75 EEVEEK1NG Comments

  • M810 AAV Amtrack 7.5 years ago

    im just gonna borrow this turret here.........

  • Fighter Hawk F-3E buggie 7.8 years ago

    @Pilotmario any advice will help :D
    My vehicles h@ve two wheels on each "segment" for extra traction,power and control

  • race buggy mk1 7.8 years ago

    @Tully2001 is it okay if i use your vehicles for my buggy collection?
    i am a mostly use-this-guy/girl/attackhelicopter/etc. etc-vehicle-make-it-look-decomissioned-and-turn-it-into-a-buggy-for-fun pfofile :/

  • Bandit F-3A/B Hawk 7.8 years ago

    hey @Pilotmario , is it okay if i use your vehicles for a base design of my buggies pls since yours seem the easiest to mold/mesh into a buggy :/

    nice plane btw

  • SU-35 Super Flanker With Trinity 7.8 years ago

    Nce dude.that game was one of my favorites, also the trinity is so Sanic Fest XD.