16.1k DisferGoatz Comments

  • When does the SP Website become 4.0 years old? 6.4 years ago

    I think August 20-something. My gut oddly tells me that it’s the 24th but that’s probably not right

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.6 years ago

    Yeah, I have to agree with Planefun and DemonSniper,
    You’re gonna need to provide links to show your facts are right.

    I really don’t want to seem mean, but going and calling people liars is not exactly ethical

  • This Is Oddly Satisfying in The Website 6.4 years ago

    I break into a eye-batting formidable glorious default Fortnite dance when I see even [1 New]

  • Death of an Absolute Mad Lad 6.3 years ago

    RIP Stefan. You were a legend.

  • Rather interesting post 6.4 years ago

    Not-so-deep-and-sarcastic analysis:

    You view this post. There are some planes. You notice several Cessna and a few other propeller planes. Then you realize, they’re all propeller planes, and they’re all small. You continue scrolling, and your eyes stop. Your gaze lands upon the black sheep of the group - a jet plane. You have become so used to prop planes that it baffles you for 1.363892 seconds. Then you scroll and see more props. The end

    I was incredibly bored when I wrote this so don’t hate pls

  • I aDMiTT Htat SiMplEPlaNESS SI DYangiN 6.4 years ago

    Translated: So many people are going to delete their account. It gets a little bit depressing. Like QingyuZhou and WEAPONSMITH.

    Comment if you understand

  • how to post pictures and those large, blue text? 8.4 years ago

    Ok, so to post the big blue text, you need to have a # behind any of your content. The # must be in its own line.

    Like This.

    You can also change the font of it by using more #, such as ###
    To post pictures, upload a picture to Id say imgur. Then, once uploaded, do this below:
    ![](link to Imgur photo with .jpg at the end) so that the imgur image shows directly on the forum post.

  • Some Stuff from the “Old” Community 6.5 years ago

    There was also the time when hypnotoad was still here

  • (#3) 8 unusual airplanes worth knowing about 6.5 years ago

    I swear I can see a face on the 757

    if you don’t see what I mean

  • Please stop doing this 6.6 years ago

    I agree with Phoza and ThePilotDude. If it seems “scummy” to you, just go find another post that doesn’t have a long lore.

  • WORMS (what is SimplePlanes history of them) 6.4 years ago

    Somebody made a train with the worm. Then it spread like wildfire, ForeverPie made the A.W.R.F.U.R against them, the worms eventually died down, the end.

  • TELL SOMEONE THEIR VALUE 6.4 years ago

    Agreed @BoeyingOfficial @Texasfam04

  • Kthxbye 6.5 years ago

    Bye boyo

    A D C L O S E D B Y G O O G L E

  • The SP tutorial is terrible 6.9 years ago

    Definitely. To be honest, the tutorial would be much better with the modern SP, and not by focusing on parts (blocks) that people rarely even use at all

  • Sigh... 6.9 years ago

    1: Lol, people have done that?

    2: Agreed

    3: P 5 1 M U S T A N G

  • If EA owned SimplePlanes 7.0 years ago

    To visit your profile page, please upgrade to our premium selection for $200 a month.

    To view Forums, please pay $15 per second.

    To upvote, please pay $100 for each upvote.

    To do anything else, please upgrade your current plan to our Premium one, that costs $9,999 a day.

    Oh, and to read this comment again, please pay an extra $9.

  • The SR2 trailer LOOKS AMAZING!!!! 6.2 years ago

    1 person disliked
    This is a tragedy

  • Why you can't go to Anonymous Person's profile? 6.4 years ago

    Because they’re anonymous and don’t have an account ID, which means they have no account whatsoever and can’t be accessed

  • What does 24 mean? 6.4 years ago

    A number succeeding 23 and preceding 25.

  • I Think SimpleRockets 2 Will Have Space Shuttle Parts! 6.4 years ago

    Good lord brudda chill with the amount of posts

  • Get in Hans.... 6.4 years ago

    Needs more Flammenwerfer
    (looks great though)

    I need a ride to paris

  • BRING BACK QINGYUZHOU 6.5 years ago

    Enough with the QingyuZhou posts, he’s not going to be banned forever so just be patient.

  • SR2 posts 6.5 years ago

    If you want to do SR2 stuff, JUST PLAY SR2!

    You do know, that it’s not even out yet, Let alone with even a set release date? XD

    Legitimately I’m laughing my sides off rn


    Instead of making a post/rant about it, Just ignore the “im leaving” posts and move on


    Don’t take this personally, but begging people to upvote your builds is guaranteed to not work.

    And, when you say “I deserve to be noticed”, you likely aren’t going to get it by asking for it, so the way you can get noticed is by putting more effort into your planes and getting upvotes, instead of asking for them.

    Just a friendly tip.

  • Humans(species) 5.6 years ago

    Now I can bewilder my fellow primates by calling myself a

    Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primate Haplorhini Simiiformes Hominidae Homininae Hominini Homo Sapien

  • Noice 6.2 years ago

    Thanks for the memelights @QingyuZhou @BaconRoll

  • My Cat is Probably Getting Euthanized 6.3 years ago

    :( Sorry to hear that. But it’s for the best.

  • Trombone instrument 6.3 years ago

    Nice. I play one IRL.

  • We have a Traitor amongst us. 6.4 years ago

    O O F

  • When one gets bored 6.4 years ago

    Better than when I got bored and made Baldi

  • the strongest materials known to entertainment media. 6.4 years ago

    The strongest material is really memes /s

  • What does “Cough Cough” Mean? 6.4 years ago

    Definition from urban dictionary:

    “cough cough is used to subtly imply that you know something that someone else doesn't. “

    That I guess

  • "My builds suck I am sorry" 6.4 years ago

    G O O D L O R D
    This may be bad but take a look at this hot garbage

  • SimplePlane’s First Ever ! Pocket Trumpet ! 6.4 years ago

    Interesting design.

  • MAGNETS? 6.5 years ago

    Srsly though dude, this is like the 3rd post about magnets you’ve made in a span of two days. It’s best you keep that number lower.

    Besides you already got 15 upvotes on your first one, so posting another one just for more upvotes?

  • MAGNETS? 6.5 years ago

    What would they be used for? Picking up minature metallic whales from the seas?

  • How do I change my profile picture? 8.4 years ago

    You go to manage account, and press "enable gravatar". If you want a custom then go to gravatar, make an account (or log in), and use any image you want, as long as it is rated G.

  • Boring, Oregon 6.0 years ago

    Well this was certainly boring

  • Can someone upvote my aircraft?? 6.2 years ago

    Mah boi
    This is what all true players don’t strive for
    So don’t ask for em

  • Noice 6.2 years ago

    No my friend, I lack the poupon you request. @BlackhattAircraft

  • Noice 6.2 years ago

    I’m bad at curves @ASDFASDF1

  • Noice 6.2 years ago

    Okay @BaconEggs

  • Noice 6.2 years ago

    Thanks bro @BaconEggs

    I don’t even eat McDonalds

  • NEW WEBSITE BANNER!! 6.3 years ago

    Oh okay. I saw that earlier :P @Chancey21

  • Simple Planes Hall of Comments 6.3 years ago

    My second-most upvoted comment, if you think that’s funny. :P

  • Trombone instrument 6.3 years ago

    Tenor trombone @Spacedoge12345plane

  • New Moderator 6.3 years ago


  • People Upvote My Random Stuff, But not The Planes 6.4 years ago

    My Baldi post got 16 upvotes/70 downloads and my serious plane before that got 2 upvotes and 13 downloads (IM NOT COMPLAINING, ok?) This is just how the site works I guess
