3,363 DS97 Comments

  • LAV-300 5.2 years ago

    sees Ph flag in the background

    Filipino pride intensifies

  • I want to stop procrastinating but maybe next time 5.3 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace Tried it. Sadly my phone somehow couldn't handle it.

  • Odd website bug 6.0 years ago

    Use vpn if ever that helps

  • Has any one ever seen the uss tiny two? [I feel dumbs now XD] 6.0 years ago

    It's been there for a long time

  • Cool teaser 6.0 years ago

    Never gonna give you up~
    Never gonna let you down~

  • SimplePlanes Landings in a Nutshell 6.0 years ago

    Accurate af. Especially when you simulate strong winds

  • Anyone got a working flak? 6.0 years ago

    My phone can't handle a lot of parts, so the flaks I made have limited ammo. Unlike the ships that fire at me continuously :(

  • Anyone got a working flak? 6.0 years ago

    I'm currently experimenting missiles to use as flaks using the overload mod

    ProximityDetonationRangeMin = 15 to 25
    ProximityDetonationRangeMax = 50 to 100
    maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate = 0
    maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate = 0
    maxTargetingAngel = 360
    lockTime = 0
    maxSpeed = 10000 (or massScale = 0)
    maxRange = 5000 to xxxxxxxxx

    But I guess I'll give up on flaks for now

  • Anyone got a working flak? 6.0 years ago

    @Chancey21 I tried it but I wanted a flak that explodes based on the same distance as the target

  • v1.8 is now live! 6.0 years ago

    @CyberDays I updated awhile ago and I'm already building a helicopter

  • v1.8 is now live! 6.0 years ago

    Nice. No more custom helicopter rotors

  • CAT TC-02 "Peacekeeper" 6.1 years ago

    @Galland I was sleepy when I uploaded this so sorry about that. I'll put the instructions on the description.

  • CAT Kuwago 6.1 years ago

    @Flash0of0green nope. Even if I had one, I have no time to spare to use it.

  • MIG-31 FOXHOUND 6.1 years ago

    I have no idea why the plane was uploaded twice

  • MIG-31 Foxhound 6.1 years ago

    @JED I'll keep that in mind

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 6.1 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 Either you tweak the suspension or disable the suspension of the wheels. That's how I do it anyway

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 6.1 years ago

    @MEERKAT978 use the wheel from older versions. Or you could just take the resizable wheel from my plane and save it in your subassemblies. Use that wheeton your future builds

  • CAT MIG-31 Foxhound 6.1 years ago

    @JED thank you, much appreciated

  • CAT Tortoise (Troop Transport) 6.2 years ago

    @Flash0of0green Thanks.
    I wanted to try making flak cannons but it's limited to missiles lying in a straight direction with zero lock and proximity sensors to act like a flak cannon. And so I scrapped the flak cannon I made

  • CAT Tortoise (Troop Transport) 6.2 years ago

    @Flash0of0green just my imagination

  • CAT Tempest 6.2 years ago

    @TUA54 if you have LINE app then here's my id: darkstorm_97

  • CAT Tempest 6.2 years ago

    @TUA54 What might it be?

  • The Impossible Maze 6.3 years ago

    I made it around the maze and it seems like the missile launchers there only points in your direction not firing anything.
    I also tried using my helicopters and the missile launchers don't fire but everything else fires at me.

    Also a tip for others players that will try to use aircrafts, try not to carry bombs. Those laser defenses will target those bombs and will go boom boom and you will go bye bye.

  • The Impossible Maze 6.3 years ago

    tests map
    zooms out
    sees turrets trying to shoot through walls
    gets confused in taking paths


    builds boat

  • The Impossible Maze 6.3 years ago

    Banzai 🙌

  • Gunship Challenge #1-Stealth [CLOSED] 6.3 years ago

    Oh okay, I see, thanks

  • Gunship Challenge #1-Stealth [CLOSED] 6.3 years ago

    I got questions.
    What do you mean by gunship? Can it be any kind of aircraft? Not gunship as an attack helicopter only?

  • Gunship Challenge #1-Stealth [CLOSED] 6.3 years ago


    I use custom made rotors (modded) because I find the fuel-consuming rotors very noisy. My helicopters are quiet unless deciding to rain metal on enemy crafts, but I think they don't fly or work well on some devices.

  • CAT Firefly 6.3 years ago

    @AceOfSpade it flies normally on my phone though. then again, most of the parts I used are modded, so it might not fly as it's supposed to be on some devices

  • The Impossible Maze 6.4 years ago

    Guess I'll make an op tank in preparation if it ever comes to Android

  • Tank Test Map 6.4 years ago

    has an op tank but it can't go up slopes


  • Maximum OverKill 6.4 years ago

    Look at all those juicy targets my sweet B-CULL

  • KRAKEN SAYS ITS DEAD 6.5 years ago


  • Simpleplanes feels dead now 6.5 years ago

    Simpleplanes make me have a goodnight sleep. Since I won't be able to sleep unless I build something which just randomly popped up in my mind.

  • CAT Carabao 6.5 years ago

    @CptJacobson thanks