before reading the title and your name, I thought it was one of hypnotoad's, so good job, and I definitely see the helmet now. you should try making a more 3d one
Well, if your country wins with the best plane, then even if your plane was horrible, you'd still get an extra rating for winning with your country @mufasa6896
It doesn't have to have missiles or bombs attached if that's what you mean. just build a plane from your imagination that the department of defense would consider @WWIIPlaneBuilder
Pretty cool
cool plane, very sleek looking
lol, nice
pretty nice concept, can't wait to see the next version
I'd recommend you stay away from nukes, just keep fighting your wars peacefully by playing cricket :)@Rohan
very nice, a modern flying wing-type design
yeah the kalinin k7 was a beast, I'm not sure if i'll be able to on my little iPod @TheDocHoliday
pretty sweet
nice to know that capitalization doesn't matter
seems like a fun challenge. right now I'm a bit busy, but i might by able to do it by the 20th
nice @Hunterkiller336
very cool, what country are you for?
pretty cool looking
pretty awesome
very cool
You can fly it? @qwert13357 I only made it as a model, it was too big for my iPod. Glad you could fly it though
Very cool
That would be fine. It won't count as a JSF though @Rohan
nice paint job
this one's pretty cool too
very cool
very cool, and which nation do you build for
very attractive
before reading the title and your name, I thought it was one of hypnotoad's, so good job, and I definitely see the helmet now. you should try making a more 3d one
pretty cool
that would be pretty cool @A5mod3us
too bad it's too big to test on my iPod
very awesome
very cool, You should create a profile so we can see some more of your awesome work
Very awesome, geat job
Nope, good question, I'm hoping for an imaginary plane that is better than the f-35 @SemedolasPT
Can't wait to see it@PlanesOfOld
Very cool
K, geat @JMicah4
Yep this is it@SemedolasPT
Nice, love the flag!
Well, if your country wins with the best plane, then even if your plane was horrible, you'd still get an extra rating for winning with your country @mufasa6896
I am American, but I lived in India most of my life, so I'm basically the opposite of you :)@Rohan
Very nice job.
Very awesome, nice vectored thrust design
Oh, then I guess you and @YuttenburgCorp are on the same team @mufasa6896
Yep, glad I got you to work, lol @mufasa6896
thanks @mufasa6896 I'm glad it was :)
Are you from India? @Rohan
seems like a fun challenge, but I Think my schedule is packed, thanks for inviting me though
do you like the colors of the name of the challenge? Orange, white and Green? All I need now is a blue wheel in the middle with 24 spokes@Rohan
sure fuel pads are OK@Rohan
Nozzels don't count, just the engines. and just build an imaginary plane @Rohan
It doesn't have to have missiles or bombs attached if that's what you mean. just build a plane from your imagination that the department of defense would consider @WWIIPlaneBuilder