9,652 EnderWiggin Comments

  • No warning for this one ;) 8.3 years ago

    Why do I get the feeling this thing is a death trap?

  • How do I do invisible parts? 8.3 years ago

    To the best of my knowledge, there are no invisible parts. However, it is possible to move parts outside of the aircraft without them detaching from the main structure, thereby making the part look like it is floating.

  • YAGR–3B 8.4 years ago

    Why would you build something so unique and not write a discription? What is this thing?

  • Powered Parachute Challenge Entry 8.1 years ago

    LOL, yeah you're the first taker. Powered parachutes are tough to build and not exactly the fast, fun and agile aircraft most people like to design. Anyway, great job!

  • Quick Update and Poll. 8.2 years ago

    If you want to see a more hideous supersonic pax plane, look up Airbus' Concorde 2 design. Looks like a child designed it... or a science fiction writer from the 1930s.

  • [closed] WWI Challenge 8.2 years ago

    That was interesting -_○
    I'm in. Working on the build.

  • How can I download mods on OSX? 8.2 years ago

    Oh, good to know. I always felt like Apple/Mac users get boned because they couldn't play with mods. I acctually don't use mods on my uploaded plans very often because it excludes some users.

  • Quick Update and Poll. 8.2 years ago

    Have you ever heard of the Skreemr supersonic passenger jet concept? It's not the prettiest aircraft ever thought up, but it is one of the coolest aircraft concepts I've come accross.

  • Temporarily (possibly permanently) leaving the SP Community 8.2 years ago

    Try thinking of a mission or operation, and build a vehicle capable of accomplishing the task(s). For instance, try building and aircraft that can take off on water and land safely in the volcano crater. I stopped thinking of finished designs to build and just let the aircraft turn out however it's the most functional. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's my two cents on the subject.

  • How can I download mods on OSX? 8.2 years ago

    Apple operating systems don't allow for program rewrites, so Mods (or code modifications) are not accessible. However, you can download modded parts (wings, weapons, fuel tanks, engines, etc.) that already exist in the game from other non-IOS/OSX users. I.E. just ask other users to modify a part for you then just save the part as a subassembly and it's your's to use.

  • less than 500 points!!! 8.2 years ago

    It might have something to do with you constantly uploading WIP's and partial designs. Your last few final products are pretty awesome though.

  • The wind 8.2 years ago

    It's a cool build but add description for upvote.

  • PY-44GB 'Falconidae' 8.2 years ago

    @Treadmill103 @Mumpsy
    Thanks! I was intending to build something else and the wings developed a life of their own. I was actually surprised at how well the aircraft handles with such and odd lift profile.

  • alien fighter (with better paint job) 8.2 years ago

    Much better paint. Still awesome ;)

  • alien cruiser 8.2 years ago

    The color scheme is a bit bland but the build is friggin awesome!

  • AC-89 Bastion 8.2 years ago

    Hyperdrive? Pray tell?

    I only ask because I built a spinning hyperdrive aircraft and am interested in other hyperdrive designs.

  • SS Horizon 8.2 years ago

    Cool design, though it could use some polishing. Keep 'em coming.

  • LORC 001 8.2 years ago

    Fantastic design!

  • Why high detail planes and other detailed vehicles are bad for the community. 8.2 years ago

    I upvote and spotlight builds taking skill level in account. I routinely upvote 'beginner' aircraft based on the builder's ingenuity and don't just base praise on final product. Support and encourage new builders; that's what I say.

  • WORLDS UGLIEST COCKPIT!? 8.2 years ago

    It was also one of the first quad-redundancy fly-by-wire systems; though only one of the four flying prototypes actually tested the system in flight.

  • I'm in love with the niko 8.2 years ago

    The singer? My god man, you're not making it easy on yourself, considering she died nearly 30 years ago. Anyway, buckle up my man, women will be making you crazy for the rest of your life.

  • WORLDS UGLIEST COCKPIT!? 8.2 years ago

    She may have been ugly, but this was one of the most advanced supersonic recon/bomber of its time. It was cancelled during development, largely due to price, if it made it past preproduction, it would have been a game changer (if they could have ironed out some of the problems that is). Lol, they actually used a periscope to see out the front of the aircraft with the nose in cruise position.

  • PY-INDY 'Blumpkyn' Racer 8.2 years ago

    Thanks. Off the wall is kind of my thing.

  • XX2 8.2 years ago

    LOL, yeah simple.

  • VF-1S VALKYRIE Ver1.0 8.2 years ago

    Jeebus, that's a lot of parts. Cool concept.

  • 666 3.0 8.2 years ago

    A for effort. Keep 'em coming good sir.

  • StarWars X-Wing 8.2 years ago

    This is an exact copy (with a new paint job) of This

  • SimplePlanes is awesome on my new IPad mini 2 8.2 years ago

    Mod free gaming.

  • Found glitch 8.2 years ago

    No idea WTH is going on here. There is obviously quite a bit of part bump, given the initial damage and explosion, but the subsequent aircraft and wing movement is pretty strange.

  • The Rusty Girl (Steampunk Challenge) 8.2 years ago

    Steam Punk detail is tough on IOS, good job with this one.

  • Canceling 8.2 years ago

    I always find that if I hit Play from time to time, you know, to test my aircraft's progress, that the game autosaves to some degree. Oh, and every plan I build starts out named 'Aircraft', I then change the name for the upload and start all over. BTWs, it takes 2 seconds to save.

  • Lots of Great Posts by "Lower Ranked" Players! 8.2 years ago

    I make it a point to upvote based on experience. I routinely upvote new users because they are thinking outside the box or have a knack for originality in design; even if their builds could use more polishing or improvement. Encouraging new users to continue playing and uploading is important, so we can all benefit from new ideas and improve our own aircraft and vehicle designs. I would like to foster more communication and cooperation between users as well. Thank you to every user for sharing your design and awesome ideas.

  • Can the developers make it easier to get points ? 8.2 years ago

    I know points are a perk, but it is really not the point of the game.

  • Request/ a VTOL Firefly class ship (serenity) 8.2 years ago

    I've been planning on building Serinity for a long time. It would be one heck of an undertaking. I've already built the spinning reactor mechanism. The detail would probably be game crashing.

  • Russian Community Open Online Tournament 8.2 years ago

    If this was meant for the Rusdian community, shouldn't it be written in Russian?

  • I need help! 8.2 years ago

    You might need to upload what you have and let us look at the problem first hand. I'm sure someone will be able to fix it.

  • I need help! 8.2 years ago

    It is likely that the part you are trying to rotate has additional connection points to non-rotatable objects. Break all connection points with other parts, or change setting to make the part collision setting FALSE, so the rotator has presedence over other connections.

  • For all the new players 8.2 years ago


  • Urgent help needed please! 8.2 years ago

    Agreed, mirrored parts do this quite a bit. Sometimes mirroring the whole aircraft as opposed to a specific piece sometimes fixes it. Otherwise, twisting the whole aircraft independantly to the cockpit sometimes works. Just detach cockpit, twist aircraft three turns sideways, hit play, return to builder, right the aircraft's position and reattach cockpit.

  • New tournaments rules 8.2 years ago

    I would like to see a modded prop/jet specific race. Boat races would also be fun.

  • LEVIATHAN 808 SUPERLINER 8.2 years ago

    It's like a flying cruise ship.

  • Speed Jet 8.2 years ago

    NP, really cool build.

  • Vodka bottle SMIRNOFF. 8.2 years ago

    Are you spying on me? Look, if you've got a problem with my drinking, you can always join in ;)

  • Flying Battleship Orion 8.2 years ago

    I would download, but I'm pretty sure my tablet would literally explode. Awesome build though, it must have taken a very long time to build.

  • Dampfdrifter III 8.2 years ago

    Awesome! Well done.

  • The Blue Ranger 8.2 years ago

    You got me. I was a sitting duck once I ran out of fuel. Good show!

  • Daredevil 8.2 years ago

    Wow, that is a big difference. I found that my aircraft is more maneuverable at slower speeds so the AI takes a straighter path and completes the course more efficiently. I only saw about a 15% decrease in total time with the slower aircraft.

  • C.R.Y.SH.A. Edit-1 8.2 years ago

    Exactly why descriptions are important. WTH is this, a house in the flood zone?

  • Daredevil 8.2 years ago

    I've flown circles around past competitors that were able to win with sheer reliability. In the end, if you don't finish the race, you won't win.

  • Daredevil 8.2 years ago

    Believe it or not, my plane was only about 2 seconds faster at 1050+mph than it was at 750mph; and it may have lost some reliability. It's a fine line, and I suspect successful planes will vary in speed by up to 400mph.