1,367 Cynister Comments

  • U.S.COAST GURAD 6.4 years ago

    That looks really nice man. But who are the Chefs?

  • Bush BLOWLOWLOWG 6.5 years ago

    Warning: piloting of this experimental aircraft may result in catastrophic bodily harm and Nth degree burns over 1000% of the body if operator even thinks about sitting in the cockpit. A separate remote control unit is available free of charge upon request, just pay $599.95 S&H. Please allow 2 to 16 weeks for delivery. Offer void in US, Canada, Great Britain, Uganda, and Madagascar.

  • Rick's UFO Challenge MicroXenos 4.2 years ago

    @Charris969 haha, now that you mention it... Thanks.

  • R830 (finished model) 5.5 years ago

    Very nice project, I suggest continued refinement. Constructive criticism available upon request. Cheers!

  • dog fight challenge 6.4 years ago

    @watlel @kerbango

  • AXF-19 ReLoaded 6.4 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer thanks for the up!

  • P314 Torrent R/S 6.4 years ago

    @randomusername @Sunnyskies thanks peeps!

  • AXF-19 6.4 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane all good points. I'll probably go that route, right now I'm trying to take some flex out of the wing sections... Might just redo them...

  • Armored Core PM MK-5 6.4 years ago

    @Roswell I figured, just thought I'd point out my own observations.

  • Armored Core PM MK-5 6.4 years ago

    @Roswell I've been thinking about it myself, I think we gotta do it lol.

  • Armored Core PM MK-5 6.4 years ago

    @Roswell nice job, still seems a little beta feeling. Highlights are definitely the cockpit and the missile bays. I like the approach on the legs, but seems like they could be tuned for a better stride. Keep it up!

  • Armored Core PM MK-5 6.4 years ago

    Ooooh, we're gonna have to duel.... Somehow lol

  • A shiny flying turd 6.4 years ago

    I don't care how well you polished it. It's still a turd. XD

  • WIP flying walker 6.4 years ago

    Hmm... Pretty nice, but also pretty wonky. Not very intuitive. The backholster motion on the guns is nice. Can't wait for a more refined version.

  • WIP flying walker 6.4 years ago

    Finally, a worthy target. XD

  • RM 242 6.4 years ago

    Comes with brown socks, sandals, and Bermuda shorts

  • RM 242 6.4 years ago

    Wood paneling!

  • 22-pocari 6.4 years ago


  • U.S.COAST GURAD 6.4 years ago

    @Eggplant Bono has a world renowned coat collection valued at more than your life.

  • Big Red X 6.5 years ago

    @randomusername thanks for the up!

  • Big Red X 6.5 years ago

    @LusKa thank you! Glad you like it!

  • Dogfightfix 6.5 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer thanks for the up!

  • J-20 v3.0 6.5 years ago

    Very nice offering man, keep refining. I'd be happy to collaborate on something sometime, we seem to have similar taste. Side note, the lead wing edge needs adjusted, if something flaps around, reshape with anchor just toward the inside of center on the piece. If it still flaps, replace the one piece with two pieces. Keep up the good work!

  • JF-82G "Menace" 6.5 years ago

    Odd... On my screen it's this awesome blood red pearl... I'll look into that, started using color editor so maybe it's screwing up... Thanks for the input!

  • JF-82G "Menace" 6.5 years ago

    @Phoza ty very much, glad you enjoyed it! All feedback welcome.

  • HMS Midget + Planes 6.5 years ago

    And the props are still bugged as far as water use goes, they can't actually drop under the water threshold for contact in the game without cutting out.... Probably an edit or a mod for that.

  • Mr Hammerfish 6.5 years ago

    @Pickman762 it was pretty good until the AI decided to throw almost everyone an off round lol. You'd have had me no matter what though. I knew I wouldn't win most likely, just wanted to see what The Mako could do out there.

  • Mr Hammerfish 6.5 years ago

    Nice match, see you next tourney.

  • The bullit 6.5 years ago

    Does it cost 5000 dollars?....

  • WWll American Fighter 6.5 years ago

    Nice first upload, good approach. Take your time, save often, never fear simplicity or outlandishly insane ideas. Cheers!

  • FLEX TAPE ROLL 6.5 years ago

    If my only luck is bad, will I still get a good luck multiplier?... Because that would still equal bad luck.... But if the multiplier were negative I might consider it... Does it come in drab flamingo?

  • P314 Torrent Heavy attack fighter 6.5 years ago

    @CruzerBlade thanks for the spot yo!

  • P314 Torrent Heavy attack fighter 6.5 years ago

    @CruzerBlade Hahaha, most certainly, pass it around, public commons blah blah

  • P-36 Hawk Curtiss 6.5 years ago

    Flies very nicely, well done.

  • RYMA Proton Track Edition 6.5 years ago

    Love it so far, steering is a little wonky for the AI, but I got it rolling pretty quick. The drag points are killing you though, get to work on that body! I'm ready for the next test drive.

  • Suzuki GSX1100S Katana 6.5 years ago

    @1918 Definitely, she flicks quick for a liter bike

  • Suzuki GSX1100S Katana 6.5 years ago

    Love it! I ride a 98 gsf1200s.

  • Flettner Fl 282 6.5 years ago

    Zippy little bastard, I like it!

  • Rick's UFO Challenge MicroXenos 5.4 years ago

    @Weebness ?... This ship is controllable.

  • Bandit run Tournament results. 5.4 years ago

    @belugasub all good, thanks for the fun. Congrats to the winners!

  • R830 (finished model) 5.5 years ago

    @Tyler6705 let me get a little more fight time in and take a closer look at the build and we'll talk. In general, especially on larger aircraft you want to pay special attention to both the weight and drag distribution. I'll have more specific advice after further analysis. And please take anything I say completely at face value, I only seek to help you do whatever you wanna do, better. Many of my own favorite creations I have at least 3 files saved at any one time for different stages of revision.

  • F-82 Menace (dogfight entry) 5.5 years ago

    @VVarperro02 absolutely no clue lol, fixing.

  • F-82 Menace (dogfight entry) 5.5 years ago

    Disregard, something very wrong happened....

  • R830 (finished model) 5.5 years ago

    So nice that I upvoted on looks/composition to parts ratio alone, will update after actually flying this beast. Kudos!

  • ARgT (bandit run challenge) 5.5 years ago

    No mods of any kind, gyros, or engine manipulations were used in the production of this aircraft.

  • Rick's UFO Challenge MicroXenos 6.4 years ago

    @Watlel Great, we've reached derpitododerpahedron.

  • [CLOSED] gold prix raceway challenge 6.4 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE Thank you for the great challenge. I'm a little surprised it threw that bad of a run (average I think was 37sec in testing). I appreciate the praise. Congrats roblox!

  • dog fight challenge 6.4 years ago

    @Watlel saw a couple names not quite right on the tags... Wanted to make sure you knew lol

  • dog fight challenge 6.4 years ago

    @Theron woo hoo! Great job kerbango. And thank you theron for a great challenge!

  • Rick's UFO Challenge MicroXenos 6.4 years ago

    @Watlel I feel like now I have to toss in a dbz ref "gasps his D level is over 9000!"