@ForeverPie Its nothing really, i honestly expected to get like 4 upvotes for this XD. However, like always, my expectations on Simpleplanes are totally reversed. It's just a matter of taking fuselage blocks making them hard on both ends and .25 in height. Just do that over and over on the wings and make it colorful. Also, add lots of tiny parts for detail, unless its a sleek aircraft. Though it may sound impossible, you can make parts intersect, and make sure they stand out by using a contrast color. For this one, it was yellow and gold. Just have a bright and dark color, or more than one. Markings are always good too (victory marks, squadron logos, flag decals, etc.
@joshuaj I seriously mean what i said, i really only spotlight the coolest aircraft. This really is a fantastic cool-blue aircraft, gives me a really good, relaxed feeling for some reason. It's as if its hypnotizing. I'm drawn to this aircraft for some reason, no idea why, but i think its probably the best colored aircraft I've seen on the site.
@ForeverPie Hey, there was just something uploaded that is EXACTLY what i'm talking about!!!! Look in the new section, it's an aircraft called the Boomerang. It has the uniqueness and detail I was trying to tell you about! Also, if you want to see the F-86 I was talking about, look on my account.
@ForeverPie sure thing, I always like to leave as much information as possible as to clarify certain things and get the information across as clear and as politely as possible. I had a political conversation with Himynameiswalrus about a month ago and I wrote things two times the length of that XD.
You do play a large role in the community because of your popularity, and I think you are a very popular user on this website because of the fact that you upload often and get at least 5 upvotes on just about everything you put up. Also, you have 220 followers and you are a platinum grade user. I just looked through your profile and... I think you have great replica builds but sort of average fictional builds. I love the Airliner builds, they are very pretty and most of them are either spot on or close to it. The fictional builds like the PlanEx crafts are...okay. They really dont have much to them other than a unique design. The X-21, for example, has a unique function to it, however really isnt anything unique other than the wings. It's a good idea and it does look cool, but you could've done much better with it, maybe with a silver design , bigger body, and lights instead of a small aircraft with a very dark green color. I dont really know how to describe you as a user because i have had very few interactions on this website with you. Meaning I dont really know if you are a polite user or not, but i assume you are a pretty nice guy from seeing what you've commented on other peoples' aircraft. Overall, the only thing i really think needs changing is....detail. You dont necessarily need to use modding to get good detail. Just spend more time on aircraft to not only make it good in performance, but to make it look better in detail. I found that out in a crazy way. I uploaded an F-86 Sabre and it got about 3 upvotes, and a month later I uploaded another with cool patterns that i didnt even use XML on, I never do anyways. You know how many upvotes and attention that got?! 24 UPVOTES! And a ton of downloads! It broke my record of my top upvoted aircraft! IT WAS INSANE! I'm not just saying you need to do it for upvotes, i'm just saying people like prettier things, with detail. There are some easy loopholes to do it to, it will just take time. You totally can do that to, with the detail you put into passenger jets, I bet you can do colorful designs on fictional aircraft! :D
@Liquidfox Also, thank you for the spotlight!!!! I hope in time this gets somewhere on the front page, i've spent sooooooooooooooooo much time on this project
How i felt when i first saw this
@Tully2001 It did, i just dont understand how to post a picture. I know you and others have told me how to do it but i just dont understand. It's beautiful though, it may be four inches long, but it has the intricate detail of a masterfully cut diamond
@Odge thank you very much, that means a lot. Hopefully it will get better, the end of the second nine weeks is near, so I will get sort of a fresh new start
@TheBigEgg Though they may not have the life of a human, they should still be honored in death. We've buried many a pet, but we dont necessarily leave a marker, we just remember the general spot we buried them.
@Verterium I hope she will be. We actually, about 2 years ago, got a kitten and she is ADORABLE. I'm a guy, but i must admit I was like simon from the yogscast when he sees something cute
like this
And she was incredibly smart to. one day, my grandfather accidentaly stepped on her, and he actually said he felt her guts when he stepped on her. Yet in the morning she was completely fine, no blood had come out, she didnt get squished, it was crazy. On her first day at my grandparents house, she got caught in a glue trap, and from that more stuff was to follow. But she was incredibly smart, she could actually play fetch! :D
@Verterium she was so nice, and at the same time she could hold off a fully grown water moccasin. She always would let you pet her....unless you pissed her off XD
@Verterium ah...yeah little gray was actually probably older than 25, my mom got her in the late 80s i think. She was a tough cat, she was like a reincarnation of an old war colonel XD. Im pretty sure she's also one of the only cats to do a double backflip. I was walking down the 6 acres with my grandfather and my dog ran off all of a sudden. I started crying and oh my god little gray got so annoyed. She may have been half deaf but she could still hear me. She scratched me really hard and as soon as my grandfather saw that he kicked the cat into the air and i swear she flipped over two times. almost ALL the time shes an excellent cat for defense and company but she HATES the sound of crying. I still remember to this day, it may sound like cruelty but if you saw the wound you would know, it was well deserved XD
@Verterium wow. What you did with those rats was the right decision, they're vicious little guys. more than once we had to draw a weapon on a creature on my grandparents property. We live in the south and i live quite close to my grandparents house so i visit often. One of the most memorable things was the fact that a 10 year old cat we had held off a water moccasin just in time for my grandfather to get his tiny Beretta. took 9 shots.... and the first was to the head of the snake but it somehow still lived. The cat, named little gray lived to about 25 years and then she just wandered off. Also, what do you mean by suicidal fish?
@Fishbowl1121 It sucks when you lose a cat. I'm used to it because my grandfather owned like 20 at once, no joke, but it's the worst when you lose your first one. It gets easier later, but no matter what you'll still have to deal with pain.
@Fishbowl1121 I probably will, this sort of depression in my life hopefully will come to an end soon. Over Christmas break i definitely will be uploading stuff.
@SimplePilot well... There is a problem with it. The infantry are WAY too small, in fact the FT was only a two man tank with extremely light armor. It does look pretty cool though.
@ForeverPie Its nothing really, i honestly expected to get like 4 upvotes for this XD. However, like always, my expectations on Simpleplanes are totally reversed. It's just a matter of taking fuselage blocks making them hard on both ends and .25 in height. Just do that over and over on the wings and make it colorful. Also, add lots of tiny parts for detail, unless its a sleek aircraft. Though it may sound impossible, you can make parts intersect, and make sure they stand out by using a contrast color. For this one, it was yellow and gold. Just have a bright and dark color, or more than one. Markings are always good too (victory marks, squadron logos, flag decals, etc.
@mblastr Thank you! :D
@joshuaj I seriously mean what i said, i really only spotlight the coolest aircraft. This really is a fantastic cool-blue aircraft, gives me a really good, relaxed feeling for some reason. It's as if its hypnotizing. I'm drawn to this aircraft for some reason, no idea why, but i think its probably the best colored aircraft I've seen on the site.
@ForeverPie Hey, there was just something uploaded that is EXACTLY what i'm talking about!!!! Look in the new section, it's an aircraft called the Boomerang. It has the uniqueness and detail I was trying to tell you about! Also, if you want to see the F-86 I was talking about, look on my account.
Extremely beautiful design with the scaled blue color scheme. The unique design is the icing on the cake! Epic job! :D
@ForeverPie sure thing, I always like to leave as much information as possible as to clarify certain things and get the information across as clear and as politely as possible. I had a political conversation with Himynameiswalrus about a month ago and I wrote things two times the length of that XD.
You do play a large role in the community because of your popularity, and I think you are a very popular user on this website because of the fact that you upload often and get at least 5 upvotes on just about everything you put up. Also, you have 220 followers and you are a platinum grade user. I just looked through your profile and... I think you have great replica builds but sort of average fictional builds. I love the Airliner builds, they are very pretty and most of them are either spot on or close to it. The fictional builds like the PlanEx crafts are...okay. They really dont have much to them other than a unique design. The X-21, for example, has a unique function to it, however really isnt anything unique other than the wings. It's a good idea and it does look cool, but you could've done much better with it, maybe with a silver design , bigger body, and lights instead of a small aircraft with a very dark green color. I dont really know how to describe you as a user because i have had very few interactions on this website with you. Meaning I dont really know if you are a polite user or not, but i assume you are a pretty nice guy from seeing what you've commented on other peoples' aircraft. Overall, the only thing i really think needs changing is....detail. You dont necessarily need to use modding to get good detail. Just spend more time on aircraft to not only make it good in performance, but to make it look better in detail. I found that out in a crazy way. I uploaded an F-86 Sabre and it got about 3 upvotes, and a month later I uploaded another with cool patterns that i didnt even use XML on, I never do anyways. You know how many upvotes and attention that got?! 24 UPVOTES! And a ton of downloads! It broke my record of my top upvoted aircraft! IT WAS INSANE! I'm not just saying you need to do it for upvotes, i'm just saying people like prettier things, with detail. There are some easy loopholes to do it to, it will just take time. You totally can do that to, with the detail you put into passenger jets, I bet you can do colorful designs on fictional aircraft! :D
I would like to know the same thing to be honest
@AndrewGarrison Thank you for the upvote! :D
@Tully2001 Also, thank you very much for the spotlight! :D
@Liquidfox Also, thank you for the spotlight!!!! I hope in time this gets somewhere on the front page, i've spent sooooooooooooooooo much time on this project
@Liquidfox Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D
How i felt when i first saw this
@Tully2001 @Lanseed @TheBigEgg @RedHawk WOW, 4 upvotes and 23 downloads in a little over 20 mins! Thank y'all! :D
@TheBigEgg huzzah!
@TheBigEgg yep he joined 2 minutes ago XD
@TheBigEgg You said C&C was an alcohol company, what do they make? Like, are there any famous beverages made by C&C
@TheBigEgg interesting, what are they recognized for?
@TheBigEgg no i meant the command and conquer video games XD
@TheBigEgg any one,
that's a uh....that's a really large aircraft you have there
@TheBigEgg thank you, are you a fan of C&C?
I actually have a fallout challenge going on, it would be awesome if you could enter this! :D
oooooooooooooooooooo....Pretty. :D
@MasterKiryu one of the most memorable things the spectre ever did...
chingchingchingchingchingchingching BOOM chingchingchingchingchingchingching BOOM
@Tully2001 yeah, it has a cyan, white, and black camo with lights
This only brings one thing to my mind
takes deep breath
@Tully2001 It did, i just dont understand how to post a picture. I know you and others have told me how to do it but i just dont understand. It's beautiful though, it may be four inches long, but it has the intricate detail of a masterfully cut diamond
wow, i love the laser sight! :D
@Odge thank you very much, that means a lot. Hopefully it will get better, the end of the second nine weeks is near, so I will get sort of a fresh new start
@Odge the upvotes are well deserved :D
@Tully2001 Wait, i dont understand
@TheBigEgg Though they may not have the life of a human, they should still be honored in death. We've buried many a pet, but we dont necessarily leave a marker, we just remember the general spot we buried them.
@ProKillaV12 no, by lost i meant she died. It was terrible.
@Verterium I hope she will be. We actually, about 2 years ago, got a kitten and she is ADORABLE. I'm a guy, but i must admit I was like simon from the yogscast when he sees something cute
like this
And she was incredibly smart to. one day, my grandfather accidentaly stepped on her, and he actually said he felt her guts when he stepped on her. Yet in the morning she was completely fine, no blood had come out, she didnt get squished, it was crazy. On her first day at my grandparents house, she got caught in a glue trap, and from that more stuff was to follow. But she was incredibly smart, she could actually play fetch! :D
@Verterium goodnight :D
@Verterium she was so nice, and at the same time she could hold off a fully grown water moccasin. She always would let you pet her....unless you pissed her off XD
@Verterium yeah she was one of the greatest pets i've ever had
@Verterium ah...yeah little gray was actually probably older than 25, my mom got her in the late 80s i think. She was a tough cat, she was like a reincarnation of an old war colonel XD. Im pretty sure she's also one of the only cats to do a double backflip. I was walking down the 6 acres with my grandfather and my dog ran off all of a sudden. I started crying and oh my god little gray got so annoyed. She may have been half deaf but she could still hear me. She scratched me really hard and as soon as my grandfather saw that he kicked the cat into the air and i swear she flipped over two times. almost ALL the time shes an excellent cat for defense and company but she HATES the sound of crying. I still remember to this day, it may sound like cruelty but if you saw the wound you would know, it was well deserved XD
wow, great detail, but the wings and the back of the body are a little off.
@Verterium because little gray had a dog bite her back and we had to help her out
@Verterium ohhh... hold on a second....would that cat be a gray cat?
@Verterium wow. What you did with those rats was the right decision, they're vicious little guys. more than once we had to draw a weapon on a creature on my grandparents property. We live in the south and i live quite close to my grandparents house so i visit often. One of the most memorable things was the fact that a 10 year old cat we had held off a water moccasin just in time for my grandfather to get his tiny Beretta. took 9 shots.... and the first was to the head of the snake but it somehow still lived. The cat, named little gray lived to about 25 years and then she just wandered off. Also, what do you mean by suicidal fish?
@Himynameiswalrus however, i will say hermit crabs are very interesting pets
@Himynameiswalrus My family used to have 3, it did not end well.
@Fishbowl1121 It sucks when you lose a cat. I'm used to it because my grandfather owned like 20 at once, no joke, but it's the worst when you lose your first one. It gets easier later, but no matter what you'll still have to deal with pain.
@Fishbowl1121 I probably will, this sort of depression in my life hopefully will come to an end soon. Over Christmas break i definitely will be uploading stuff.
@SimplePilot well... There is a problem with it. The infantry are WAY too small, in fact the FT was only a two man tank with extremely light armor. It does look pretty cool though.
Have you ever played that game robot unicorn attack?
If not,
I want you to stop
Is this a fictional or replica build