requires full nose down trim to maintain control, but dynamics are nice, controls are smooth, acceleration is reasonable. You should include the fact that the “reversers” are activated through AG in your description.
Interesting fictional build, fun to fly around. Request you give it a little more trim authority, a tad quicker on the roll and perhaps a little less power. But I like it, nice work!
Very nice build. Nice attention to details and good flight model. I’d give it a little more trim authority and less pitch change with flap extension, but the performance is in the realm of realistic and the handling is nice. Nice work.
+1A very good rendition. I really like how you employ a little sleight of hand on the build itself to overcome some of the difficult bits, such as the junction between the rear fuse and the canopy glass...you also included the slope on the sides of the canopy, the bullet channels, even that spinner, which may not exactly match the prop, but is close enough to be virtually unnoticeable...very nice attention to detail. Flight dynamics are outstanding, it’s not hyperactive, but it is responsive enough. The only things I noticed is that it doesn’t lose as much energy in turns as I would expect. Roll rate is as I would expect; IRL the Gustavs onward were fairly heavy in roll, as in, stick forces were high. Too bad there’s probably no great way to emulate that in SP. The performance numbers are close, the climb is a little fast, so is top speed at altitude, but it’s not ridiculously off in any way. I kinda like the vibration effect, though it’s a little more than what I would have used, interesting effect overall, though. Very nice work.
+2@2Papi2Chulo that would be a great project. It wasn’t the fastest, highest flying or most maneuverable of the light/medium WWII bombers...the Mosquito, B-26 or A-26 were each either faster, higher flying or more maneuverable, but the B-25 was fast enough, rugged, very effective at both ultra low and medium altitudes and was, by all accounts, very well liked by its crews and got the job done. Plus, what other medium bomber launched an incredibly ballsy strike on the heart of Japan from an aircraft carrier??? Answer: no other. Great choice.
+1Nice! I like flying builds like this, powerful, high flying props that haul a lot of bombs.
+1Quite nice and neat with very disciplined approach to building, especially for the cockpit glass. Can’t imagine I’d have the patience to replicate the process. Flight model is also very good. Typically,
+2though, reverse pitch or reverse thrust would be enabled through some sort of weight on wheels or ground sensing system, making it impossible to throw it into reverse pitch while airborne. There are exceptions to this (C-17), did you see in your research that the pilot can put this one into reverse pitch while airborne? Also, the trim tab would/should be moveable on the ground, even at zero airspeed, can’t imagine this plane IRL would work otherwise. Anyway, very nice/realistic and fun to fly! Spent a few wasted minutes just flying it in the pattern at Yeager, making nice landings, investigating stall characteristics, etc.
Third SP download this evening, first one I’m upvoting because the flight model isn’t bad. You added hidden SBs because you “suck at landing”...but it isn’t you, any airplane that can’t slow down is hard to land. So, why didn’t you have a set of SBs that automatically deploys with the landing gear and a set that deploys with the flaps? Besides actual SBs, those are both main ways that pilots use to control their speed and slow down for landing IRL. Suggest you employ that trick next time.
+1Post some creations...hopefully, quality creations. Or post your thoughts and have people upvote them.
Nice work, good flight model. Stately without being ponderous.
Actually, nice work here. @Dervito critiques your work, as follows:
+11. Steering wheel is inverted...? No, it’s not, unless he’s seeing something I’m not, there’s no functional cockpit and all controls are normal, not reversed.
2. I see takeoff speed around 105 KIAS, around 120 mph...yes, a little fast...takeoff speed IRL is around 85 mph, so it’s faster than IRL, but not grossly out of whack.
3. Maneuverability is fine...it bobs and weaves just fine around 200 KIAS. I haven’t had it on the Dev Console, but I’m sure it’s pulling at least 5 Gs, which is in the ballpark.
4. Simple wing profile? I disagree, complex enough, 500 parts isn’t that much. If this build was 1,000+ parts with the same wing, I may agree, but 591 parts with full markings isn’t that much.
5. Would like to know where your work “isn’t that neat”. Have to disagree. From stand-off range, perfectly acceptable. What’s the specific complaint?
No, it can have two engines fail at 90 KIAS and there’s enough authority there to rotate and takeoff (barely). Then fly out and come back in and land. Problems include the on screen controls, which makes the rudder tough to lock in, the lack of nose up trim authority and necessity to carry a good amount of speed (no less than 175 KIAS) so as to have enough nose up authority to round out and land.
EFTOCs are challenging and fun.
It’s a Czech Su-7 with Polish insignia on the tail?
Quite the interesting build. Very low wing loading coupled with the semi-symmetric airfoil make for low stall speeds (54 KIAS/62 mph), long floaty landings and eggy shape makes nose over upon brake application highly likely. Recommeded approach speed is 85 KIAS with flaps extended (AG3) and touch down no slower than 65 KIAS. I feel about this one as I do all eggs, I like them better later in life and especially if they’re cooked correctly...I do appreciate this one as you’ve spent some care in this one and it’s eggyness gives me sufficient latitude to give you a big thumbs up! 👍
+1@asteroidbook345 of course.
Flies quite smoothly and lands quite smoothly, which I like. The G limiter also acts quite smoothly, I would have limited it to 10 Gs, with a G meter there to prevent over Gs by the pilot, but it’s not nearly as annoying as some G limiters I’ve come across in SP.
Looks good and it flies easily enough. Nice effort. My complaint is that it’s stable...a little too stable, if you ask me. The RL jet wasn’t stable or forgiving, in fact less so than its Western counterpart, which is still a handful. Anyway, besides being extremely easy, I can barely force it to fly an aileron roll, which I’m sure wasn’t a problem for the RL Forger. I think I can disable the gyro and give an assessment because I think it would reflect its RL model more accurately.
+5Well, I’d say it’s not a bad effort at all. Interestingly enough, though it uses the biggest SP engine possible (though I also assume it’s power has been reduced), it flies a fairly accurate top speed at both SL and at altitude. That’s hard to do in SP, so I wonder if it’s the huge amount of thrust that’s been reduced that’s the trick here. It does have horrendously fast acceleration, though, and that’s a drawback. But it’s simple, while being refreshingly accurate in many ways. One thing that really detracts from the flight model is the use of the Cessna wing...no RL jet fighter uses a flat bottomed airfoil and this build flies like it has a flat bottom airfoil. It pitches wildly at higher speeds, it floats on landing, it’s impossible to set an aimpoint on approach. I changed the airfoils to symmetric to see if that improved things and, guess what? It actually flies much, much better with the symmetric airfoil. I have no idea why builders like that Cessna wing, I hardly ever use it for my builds as the in game symmetric airfoil possesses many of the characteristics of its RL equivalents. If you’re building a Cessna that cruises at 110 mph, fine, use the flat bottomed wing, but if you’re building a jet fighter, especially one like the F-8, the “Last of the Gunfighters”, give it a low drag, high speed symmetric wing!
+1Quite fun, plus the attitude indicator really works quite well and fits into the time period’s aesthetic. That’s what I like about the fictional builds, they tend to be more “fun focused” and don’t get bogged down by requirements to reflect the RL performance figures. It does accelerate a little too quickly for a WWII Luftwaffe jet/early turbojet, plus you should use a range of 0 to -1 (or 1) for your flaps so that they don’t actually retract beyond the up position and it needs more trim authority, but this one is quite good overall, not ridiculous by any means. Nice work.