@toxicgamer88 In all seriousness, my friend Mattangi is working on adding details to it before upload... which will be whenever he finishes... If he ever finishes...
(jk. Mattangi, if you’re reading this, I’m very grateful that you’re helping me out. As long as you finish the star destroyer before I die, I’ll be happy. Thanks.)
@Zanedavid Stuff like “I’m not doing well in college so don’t expect any builds soon.” is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. I was talking about more personal, sensitive issues, that should remain off of the site.
@Rub3n213 No, but I’m sure the community did not ask for people to bring their issues here, to a community about building aircraft. I say this with no offense intended.
If someone is picking on someone or bullying them, then I find that the more significant issue would be the bullying in comparison to your middle finger post.
Also, when you tag someone, the comment will appear black to the person you have tagged.
@dogb23boy In my opinion, the moderators do their job just fine most of the time. As for your “test”, perhaps it wasn’t so obvious that it went against the rules. People also need to remember that it’s their responsibility to understand the rules and post what is appropriate.
Another problem I have noticed is that people don’t report inappropriate posts enough, but maybe that’s just me.
You also stated that “they are so focused on the little things.” I Think you got it mixed up and your “test” just proves that. In my opinion, a robot showing a middle finger is insignificant in comparison to drama which occurs once and a while on this site. But then again, I feel that the moderators do a good job at handling almost everything on this site, both the larger and smaller issues.
@Shadowed Nah. Dissa build is muy muy old and meesa dont think it needs an upgrade. Meesa will probably update one of meesa newer builds or meesa will build a whole new tank.
@Thecatbaron Thanks!:)
@toxicgamer88 In all seriousness, my friend Mattangi is working on adding details to it before upload... which will be whenever he finishes... If he ever finishes...
(jk. Mattangi, if you’re reading this, I’m very grateful that you’re helping me out. As long as you finish the star destroyer before I die, I’ll be happy. Thanks.)
@toxicgamer88 Star who? Sorry, no idea what you’re talking about.
@Othawne Sorry. I made a small typo earlier. Read again.
@RailfanEthan Thank you.
@RAF1 Does everyone associate Bronco’s with OJ? I’ve gotten like ten OJ comments on Discord and on the site lol
vereh nais
I use them as detail pieces.
vereh nais
@Mattangi2 Will do!
@Mattangi2 Mattangi is working on it. It’ll be done soon.
@Randomdoggo epic
@SodiumChloride Yeah lol
@Hellosss38 This post was an April Fools joke.
I only have 1 or 2 achievements.
@PointlessWhyshouldi Target > Amazon
@Mattangi2 예
@Mattangi2 sory i don spaek inglsh
What? I think you mean Overload, though I'm not sure. Hope this helps.
@Zanedavid Stuff like “I’m not doing well in college so don’t expect any builds soon.” is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. I was talking about more personal, sensitive issues, that should remain off of the site.
@Rub3n213 No, but I’m sure the community did not ask for people to bring their issues here, to a community about building aircraft. I say this with no offense intended.
@Zanedavid Please elaborate.
@jamesPLANESii I feel that they can do that elsewhere, i.e., Discord.
@dogb23boy It is not public information. She told me.
If someone is picking on someone or bullying them, then I find that the more significant issue would be the bullying in comparison to your middle finger post.
Also, when you tag someone, the comment will appear black to the person you have tagged.
Agent of Fortune was supposedly banned for causing chaos on multiple accounts.
@dogb23boy In my opinion, the moderators do their job just fine most of the time. As for your “test”, perhaps it wasn’t so obvious that it went against the rules. People also need to remember that it’s their responsibility to understand the rules and post what is appropriate.
Another problem I have noticed is that people don’t report inappropriate posts enough, but maybe that’s just me.
You also stated that “they are so focused on the little things.” I Think you got it mixed up and your “test” just proves that. In my opinion, a robot showing a middle finger is insignificant in comparison to drama which occurs once and a while on this site. But then again, I feel that the moderators do a good job at handling almost everything on this site, both the larger and smaller issues.
Agent of Fortune was banned for seven days.
@Sm10684 Really? No way.
Wonderful idea.
@Stormfur Are you referring to this post?
@RailfanEthan Very cool. Too bad I won’t be here to see it.
@TheFantasticTyphoon np. have fun
@TheFantasticTyphoon Nvm. They all be free. Take them
@TheFantasticTyphoon 250 million USD each.
@Hedero Nope. No previous experience. Thanks!
@Destroyerz117 You’re welcome.
@SgtRXMT Maybe there is now, with new inputs, but this was 3 years ago. Curious that you are on this post.
Disneyland closed for the first time since 9/11.
Why does this police helicopter have missiles?
O, muy muy chunky.
@Shadowed Of course. Meesa will not go about without repaying yousa!
@Shadowed Oh, meesa see. Meesa is muy muy thankful!
@Shadowed Meesa is muy muy grateful for yousa been upvoting meesa builds!
@Shadowed Nah. Dissa build is muy muy old and meesa dont think it needs an upgrade. Meesa will probably update one of meesa newer builds or meesa will build a whole new tank.
@bjac0 Oh damn. Not bad. Maybe even a bit better than mine. I had to crop a ton
@DeezDucks Yes. :)
@BogdanX lol. Indeed you do