I'm American and I wanna live in Seattle one day cause when you stay there two weeks with cousins and come Back To St. Louis you realize how lame Saint Louis is
@CaesiciusPlanes i live in St. Louis and it is 81 degrees and thunder storming. Currently I'm in Florida and its 84 degrees and sunny and I was in Seattle which is really cool and it's 73 degrees and partly cloudy.
Wait he is advertising his own plane and account. Look who the Forum is made by and the plane is made by. :o @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviatonCorporation
I'm in@Gestour
You mean yay?@BirdOfSteel
No problem@sammich
Can you use one of my planes on YouTube?@Bmw1230
No problem@Himynameiswalrus
@DOCHoliday I love Roadkill I watched like 98% of there videos
@sammich nice job I wish I could build this good very sexy car keep up the good work. You earned a follower :D
Dang I'm on iOS so I will have to ask you to do stuff like this@BaconEggs
A very good relation with my cousin/Best Friend @BluePig421
I saw the video and wondered, can mobile users do this?@BaconEggs
Um I didn't understand that.@MechWARRIOR57
It does exist@CaesiciusPlanes
Hi that is cool!@Packman126
I went to Seattle and I just think it looks cool@MechWARRIOR57
I tried getting it on steam on my apple computer but it didn't work @Areonautics3
Oh I'm on mobile so I can't go there@Areonautics3
War thunder is awesome
Where is the salt flat?@Areonautics3
I'm American and I wanna live in Seattle one day cause when you stay there two weeks with cousins and come Back To St. Louis you realize how lame Saint Louis is
I remember that account@ancientshipbuilder
Can you build a 1970 Datsun 2000 Fairlady Roadster? I would like it in the Sora Blue Color please.@JMicah4
@CaesiciusPlanes i live in St. Louis and it is 81 degrees and thunder storming. Currently I'm in Florida and its 84 degrees and sunny and I was in Seattle which is really cool and it's 73 degrees and partly cloudy.
I'm from USA@AviownCorp @CaesiciusPlanes
Watch your language. Kids use this site.
No Problem@Booster456
I want to live there.@Iloveboeing
Dude I love Seattle I dont live there but my cousins do and I love going there. I was just there for 2 weeks@Iloveboeing
Awesome build. Very Stable. Keep up the good work@Hyperloop
I think those are good ideas
I remember those times
@BaconAircrafts this one runs smoothly on my IPhone 6s
My cousins are really special to me.
Once you leave Seattle and you stayed there for 2 weeks and come back to Saint Louis You realize how lame it is compared to Seattle@jsaret
I like the design
Nicky You are cool
Nicky I like your stuff
All the World War 2 planes went through war. That engine part doesn't sound good though@ElGatoVolador
@ElGatoVolador that is horrible. Bet That PBY was in bad shape
Oh my god that is horrible.☹️I love WWII planes and that is sad to hear@ElGatoVolador
I may not have@zed
Wait he is advertising his own plane and account. Look who the Forum is made by and the plane is made by. :o @MasterMindIndustriesAndAviatonCorporation