Try to watch this video with out laughing, it's impossible.
I am posting this from my phone, it is laggy but it has internet, my tablet which has sp has the internet blocked I can still play sp , but I cannot post planes@JacobHardy64
@Hadesrocks I had the same lag problem, I fixed it, first upload all of your planes as unlisted, then you remove the game from the cloud, then reinstall it. This work for me but I am not sure about you.
+14How time flies, I remember flying this...
+1Ahh the kicking fish, my favorite stock plane
+1Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololo Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololo Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololo Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololo Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololo
+1Try to watch this video with out laughing, it's impossible.
+1looks amazing but the wings break
+1Love how u can take off from water but there is no control
+1@FearlessFabEngineering Oh, ok
@helilover03 Do you know how to change your name? I have one in mind...
I wanted to see how the community progressed@destroyerP
@RealQcan hello
Ahhh, my old challenge lol
@MechWARRIOR57 read below
@oDDDynamics you don't have to get that close, I mount long poles to the front of the plane and swing them when I am in range.
@MechWARRIOR57 thanks!
Why you got to be so rude! Guy in the red car
The internet aplication is blocked not the wifi @Warbrine @Supercraft888
@BreastlessManipulator no thanks
@FrankieB I do no know, I heard silk browser was hacked or something, I use silk and so does my sister, it was probably for safety issues
@FrankieB I can still play sp, but I cannot upload planes...
I am posting this from my phone, it is laggy but it has internet, my tablet which has sp has the internet blocked I can still play sp , but I cannot post planes@JacobHardy64
@PlanesOfOld I do not know, but I but I am ok with it, @JacobHardy64 because my parents blocked it...
@jsaret thanks!
There has been so many of these things...
@bspboy yep
Victor Cruz also is a wide receiver for the new York Giants...
I will upload tomorrow
@PlanesOfOld it kinda looks like scrap metal +
I did, but it kinda explodes after 10 seconds... but it is possible:)
I found this half way into my version ...
@PlanesOfOld lol, I might need some help on Albatross D.V, it looks terrible...
Hey! Nice to have you back!😀
I actually live in the state that the Mississippi starts in
@Hadesrocks Lel I did notice...
It's challenge not challange
@Hadesrocks derp, I think I took it off lol. I'm sorry
@Flightsonic I live two states over
@BlueCobraplanes you exploded right?
For 1 month and you have 9800 some points, I have never heard of you until now
@salvador3031 have you seen the vine
Forever alone...
@MrSilverWolf me two.
@Hadesrocks I had the same lag problem, I fixed it, first upload all of your planes as unlisted, then you remove the game from the cloud, then reinstall it. This work for me but I am not sure about you.
@AndrewGarrison can you use jet engines