34.4k EchoWhiskey11

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joined 8.3 years ago

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Currently in a "Government Sanctioned" Flight School. it is not fun, it is not like the movies, sleep is optional, stress is not. I'm still around, just many of my projects are on hold till I graduate

This is my page for transferring and testing files for mobile use. Feel free to test out posts, and provide feedback. I don't post as much anymore since my interest in aviation is no longer a hobby, but Simple Planes makes a surprisingly good training tool. That being said don't expect too many conventional designs, since I try to avoid military stuff on my off time. I will sometimes pull some of my more obscure files from my unposted page, after a battery of testing of course.

What you will find are very unconventional designs. Sometimes I'll copy stuff from Elite Dangerous and Star Wars, but I mostly enjoy making original designs. You won't see too much of the crazy Funky Tree coding here. A lot of my designs use mechanical elements for more flair.

Lore and worldbuilding (Mostly because I'll forget) :
Worldbuilding plays a part in my designs since I ask myself what role will something play, and why would someone bother building it. Also, I had an issue with my original design company EAS building both military and civilian vehicles. I have broken up my building styles into different factions. It's a typical dystopian story. Warring nations destroy the world, and the rich people leave. They come back later to civilize the local populace, and of course, conflict breaks out. These factions will have their styles and manufacturers.

Avenel Design and Spaceworks
Faction: Imperial
If you're familiar with Elite Dangerous Gutamaya, then this design style will seem very familiar. Based on a more Imperial, controversial dystopian society, Avenel Design focuses on swooping curves, chrome accents, and form over function. They will build some military vehicles, but most of their crafts are repurposed civilian vessels and fighters. As a part of the Imperial Aviation Council, they fill the role of a grey area antagonist. Don't expect tires, wheels, or too many control surfaces.

Mitchell Engineering
Faction: Federation
This faction is probably going my most conventional design. They will have vehicles that will be similar to James Cameron's Avatar Series, Lakon Spaceways, and that one thing from Dead Space. They will feature blocky, heavier-looking designs with a lot more mechanical elements. All my energy I could spend building Raptors and Suhkois gets dumped into here. For the Lore, I wanted it to build off my old friend's original faction, The Central Vortex, so you can expect to hear from them a lot more.

There are other factions in the works, and with how long the building and testing process is for my stuff they may take a while to make it into being published. Who knows, maybe Jundroo will release Simple Planes 2 by then.