1,338 CookieFlightSystems Comments

  • SkyHawk V2.7 2.8 years ago

    @SkyJayTheFirst Thank you so much! I really put a lot of effort into this one because I wanted it to work well with the VR release, then I just kept adding features as I got more comfortable with Funky Trees. So it's nice to see someone respond so highly to it :D

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.7 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO @DeveloperKorzalerke
    Finally found a solution

    <size=80%>{ TargetDistance>0 ? "<alpha=#FF>" : "<alpha=#00>" }Target Dist: <pos=60%>{TargetDistance;000000}<pos=86%> m
    { TargetDistance>0 ? "<alpha=#FF>" : "<alpha=#00>" }Target Speed Rel: <pos=60%>{rate(TargetDistance);00000.0}<pos=86%> m/s

    This sets the transparency of text after the if statement to zero if there is no target, if there is a target, the transparency is set to on

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    {TargetDistance>0 ? "Target Dist:" TargetDistance;000000"m" : "a"}

    {TargetDistance>0 ? "Target Speed Rel:"rate(TargetDistance);000000"m/s" : "a"}

    Still displays nothing, Debug Expression TargetDistance>0 is true, yet no text is displayed

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO Yes, I have tried selecting targets, and also locking on with a missile. Neither works. I suppose in flight I could do "DebugExpression TargetDistance>0" or something like that to see what the code is reading.

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO Not sure, I literally copy/pasted what you suggested. So I have no idea what could be wrong.

    If you do the same (enter the code into a plane of yours), I wonder if it might work?

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO Got a chance to test this. Now instead of displaying the full code on the label, it now shows nothing. No matter what the TargetDistance>0 is set to to make it true always (such as Fuel>0 )

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke Before, the label did not have the “if” statement involved. I added that into my label. I believe the comment from ZeroWithSlashedO should work as intended - as soon as I get to my computer and able to test it.

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    <size=80%>Target Dist: {TargetDistance;000000}m
    Should display the text "Target Dist:" followed by the target distance to 6 digits, then finally "m" as meters. All formatted to 80% size
    I basically just copy pasted if from one of the other labels in a stock plane, then changed the variable to TargetDistance

  • What's Wrong With My Text? 2.8 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 I tried adding (TargetDistace>0) and that didn't seem to change anything. I don't think the two quotation marks at the end need a space between them because other label formats in the cockpit don't have it, but next time I'm on, I will try that.

  • SkyHawk V2.7 2.8 years ago

    @Timplanes Thank you - glad you enjoy it!

  • Basic Infantry Transport Craft 7.5 years ago

    @robloxweponco Not that I know of, just something I made up for this post XD

  • Spaceship Concept 7.9 years ago

    @Glazeer I don't make them inviible. Just make them really thin, but the hit-box will stay the same after a certain point

  • (CLOSED)No control Surface Challenge 7.9 years ago

    @FlyingThings Can you post a link either in the description or comments, because I can't find the forum post

  • (CLOSED)No control Surface Challenge 8.0 years ago

    Can we use mods?

  • LITERALLY the most powerful engine 8.1 years ago

    @TheBroadside If you select the part (so it turns yellow), then open the scaling menu. Check off "scale engine power," increase the size. Click off the part, then select it again (I do this but I dont think you need to). When you scale it back down to normal size, make sure the "scale engine power" box is NOT checked. This will make it so the engine is more powerful. Hope that helps :)

  • LITERALLY the most powerful engine 8.1 years ago

    @ShatSlanger Yeah, if I went any higher, it would have crashed my game

  • trophy truck 8.1 years ago

    I love how good the suspension works! My only complaint is the lack of steering control at high speeds, but I'm not sure if there's a solution for that

  • Blue angels jet- Pre Fusalage 8.8 years ago

    @kikasshes I agree, but I had no choice last summer

  • Blue Beluga (Mobile Friendly) 9.0 years ago

    Handles incredibly well for its size! :D

  • wesselzone 9.1 years ago

    Just to let you know...you can't name a plane a YouTuber's name anymore. You can put it as a tag though...it does seem like a good plane though

  • Regarding YouTube and YouTubers;Official 9.2 years ago

    So what would happen if a high ranking user wanted to make a small ranking user's plane noticed because they thought it was cool. Would that be okay to do?

  • Jet with working bombs and missiles for mobile! 9.2 years ago

    I can't really remember, I got it a while ago @goboygo1

  • ASF-X Shinden II 9.2 years ago

    That would be good if you took of the weapons so it's mobile compatable

  • recognize the Devs 9.2 years ago

    Would you rather have an awesome update later, and working well, or one that has loads of bugs. I'm sure the devs know what they are doing.@Planemaker888

  • XF-72 Dark 9.2 years ago

    Does anybody else have the problem of launching the 2nd missile...plane explodes? However, it is a great plane!

  • Da Box 9.2 years ago


  • ApeCorp S5E - "Kraken" 9.7 years ago

    I had a very weird glitch when I crashed into water, my elevation went up to 214 or so million feet and 2 or so million mph, I don't know why it happened and I think it's just a glitch, but I'm not sure

  • (beta) Bottlenose Dolphin 9.9 years ago

    I think it needs a way to turn, but I love it so much :D

  • Interceptor 10.0 years ago

    It's pretty sensitive and could use better elevator controls, but overall, really well built