849 Cyberkirby Comments

  • Car-building for Dummies? 8.9 years ago

    @BeryllCorp @jsaret

    Well, it's less of a design problem and more a "WHAT AM I DOING-" problem.


    I did put this thing up to show the fruits of my initial experimenting with the new wheels, but I'm mainly just confused about the damper/suspension settings.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Yeah, I wound up figuring that out by reading the comments.... But I'm still grateful for the assistance! ^^

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    Anyone know how to get the car to stop weaving from left to right? That's what's killing me right now.

  • M808B "Scorpion" Main Battle Tank (Halo) 8.8 years ago


  • Car-building for Dummies? 8.9 years ago


    Oh, goodness. Thank you so much, I can't believe I didn't see this earlier!

  • Checkmate! V2 8.9 years ago

    Excellent race. My Spirit averages only around 1:50ish, so kudos to you for utterly wrecking me! ^^;

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago


    I don't have a hoyyah, but I do have a

    -Fox McCloud, Super Smash Brothers Melee

  • Can you get faster than this? 8.9 years ago

    Funny... My entry has the exact same time! ^^;

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    I just pray to Gods that my aircraft will be able to accelerate enough at the very beginning. Because it takes a couple seconds for it to "fire up" before charging away. But at least it's super-maneuverable, too! (?)

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    I should grab some popcorn. Because this race looks like...


  • Hardy Armor and Protection engineering co. 8.9 years ago


    Awesome! On a side note, thanks for the upvote~!

  • Hardy Armor and Protection engineering co. 8.9 years ago


    My new personal aircraft could use a bit more durability?

  • I have something very important to say to you all... 8.9 years ago

    You sonofa gun, it's not even April Fools Day.

    salt intensifies

  • Planes Based Off of Swords 9.0 years ago



  • Planes Based Off of Swords 9.0 years ago

    An aircraft? Based of of Marth's Falchion??


  • Hypera X-2 Crom V2.0 9.0 years ago

    @Bravon Crap, I meant my Spirit. Either way, it must have been close since the Spirit averaged 1:55-2:00 times.

  • Hypera X-2 Crom V2.0 9.0 years ago

    GG m8 epic plane rated 8/8

    But seriously, what happened in the race against my Zenith? I was asleep at the time. ;^;

  • Daredevil 9.0 years ago

    Has anyone found or fixed the issue for spawning planes on the right side of the starting line? It always seems to spawn higher and bounce/blow up when it it spawns on the right compared to the 'normal' spawn of the left. Is this an issue for the computer used for the tournaments?

  • Daredevil 9.0 years ago

    Oh my gosh, how are you people getting times under 1:30?! My twin-prop N-75 Spirit can make just under 2 minutes, and it keeps a constant top speed in the high 600 MPH range! Of course, that could obviously be because it's not a jet, but still...

  • J-72 SimeRacer 9.0 years ago

    @Bando89 Oh, sorry! It's hard to tell what's serious and what's copy/paste spam.

  • MLG plane 9.0 years ago


  • J-72 SimeRacer 9.0 years ago

    Well, at least it's 100% original and creatively named. Props for not doing the whole "NOTICE ME JELLY-SENPAI–" thing. (Pun totally intended.)

  • Daredevil 9.0 years ago

    After learning from my last performance, I decided to take the approach of a maneuverable twin-prop aircraft. The problem is that it takes a few seconds to get moving in the beginning. But holy crap, it does an awesome job of getting through the bridges!

  • Shark Tooth 9.0 years ago

    My Zenith Mark III may not be a menacing craft, but I bet it can give the A6M Zero a run for it's money in terms of maneuverability! I'm quite proud of it, too!

  • Mobile Update v1.3 9.1 years ago

    I'm already loving the new update! Keep up the amazing job, Jundroo!

  • WWI Cockpit 9.1 years ago

    Can someone use this to make a light WW1-era Fairey Swordfish for me? I can't even make a simple monoplane with this cockpit because it causes my game to lag unbelievably badly, as well as somehow make it weigh 40+ tons after wings and frame are added. It is quite infuriating to say the least.

  • Taildragger wheels? 9.1 years ago

    Oh my gosh, I never thought of using the structural wings/panels like that. bangs head on wall

  • Free Tricycle Landing Gear - Small 9.2 years ago

    Oh my gosh, thank you for these. Now I can stop dragging my plane's rears on the ground.

  • Best A6M Zero? 9.2 years ago

    @Skua Oh my goodness, that thing can MOVE. Props to you, @Oicraftian. Now to slap some guns on it, and then get completely rekt by Hellcats.

  • Midair destruction! 9.3 years ago

    I suggested this on the Uservoice site a while ago, actually! Glad to know I'm not the only one craving some delicious destruction...