0 Chickenosaurus Comments

  • Thank you everyone for the support! But don't worry about us, we will be fine! 9.4 years ago

    I'll do my best to spread the word. I care so much about this game, I would feel terrible if your work didn't pay off. Keep up the great work, you're one of the most creative dev teams out there. Thanks for everything.

  • Angel 9.4 years ago

    I thought I was decent at this. Now I realize I'm nothing lmao. This is amazing, did not expect it to be so fast and stable when I downloaded. Props.

  • Mega Flight 4 10.2 years ago

    Great plane. I made the mistake of using detacher 2 and my left wing ripped off. I was STILL able to land the plane, that's saying something. Great work.

  • Nasa rocket 10.2 years ago

    Do your research. I've made a rocket, countless others as well.

  • interstealer craft really fun 10.2 years ago

    Sure did take you awhile to download one of the most popular aircraft, only to reupload it as your own with different colors. Bravo.

  • Orion Flyer 10.2 years ago

    *the same name

  • Orion Flyer 10.2 years ago

    Hey, sorry. Didn't mean to take the 'Orion' name from you. I made a rocket with