@Asdgamer1111 no mate. Thats not allowed
@Sergio666 thanks
@Redjosef1234 thank you
A quick note to you all. Number 2 detach the command capsule and number 3 activate the parachute
!ATTENTION! The was a mistake with the airplane flaps. On the inner left flap, there is a catapult hook on the flap. Remove it before flying or not the flap will get stuck.
All help is appriciated and I will credit the best design.
Hey I made a Neo version of this plane. I hope you like it.
Oh.. I get it! This is the invisible bat mobile.
Thanks to Beefy's PADC P100 Alunsina for the aircraft body.
@Camer080 Try to modify the gyro power and stabilazation.
Remove some of the engine, add a gyro and try to redesign the control
Credit to SovietBun's De haviland Comet (Gold Special) for the aircraft body.
Sorry for mispronounciasion. My english is not that good
Credit to Beefy's PADC P100 Alunsina for the plane's body.
@Asdgamer1111 no mate. Thats not allowed
@Sergio666 thanks
@Redjosef1234 thank you
A quick note to you all. Number 2 detach the command capsule and number 3 activate the parachute
!ATTENTION! The was a mistake with the airplane flaps. On the inner left flap, there is a catapult hook on the flap. Remove it before flying or not the flap will get stuck.
All help is appriciated and I will credit the best design.
Hey I made a Neo version of this plane. I hope you like it.
+1Oh.. I get it! This is the invisible bat mobile.
Thanks to Beefy's PADC P100 Alunsina for the aircraft body.
@Camer080 Try to modify the gyro power and stabilazation.
Remove some of the engine, add a gyro and try to redesign the control
Credit to SovietBun's De haviland Comet (Gold Special) for the aircraft body.
Sorry for mispronounciasion. My english is not that good
Credit to Beefy's PADC P100 Alunsina for the plane's body.