This is a free community. People do not need your approval to change this design and upload it. The rules say "it is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points."
are you sure he/she didnt want it just twice the size, not twice the length? If he/she wanted that they would of just used a normal cleaver.
EDIT sorry, just read the original comments. i stand corrected. Though that is weird, why wouldnt they just use the original cleaver, isnt the same size of that?
What about news breaker. We have adiscord and its always opne so we can post when news happens. A countrie posts what they do and a "News breaker" posts it on a forum with great detail. This will help because we know a certain source of info and can trust it.
Its east of melbourne
@Caveman999 I came from there, Mount Dandenong ranges,145.3409464,3a,23y,110.96h,93.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scTPAcYL6EcRRO7v-pBHYjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
My old house
Thank you. Tomorrow i am marching in an ANZAC day parade in Buderim, QLD (Google it.) I am part of scouts so i march with the rest of my group down the main road. This event is big for me as i had a grandfather which was the comander for A ENTIRE ship. (Think its called a captain). It was a mine sweeper and was on duty in the Bass Straight (they actually found a mine) and in the Pacific. He was discharged after the war. I am proud to commemerate the people who have fallen in the line of duty for Australia and New Zealand. Thank you again. @Caveman999
Profile URL:
What nation/organization:Riley Island, SimpleLandia
Are you a leader of an organization/nation:yes
Which one: Riley Island
First preference for position: Riley Island Representative
2nd preference: Rulemaker
3rd preference: V.I.P
Note: Thanks for making this! We had a lot of confusion, but this solves it. Thank you.
@GermanWarMachine u wot m8? is that a threat? Our oil is ours. Your oil is yours. dont cross that line
@AircroftDesigin. Sorry, we will open heavily guarded shipping routes with Croftien.
@JetWondy You said it needed two resizable wheels, this doesnt.
@MrTyTheGreat Doggo is pleased
@Delphinos Thanks! an updated version coming soon
I remember this game. Had to delete. to laggy
each increment on a fuselage is a meter. e.g. 1 by 1 fuselage is 1 metre wide
Im surprised, is this a normal thomas?
@Delphinos Thanks!
@Delphinos PC
@Caveman999 He uses Desktop i think (im friends with him on steam)
Try to learn about fuselages. They are hard to get your head around put pay off in the long run.
+1@Mikey101234 No problem, you took that surprisingly well ( :
This is a free community. People do not need your approval to change this design and upload it. The rules say "it is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
+1In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points."
@jamesPLANESii With a tiny bush airport and a giant international airport
AYE, its Saturday
love the rear vertical wing thing (no clue what it is called). Very awesome
@toofast2002 Time to use capital letters correctly.
I love the idea of using cockpits to detail the front gunner. Very simple but great looking. Very deserving of an upvote and a spotlight!
+1@Flameslinger Ok, i couldnt really see from the pictures.
are you sure he/she didnt want it just twice the size, not twice the length? If he/she wanted that they would of just used a normal cleaver.
EDIT sorry, just read the original comments. i stand corrected. Though that is weird, why wouldnt they just use the original cleaver, isnt the same size of that?
Wii are gonna have a problem Mii and you because your planes are just to good
this one
@Caveman999 Im making a cargo plane/bomber, be on the look out (:
@apfel33 Thanks for your contribution! Maybe 20% into it. I feel that with cobra and everything we need to be at least 20% into military
@Gestour How? do i just make a map and click the "Put in SimplePlanes" button?
I had a grampa who was the luitenent captain of aminesweeper in the bass strait (gap between tassie and aus) and the pacific
+1Favourite saying is "We'll gloss over that" when someone gets something wrong
To my untrained eye it looks like artillery strapped to a tank
@Delphinos Thanks!
What about news breaker. We have adiscord and its always opne so we can post when news happens. A countrie posts what they do and a "News breaker" posts it on a forum with great detail. This will help because we know a certain source of info and can trust it.
Wow, alot people are scouts. Im at school right now. Wait around 5 hours
Its east of melbourne
@Caveman999 I came from there, Mount Dandenong ranges,145.3409464,3a,23y,110.96h,93.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scTPAcYL6EcRRO7v-pBHYjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
My old house
@Caveman999 Victoria?
@Strikefighter04 Yes, it was
@Caveman999 That would be a great idea. What district are you in?
Thank you. Tomorrow i am marching in an ANZAC day parade in Buderim, QLD (Google it.) I am part of scouts so i march with the rest of my group down the main road. This event is big for me as i had a grandfather which was the comander for A ENTIRE ship. (Think its called a captain). It was a mine sweeper and was on duty in the Bass Straight (they actually found a mine) and in the Pacific. He was discharged after the war. I am proud to commemerate the people who have fallen in the line of duty for Australia and New Zealand. Thank you again. @Caveman999
@Bearclaw189 Cool
@Bearclaw189 So you are not a rebel. You are with the government?
@Bearclaw189 Im confused. Who are you with again?
To Protect and Control
latin(Consilii tueatur et Imperium)
To Control and Protect
latin(Ut Curo quod Servo)
Profile URL:
What nation/organization:Riley Island, SimpleLandia
Are you a leader of an organization/nation:yes
Which one: Riley Island
First preference for position: Riley Island Representative
2nd preference: Rulemaker
3rd preference: V.I.P
Note: Thanks for making this! We had a lot of confusion, but this solves it. Thank you.
@BeefyBoy4516 Cool
The posts in german. Check the comments
@BeefyBoy4516 Huh. i dont know how that happens. fine on my side
@AircroftDesigin cool
cheeki breeki
+1@GermanWarMachine u wot m8? is that a threat? Our oil is ours. Your oil is yours. dont cross that line
@AircroftDesigin. Sorry, we will open heavily guarded shipping routes with Croftien.
Garrison Island is owned by Riley Island. (its named that if you didnt notice)