Huh. This is actually pretty hard. I was able to find a couple of planes by Yakolev that looked like your plane, but the wings weren’t right. I’ll keep looking.
Usually a few days - a week after it was uploaded. However if it is really popular than it may never stop getting upvoted Such as this p-51 which is 3 years old
I think Jango deleted his account, Darth said he wouldn’t answer, and I think that AdlerSteiner had an argument with Tully. If I turn out to be wrong don’t go mad on me
How about
A meme tag
I know we have the rick tag but there are so many memes it would kinda fit
Thanks mate!
Good luck
Oh snap @Kerbango
People want more memes, after all memes are king
Forget all that Jazz, remember the glorious spamtastic obama posts?
Huh, I can hear something that sounds kinda like a voice. Still doesn’t scare me though lol @tsampoy
It’s not scary to me, sounds like plain wind
Also it’s probably more suitable to post this here
Oof. I’m stuck.
here’s the Wikipedia category for high-wing Aircraft, so I suppose it would be in there somewhere.
Huh. Well I’m still looking. Were you able to tell if the plane was a high-wing or a low-wing? @DerekSP
Huh. This is actually pretty hard. I was able to find a couple of planes by Yakolev that looked like your plane, but the wings weren’t right. I’ll keep looking.
Huh. It looks almost like a TU-95 with two engines. I’ll research for some planes like that. @DerekSP
The image isn’t showing.
What color was the plane you saw? What did the cockpit look like? I might be able to identify it
@AndrewGarrison I don’t mind at all! You’re doing great with the games.
Oof, I already bought it earlier. It’s still a great game.
@klm747klm747 you’re welcome. If you need any help, just ask. :)
@Fjorge the pic looks great
Looks and flies great! Could you perhaps do a Delta livery?
Simple coincidence.
Bogdan’s gravatar is a tiger, Bogan’s is a y tho baby. Doesn’t make sense really
Put spaghet in the guys pockets so that it spills out at a GameStop
I mean just
Why is lyrics to a meme song on the forums of a game about planes
It doesn’t bother me but I guess memes must prevail
Just why
My sides @InternationalAircraftCompany
Pretty much any image hosting site should work. @ChickenDodger132242
Ay bendito
You asked “What does that mean”, so I answered it.
Thanks man. Btw, the tag isn’t serious, just a joke :) @Delosofy
You really don’t know? @tsampoy
It means okay, thanks, bye....
Almost everyone uses it...
I know @jamesPLANESii
make sure the image link (text in parentheses) starts with http:// and not https://
You should make more of these, btw you’re welcome @goboygo1
This bad boy can also hold so many f1ne t3asers and sp4m too
Excellent post m8.
Usually a few days - a week after it was uploaded. However if it is really popular than it may never stop getting upvoted Such as this p-51 which is 3 years old
Have you tried restarting the game?
It’s good
Wait wat @RailfanEthan
I think Jango deleted his account, Darth said he wouldn’t answer, and I think that AdlerSteiner had an argument with Tully. If I turn out to be wrong don’t go mad on me
lol, I do that sometimes. Not long ago I linked one of my really old builds and got a spree of upvotes on it. Lel
Good lord I though the bottom of those coke bottles were teeth
But yes, this hasn’t been done in SP before, and tbh I’d like to see it
Oh hey I commented on that post too Ecks dee
Well that sucks. I had something like that happen once, but the screen went invisible for several minutes before it ressurected itself.
Also, hello fellow 3DS pl4y3r
What’s wrong with rockets?
That’s a lotta damage
Well, when you get bored you make pretty seeet creations.
I don’t (ripperoni)
No, SR is still here, his last comment was a few days ago @tsampoy
Yee congrats Boi