Imma need y'all to get on Discord because the dude just is hard headed... I'm doing this so I can show what is who's and the right to own @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @TheBroadside @Joco80
Reason why is that these dumb kids on Roblox thinks they own it... I said this before, but one kid just has a hard head... so Imma go up against them with some proof
This isn't real, in the SNAS Timeline, railguns were made by the SNAA, but were proven to be less effective than guns, only because, a railgun can't damage a tank, as well as a .60 Cal can @Smasher
It's ok @Dllama4
Eugene Crabs... anyone? @ElysiumDarkness
Alright @Dllama4
Good! @1gman4evr
I'm remaking one @1gman4evr
Alright @ElysiumDarkness
Not always from my playstyle, Roleplay @KDS
Ok @TheBroadside @TheBroadside
Alright @TheBroadside
XD @TheBroadside
Can you give me the username with number? @TheBroadside
Number? @TheBroadside
It's a DM @TheBroadside
It's a regular chat, imma need your Discord name@TheBroadside
Your on there @TheBroadside
You should be on there @TheBroadside
Imma need y'all to get on Discord because the dude just is hard headed... I'm doing this so I can show what is who's and the right to own @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @TheBroadside @Joco80
Look on Discord @Joco80
Hang on @Joco80
I just defend what's right to own @Joco80
@TheBroadside @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
@Alienbeef0421 @Joco80 @KDS THANK YOU!
nice creation @JACQ
Upload it, I want it to have a good future @Dllama4
No, it's a suprise, I know what it is @redbear89
@PilotMario @SimpleTechAndResearch
Reason why is that these dumb kids on Roblox thinks they own it... I said this before, but one kid just has a hard head... so Imma go up against them with some proof
Good! You'll get some bonuses, when we can get a mod, I'll make you mod @DankDorito
You can join rn, we aren't doing much... until we can get enough people to start a war @Supercraft888
Yeah, I am trying to @Supercraft888
Alright @Smasher
This isn't real, in the SNAS Timeline, railguns were made by the SNAA, but were proven to be less effective than guns, only because, a railgun can't damage a tank, as well as a .60 Cal can @Smasher
Dude... I seriously am ready to be back in the C&C @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Oh it's ok, I just wanted to know about the progress @Dllama4
What about the rifle?... the one I gave to you
Real world... and can be fictional... in some manners @SkullsAndCrossbones
Ok, take your time, all the time you need @Dllama4
That's on the people, I know I'm SNAS, your... I can't remember... and yeah... bout' it @SkullsAndCrossbones
I can shoot a .270 better then a .243... I know how you feel @Dllama4