5,937 Darsas Comments

  • Vaterland class deep space transport 7.3 years ago

    Clean and smooth. Simple but good. That, I approve.

  • Admiral Nyusha Class CVV [Reuploaded] 6.8 years ago

    Why don't you try out naval craft, maybe it can help you out on the carrier project.

  • I need a hoooooman!!! 7.0 years ago

    How's the progress. Haha

  • Guam-Class LHA 7.0 years ago

    I will be more impressed if you obtain a similar level of quality while using far lesser block counts.

  • GAMF-02A Camille 7.1 years ago

    Oh. It come with a tail. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Uranus 7.1 years ago

    Make it fatter on the side haha

  • P2001 Flying Fortress ''Trident'' 7.2 years ago

    It's a whale. :)

  • MIK Hangar Designer 7.2 years ago

    The pilot seem to be too big.

  • Newton’s Cradle 7.3 years ago

    You need to increase the mass of the balls to increase inertia.

  • Darsa Workshop Drill 7.3 years ago

    We can talk more via Facebook ; join us.

  • Darsa Workshop Lagann Ver.2 7.3 years ago

    “We evolve, beyond the person that we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance with each turn. That's how a drill works!” - Simon

  • Darsa Workshop Steampunk Skybike Mark I 7.3 years ago

    Darsa to @Mcllulen ; Information irrelevant, please restate your situation explicitly. Proposal : cut off your hand , if hand cannot be damaged ; break the Jar.

  • Darsa Workshop Lagann Ver.1 7.3 years ago

    @BaconRoll I rushed through the Arm and Legs as I'm a bit fatigued. :)

  • AlienIndustries Griffin 7.3 years ago

    Sometime, I always feel that that nose need a redesign :3

  • Darsa Workshop Steampunk Skybike Mark I 7.3 years ago

    I can make anything, with time :)

    That was eye opening ;)

    I don't like beetle, they're scary. They certainly do.

  • F-15E STRIKE EAGLE 7.3 years ago

    It's very smooth and clean.

  • Darsa Industry VF-42A Simon (Prototype) 7.3 years ago

    @freedompilot98 @Ariathe Danke!
    @JohnnyBoythePilot Indeed it does.

  • Darsa Industry VF-42A Simon (Prototype) 7.3 years ago

    in "input" section via XML mod, write "Activate1" or "Activate2" or "Activate3" . Activate@ Case Sensitive.

  • Darsa Industry VF-42A Simon (Prototype) 7.3 years ago

    @Z3RO Fine tuner ;)

  • Diorama Accessories 2 7.3 years ago

    this is great!

  • Darsa Industry VF-42A Simon (Prototype) 7.3 years ago

    Special thanks to @mikiyo914 for his much appreciated presence and @Pianoman for his support. @JoddyFubuki788, here it is. improve on your Garuda Series! :)

  • Darsa Industry VF-42A Simon (Prototype) 7.3 years ago

    Much better.

  • YF-19 Advanced Variable Fighter 7.3 years ago

    Building a transformable VF-19 is a mentally demanding task. There are many setbacks and mistake I simply have to make. The platform, SimplePlanes, do not support stable and easy construction of such stuff. A fully transformable models will still require expertise in the walking mechanism, or it will be a boring standing model. This plane, if not, all planes, require a starting point at the nose, not the chest, or the proportion will be hard to manage. The "feel" won't be right.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to the SuperPack! About the exploding Issues, do you think that giving fuselage the property of "no collision = true" will help?

  • YF-19 Advanced Variable Fighter 7.3 years ago

    I always come back to this for references when I'm stuck :3

  • human 7.3 years ago

    That's truly something formidable. I'm awed by this build.

  • ZGMF-X10A-Freedom 7.3 years ago

    You need a better tool to express yourself better. A PC perhaps? :)

  • Junkers Ju-87 Stuka bomber 7.4 years ago

    I expect no less from you :)

  • Junkers Ju-87 Stuka bomber 7.4 years ago

    This is very Realistic. It totally feels like how it will look on War Thunder, and in real life.

  • SimpleRockets 2 - Dev Notes 7.4 years ago

    Is the current builds so far in SimplePlanes, planned to be integrate-able into SimpleRockets 2? Do you plan to add runways along with rocket launching grounds within the globe? What are the possibility of flying jet/space aircraft in this map and going to space if possible?

  • CVN-99 Asuka II 7.4 years ago

    There's an Unlisted Mini Version 🙂

  • CVN-99 Asuka II 7.4 years ago

    I took your Space Carrier out for a spin with my Carrier. Your space Carrier is very detailed and well crafted.

    As opposed to my carrier, in which I focus my most attention to the Bridge.

  • CVN-99 Asuka II 7.4 years ago

    My first model took me 2 whole weeks to craft.
    my second model took me 1 week to craft and experiment with.
    This took me 1 day.
    It's patience and interactions with different crafters/users that gave me insight to different techniques and understanding behind approaches. I took the initiative to ask people about their craft and listen to them, even pestering some of them.

    This aircraft carrier took me 1 day because I didn't consider the proportion while crafting her. i believe that the proportions are the factors that took up most of the time due to trials and errors, with details coming second.

  • CVN-99 Asuka II 7.4 years ago

    Time to choose between "oven maker' and "toy" hey ;)

  • fast walker mech mk1 7.4 years ago

    Do you mind if you can help me on the walking mechanism for Macross valkyrie styled aircraft in gerwalk mode? Do you also mind if we communicate via facebook, where it is easier to share informations.

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    @FuryionAircraft. It's all appreciated. Good thing are meant to fly. I simply chose the Aesthetic path out of Practicality. It's the price I have to pay for creating such craft with little understanding of in-game mechanism. Guess the truest way to know if a user is experienced in Simpleplane is not through the appearance of the craft, but rather how well he used and manipulate Gizmo.

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    @FuryionAircraft I'm not haha. I've experienced with Battleship Craft and Naval Craft for Six years. With the seventh being Blender and some Unity, I acquired some understanding regarding shapes and most importantly, regarding Boolean ; Variables and coding.

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    @FuryionAircraft . Darsa's Luck is the secret :3

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    @spefyjerbf , is there any way in which we both can message regarding the understanding of Gizmo within the game? I wish to know more about the XML variables that reside with Gizmo, I wish to find out on the technique to improve their rigidity as of current.

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    @Z3RO I've updated my Profile. The Prototype for FGB transformation is the model which have no weight and is at the size when it was build, most suitable for adjustment. At http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/745h3P/Darsa-17A

    Remind me of Caproni Ca.60 Transaereo, ain't it?

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    My first model, the Replica VF-19 Excalibur was made with Fighter-Gerwalk-Battleroid Transformation. The sole flaw is that it couldn't fly. I wish to look into the work of others and build newer craft that's more suitable for modification before coming back to it.

    As usual, it's my upmost humble wishes to enjoy the game, while impressing the community.

  • Darsa Industry VF-19D Caliburnus 7.5 years ago

    Much Appreciated!

  • 3cm Flakvierling 103 38 (Zerstorer 45) 7.5 years ago

    That's lot of hardwork placed on the Zimmerit

  • Shinsei Industry YF-19 Alpha One 7.5 years ago

    It got to fly and must fly. I am to make it fly.

  • Shinsei Industry YF-19 Alpha One 7.5 years ago

    It's not the best, and is definitely not my best.
    Appreciated with great regards.

  • Shinsei Industry YF-19 Alpha One 7.5 years ago

    Appreciated with humble gratitude.

  • Shinsei Industry YF-19 Alpha One 7.5 years ago


    Aircraft pitching upward violently and flipping upon take-off.

    I've got enough of fixing that issues and placed mass scale "99" at the nose.
    The Vector Thrusting , along with rear mounted forward swept wing, will naturally give rise to this issue.

    If someone doesn't mind, I hope he can fix it and give me a copy and how to do it, so that I can make changes to a fully transformable model.