J’aime bien ta moto! Très belle construction!!! S:I tu comprend se message, tu pourra répondre au question suivante: peut tu faire quelque chose qui représente les Canada? De plus: quand est-ce que Simpleplane est sorti sur iOS ou Android ???@KidKromosone
Yay, and other person that’s likes XKCD @StarKnight697
Just... weird...@DerekSP
But still funny
So yeah... thanks!
I did not have so wifi so couldn’t post or be on the sp website@Boundslayer
Haha...... Well congrats! @asteroidbook345
So the red gun is only XML ????@Stingray
Is modding ok????@Boundslayer
And same applies to the guy that is made this on his way to Seattle @BACconcordepilot
Thanks but the credits should go to @AdlerSteiner for the main plane. @KuhneStassen
Great ideas@Botfinder @Caveman999
Well........ make a challenge @AvroPilot
Why help?
YAY me to@Jetliner101
Bonne fête
And if you live in Quebec, you are now legal...
First : you should note say that because the rules say so
Second : you had a spotlight.@Spacedoge12345plane
I know@JohnnyBoythePilot
Wep you are wirght and it just happend@JohnnyBoythePilot
But slow and steady dostn always work@JohnnyBoythePilot
What do you meen mine is slow and gets passed by evryone@JohnnyBoythePilot
Thanks for the post @JohnnyBoythePilot
I am so screew next round@JohnnyBoythePilot
Its a joke I have a 5s but keep the 4 for emergencies@TearJerker
And i still have a 4@TearJerker
Thanks for the idea and the points@Irobert55
Mine dose about 40-50 seconds@beastpilot124
Use VTOL@beastpilot124
Well annonce that because of a change of mind your making a plane
I know...@ForeverPie
Forgot R.C.
Anything except jets (not ready)
J’aime bien ta moto! Très belle construction!!! S:I tu comprend se message, tu pourra répondre au question suivante: peut tu faire quelque chose qui représente les Canada? De plus: quand est-ce que Simpleplane est sorti sur iOS ou Android ???@KidKromosone
To make a post/forum: go to forum section then click new forum, chose a category, and then reclick to write it@s5ehfr9
A ok@mikoyanster
Could you reduce the minimum amount of pieces to 75 plz!!!! @mikoyanster
Does this count
The only things that does not make really much sense is the speed XD @Jetliner101
I don’t know but I think it is because it crashed while uploading but it stil uploaded @Jetliner101
Second one?????@Jetliner101
@jetliner101 so what do you think???
Is the design I Aden ok? Just asking for your opinion. @SPCWorkshops
User: https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/Delta74
Date Joined: may 28 2018
Resident of: krakabloa
Bio: Bonjours Simplementavions