2,721 ESpanop Comments

  • TNT 5.7 years ago

    @KiVZ Thanks! I decided to make this less minimalist than the creeper build

  • "Wright Flyer" 1903 First Aircraft 6.1 years ago

    Sweet! Historic plane right there, and I think we did a great job! Thanks for mentioning my input in it as well!

  • BNRV S-9 Jaguar (Join My Airforce Challenge) 6.3 years ago

    @BaconRoll Glad you like it! I see I failed to get in the top 3, but it was still pretty fun to try and build something good for this, and in the end, I suppose it was me who could have done better 😅 Hope my friend @KiVZ can do well for the both of us!

  • Minecraft Sword 6.8 years ago

    a 2-dimensional frickin pixelated sword replica flies better than anything I've ever made... GG, bro, GG...

  • TNT 5.7 years ago

    @Frenchyfry I was thinking of doing Fallen Kingdom to complete the trio, and I still might, but it's gonna be quite a bit harder than the other two, with it requiring more detail and all. We'll see

  • VSAUCE (CELEBRATION OF 10.000 DOWNLOADS) 5.7 years ago

    I kinda hope this breaks the most upvotes with no downloads record

  • The Squatmobile 6.2 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft Of course! What kind of russian car doesn't have a dashcam?

  • Santa's Jet-Deer Sleigh 6.3 years ago

    @KiVZ Thanks!
    @CDRxavier I tried my best, not really its primary job though, it being one of the worst possible shapes to try and fly...
    @rbiemer Glad you liked it!
    Thank you all for your upvotes!

  • Iron Man's Arc Reactor 6.3 years ago

    @Sm10684 If I had to guess, I'd say the part count is a deterrent when it comes to downloading and using it, but it doesn't stop anyone seeing it and liking it because it is really awesome

  • Vought F4U Corsair 6.5 years ago

    Great replica! But I feel like I have to warn everyone not to try keyboard-controlling it, because you need to control how much you're pitching, otherwise it is very unstable. I guess that's why it needs good flying skills XD
    Amazing job though!

  • Minecraft Sword 6.8 years ago

    @CruzerBlade I just made a VTOL one: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1Sc26D/Flying-Microwave

  • BK Fighter Bomber Mini saqud 7.1 years ago

    Very cool idea, 2 airplanes flying as one. But I would suggest putting a camera on the one that doesn't have the primary cockpit so that you can choose which one you want to fly.

  • Scort VeeperGT-H 7.2 years ago

    This is awesome!

  • Bush Plane 7.3 years ago

    Ok plane, but it's a bit boring. Maybe check my less boring version out as well: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Y4lDb8/Bush-Plane-X


    @GlargiBoo 👊👊👊👊👊👊

  • HAVF M-1 "ARTEMIS" 5.6 years ago

    Cool design, and really fun to fly! Just one thing: you might want to XML some parts so they have no aircraft collisions, because it does have a tendency to self destruct in attack mode, at high speeds, mostly when rolling in my experience

  • TNT 5.7 years ago

    @Quec this task's a gruelling one

  • TNT 5.7 years ago

    @Quec got our pickaxe swinging from side to side

  • Creeper 5.7 years ago

    And... this has become my 2nd most upvoted post on here, right below the top fuel dragster, which even got featured. So many creations built with relatively high effort and yet my 2nd most liked is a Revenge meme. This is the reason I love and hate the internet at the same time 😂😂😂
    Seriously though, I do appreciate the support from all of y'all, don't let this come across as me complaining about how little my other posts are liked, it's just a fun observation

  • Creeper 5.7 years ago

    @IntergalacticToaster Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night, diamonds tonight

  • Creeper 5.7 years ago

    @IntergalacticToaster Swinging from side to side

  • Creeper 5.7 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Fair enough

  • Creeper 5.7 years ago

    @Mmdben You can actually press 1 for that too

  • Neorion DVT-LM91P (LeMans Challenge entry) 5.7 years ago

    @logizAircrafts Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know!

  • Neorion DVT-LM91P (LeMans Challenge entry) 5.7 years ago

    @logizAircrafts Really? I remember the brakes working fairly well on my game. Its top to zero is about 2 seconds, is that not good enough?

  • LeMans Challenge 5.7 years ago

    @logizAircrafts I would really appreciate an answer to my last question. I have 2 versions ready, one that can do ~350 kph and one that can do just under 700 so I'd like to know which one I should upload

  • LeMans Challenge 5.7 years ago

    @logizAircrafts 3rd and final question: If I made a car based on this one's scale and only just realised you updated the scale standard, will my car be tested under this one's standards or do I have to remake it based on the new one?
    Edit: Nevermind that, I made a new one anyway. So, actual final question: should the speed of the big one be realistic relative to its size? In other words: since the new one is twice as long, tall and wide as an actual LeMans car, shouldn't it also be twice as fast (at least in terms of top speed) to keep the speed realistic relative to size?

  • LeMans Challenge 5.7 years ago

    @logizAircrafts Also, if it's fictional, will "history of development" not count or should we make one up?

  • LeMans Challenge 5.7 years ago

    Is the car meant to be keyboard controlled? Just wanna know if I should use Throttle or Pitch as the engine input

  • Glider towed by C-172 (Updated) 5.7 years ago

    @KiVZ Yeah, I figured. That's why I decided to give it an update.

  • GLIDER towed by C-172 5.7 years ago

    Imma just drop this here for anyone wanting one that isn't so god dang sensitive

  • GLIDER towed by C-172 5.7 years ago

    @KiVZ I'm getting that it can't work with the sharp movements of keypad control. I personally prefer using a controller but I feel like I should say you shouldn't write off a way of playing just because you think it's not as good, it's better to make anything user-friendly for as many people as possible.
    I also wanna add that the chain sometimes start shaking violently and ends up causing the whole creation to explode, not sure why.
    Other than that, it's a pretty cool plane/glider

  • VSAUCE (CELEBRATION OF 10.000 DOWNLOADS) 5.7 years ago

    @thefalkenreich Party pooper. At least you haven't been the only one so I'll let it slide. Hope your computer isn't too badly injured 😂

  • VSAUCE (CELEBRATION OF 10.000 DOWNLOADS) 5.7 years ago

    @KiVZ That would also be terrible because there would be no Micheal to explain to me what just happened

  • VSAUCE (CELEBRATION OF 10.000 DOWNLOADS) 5.7 years ago

    Damn. That is... Astonishing. A true masterpiece. And it will also probably break my computer, so I don't think I'll download it lol

  • Aston Martin Glowing 6.2 years ago

    @Tank6376 Do you know what mod that is? It could be really helpful to be able to show different functions in the website screenshots

  • The Squatmobile 6.2 years ago

    @JelloAircraftCorporation Thanks for letting me know, the description looks much nicer like this

  • The Squatmobile 6.2 years ago

    @DJS8Corporations Thanks!

  • The Squatmobile 6.2 years ago

    suspicion in Russian
    Show me passport, western spy blyat

  • The Squatmobile 6.2 years ago

    @KiVZ 😂😂 yes, the first sentence of the video that led to this creation

  • Dodge Charger 1970 R/T 6.3 years ago

    Amazing build! Don't think I'll be downloading it though, my computer definitely can't handle 2428 parts...

  • Merry Christmas! 6.3 years ago

    Superb work on the details! Merry Christmas!

  • BNRV S-9 Jaguar (Join My Airforce Challenge) 6.5 years ago

    @AstronautPlanes If you want some even better stuff, I suggest checking out my friend @KiVZ 's profile, he's made some way better planes than me in this game. Thanks a ton anyway!

  • Bloodhound SSC 1000mph car 6.5 years ago

    If you put control surfaces on it, it can actually kind of properly take off! Too bad it starts flipping afterwards...
    Superb replica though! A 10/10 for me!

  • AirFish 8 (Ground Effect Vehicle) 6.6 years ago

    Mind if I weaponize the hell out of it and upload a successor?

  • Metric Conversion 7.0 years ago

    Great idea, this should be a feature in the game itself! Thing is, you might want to check your thrust conversions. You have 3 kN for the BFE300 when it's really 300, 2 kN for the BFE150 when it should be 150 etc.

  • Hazael Heavy Battle Tank 7.1 years ago

    How did you make the tracks for this?

  • Reliant Robin Space Shuttle (Top Gear) 7.1 years ago

    @KiVZ Just wait until you try it!

  • Nyan cat 7.2 years ago

    Press 1 for added rainbow effect!
    (Note: don't know if it works if you don't have smoke trails mod installed)

  • V-65 Molotok (GTA V) 7.2 years ago

    @HellRaiser I guess that's what it was based on...