2,109 Colbs7200 Comments

  • XML modded requsts taken here 8.3 years ago

    Hate to re-open an old thread but are you still taking mod requests? I'm working on a semi-functional track design that I could use some parts for.

  • BT-42 (GuP) 8.5 years ago

    Thanks for noticing, those took a while! @Birdman9301

  • BT-42 (GuP) 8.5 years ago

    Thanks!!! @RAF1

  • Taking a break for atleast a week. 8.5 years ago

    Yo, I uploaded the first half of my project, a lot of parts are from other sources, but the placement is original. I would appreciate it if you could blow it up a few times and see if you find anything wrong with it. Thanks. And the inlets are amazing! I've been waiting for something like them for a long time. @ChaMikey

  • Gasser 8.5 years ago

    Taking so much weight out the front end would raise up. Respecting the classics man, good job!

  • KV-1 105mm 8.5 years ago

    Thanks! I do a lot of mechanical stuff like this but it generally doesn't get noticed. Your design was great too, it was just missing joints. I made the same mistake on my fist several Christie builds too. @RAF1

  • KV-2 Mod.1940 (Pravda Team) 8.5 years ago

    Thanks! I'll hopefully be done with the hull sometime tomorrow. I'll upload it when I can, and I would love your feedback on it. And if you have anything to suggest I'm all ears. @RAF1

  • Taking a break for atleast a week. 8.5 years ago

    Hey, remember me? Finally got some time to start building again. Oh and congrats on platinum! I'm excited for my next project, it's going to be huge and I'm not settling for anything less than perfect. And if the offer still stands, I've finally figured out the math for an accurate aiming system for my cannon and it's almost ready to be implemented. @ChaMikey

  • KV-2 Mod.1940 (Pravda Team) 8.5 years ago

    So I've started work on a BT-42. I have a large part of the hull done but I was wondering if you had any tips for doing the small details on iOS. I'm also using a large amount of modded parts from this behemoth, just wondering if that's ok.

  • KV-2 Mod.1940 (Pravda Team) 8.5 years ago

    Katyusha would be proud. The KV-2 is her favorite after all. Молодец! @RAF1

  • Da Havilland Sea Venom 9.0 years ago

    The PBJ-1H, a B25 Mitchel equipped with foreword facing guns and a 75mm cannon is a favorite of mine. I'm working on a small enough cannon that might work, and it would be great to do a collab since I can't do much more than what the base game lets me. If you don't have time I understand, you being good and all (CONGRATS!!!!) but if you can I have a few new mechanical toys I've made.

  • Piston Car 9.0 years ago

    Piston power for the win, that's why I attend the "suspension" on the front.

  • Piston Car 9.0 years ago

    By the way there's someone who deserves credit for the piston it's self (just the round part and connecting rod) and for giving me inspiration who's name was lost while building!

  • Piston Car 9.0 years ago


  • Piston Car 9.0 years ago

    @Yottabyte1024 @Overland
    Thank you!

  • F9F Panther 9.0 years ago

    My god you make amazing planes

  • Kalinin K-7 9.0 years ago


  • MA 69 Silver Wolf 9.0 years ago

    Absolutely man! I hate it when people steal my stuff!

  • Various torpedoes 9.0 years ago

    @Susono Try hitting the carriers, They actually go boom

  • MA 69 Silver Wolf 9.0 years ago

    Don't suppose I can "borrow those gauges?

  • Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 9.0 years ago

    I would say 1v1 me but I don't have either. I've played both before and oh my god the purple cum sprayer is OP@Waemoth

  • Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 9.0 years ago

    Naw. Werbelwind all the way

  • Yak-9U 9.0 years ago

    Looks like I did it backwards, But thanks!

  • P-51D Mustang (Cockpit View!!!) BETA 9.0 years ago

    @Jetliner101 @MrTyTheGreat
    Throttle should be on the bottom left, and it still is in the process of being made, thanks for the input!!

  • C 130 with trim 9.0 years ago

    Nice work! My grandfather used to fly these.

  • Max Ground Speed 9.0 years ago

    My thoughts @ShatteredAviation

  • p-51 emergency landing 9.0 years ago

    Neat concept!

  • Max Ground Speed 9.0 years ago

    My sentiments exactly

  • BACON BOMB-Sausage X3.0 9.0 years ago

    Now you need bacon escort fighters

  • SS(R) Terror 9.0 years ago


  • P-51 Mustang (Because I Can) *Dev Log* 9.0 years ago

    Guys an updated version is out!

  • Zerone Family 7 planes collection 9.0 years ago

    Nice bro!

  • SS(R) Terror 9.0 years ago

    You should make a design that uses one of my cannons, in fact please make a design that uses one of my cannons. I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.

  • Mythbusters Series Finale Challenge 9.0 years ago

    By 2017?

  • Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 9.0 years ago

    War thunder much?

  • Object 670 Bis. FIXED 9.0 years ago

    Thanks, The whole concept is currently on hold until I can get it on my desktop.

  • P-51D Mustang (Cockpit View!!!) BETA 9.0 years ago

    Thanks! I really appreciate it!

  • P-51 Mustang (Because I Can) *Dev Log* 9.0 years ago

    Yep, props too big. Just slim it down some if you want to.

  • P-51 Mustang (Because I Can) *Dev Log* 9.0 years ago

    It's not meant to move yet, it's just to show progress of the interior. I'll look into it though

  • CNF-5 Angler Fish 9.0 years ago

    I don't understand the wings. XD

  • P-51 Mustang (Because I Can) *Dev Log* 9.0 years ago

    As long as you give credit, by all means do so!

  • P-51 Mustang (Because I Can) *Dev Log* 9.0 years ago

    Well, it doesn't have wings, can't fly, and the propellor is just there because I won't be able to put it in latter as easily. It's really just here because it's going to be completed eventually and I won't have time to make other things while I do. @ShatterFox

  • Yak-9U 9.0 years ago

    Don't suppose you can tell me how you made those wings? For the life of me I can't get it to work the way I want it to on my mustang.

  • COMPETITION Object 670 Bis. 9.0 years ago

    Oh my, the typos are real

  • 152mm Naval Cannon (Works, one shot) 9.0 years ago

    Same, I'm going to try running everything off of one or two rotators, but that's a lot of linkage

  • 152mm Naval Cannon (Works, one shot) 9.0 years ago

    Neat. Working on a new one that ha recoil and chambers the round. And mine is really complex, just kinda slapped it together to put my name on it

  • 152mm Naval Cannon (Works, one shot) 9.0 years ago


  • Negative weight 9.0 years ago

    Simple planes doesn't realize that negative gravity should be up... Lol

  • WWII fighter challenge F82 Twin mustang 9.0 years ago


  • 152mm Naval Cannon (Works, one shot) 9.0 years ago

    What method did you use?