0 Era39 Comments

  • VR Gundam GP03S Stamen 2.2 years ago

    Where can I get the mods? or is it just VR exclusive? (I'm using Mac, if that helps.)

  • F-35A.Lightning 2.2 years ago

    For the thumbnail or the screenshots, did you use some mods for it?

  • F/A-18 Super hornet VR Blue Angles 9 months ago

    would it be possible for you to create a combat version of this?@ImAcarperson

  • F-35A.Lightning 1.9 years ago

    @Bluepink oh, i apologize if i wasnt specific enough, i meant the reflection, haha

    also, very nice build!

  • Arknights Skadi the Corrupting Heart 2.2 years ago


  • Bismarck 2.4 years ago

    oh yeh, fun fact about Bismarck. I'm pretty sure lot of you might know this, but you may think that Bismarck would've sunk lots of ships. Wrong, she only sunk one ship. During the Operation Rheinübung, she was sailing, but met the royal navy. She opened fire at the Britain's pride, an battle cruiser, HMS Hood. When she shot it, it hit where the munitions were, causing HMS hood to explode. Then the Royal Navy sent out some torpedo bombers, and one hit Bismarck's rudder, causing the ship to rotate over and over again. Since she lost control to her ship, the Kriegsmarines knew that the ship wpuldnt survive, so they fired every last shells and guns. And torpedo from other plane, directly hit the Bismarck, causing her to sink.

    so yeah, Bismarck kill count? 1.

    even thought she had an mighty 15 inch guns, and with heavy weight about 40,000 pounds of German's finest steels, with speed of 30 kts, it got sunk because of getting hit on its rudder.

    This taught about how smallest thing can ruin your life.

  • Bismarck 2.4 years ago

    @StrikeOnMyCommand USS Iowa class battleships would be awesome. Those are literally speed demons among battleships, going at speed of 33 Knots. And also carrying three 16inch 403mm 50 cal guns, and lots of more gun.