I highly recommend posting a teaser forum when you're about 1 week away from releasing it. Basically what I did with the ADF-11F Raven |Deluxe.
That should be all of them. Next posts you make will be upvoted because I actually liked it. This was just to support you and get you moving! Good luck! 👍
I'm done...
Well, I definitely look forward to seeing what you plan to do. It's definitely going to be interesting!
Is it to late for me to enter?
It's kinda what the ADF-11F Raven does! It's neat!
Try it! It's definitely a great way to get your craft some recognition!
I highly recommend posting a teaser forum when you're about 1 week away from releasing it. Basically what I did with the ADF-11F Raven |Deluxe.
Cool man! All three groups, land, air, and sea! I like your description as well! Nice work! 👍
Yeah! What do you need done?
Alright. Good to know.
Okay man, I need to know... Is Trainbone2 you?
Oh my gosh! I just looked at your points... Your a 739 now! 😂 Woah!
It was a link to a big project that I'm working for. Would you be interested in seeing it?
Is that the truth?
Do you have 2 accounts?
@IStoleYourMeme @WNP78 @BlackhattAircraft @Shippy456
That's thing looks awesome! I wish you the best of luck with it!
It flies extremely well for a plane that size.
No... Sorry... Your on your own here...
Thing I frickin creepy! 💀
I updated the Release Status at the bottom of the page here.
Anyway, it's a great aircraft. Nice work!
I'm stupid sometimes... 😂😂😂
Why am I judging an aircraft that isn't a Raven?
Yeah, I know! As seen on the title... It's not the Raven.
Maybe I should add performance too.
Our Rivalry... I'm awarding you with those two trophies!
Mod mod mod... 😆
Release Status has been updated.
You get 2 trophies.
1 for Design 🏆
2 for Mechanics & Engineering 🏆
Thanks for the upvote!
Little Bugger - Flyable Version
I will be continuing development on this project.
ADF-11F Raven |Deluxe
I think that the physics are somewhat wonky, but I'm no physics expert either.
Oh... This is your only forum!
Is this the right discussion?
That should be all of them. Next posts you make will be upvoted because I actually liked it. This was just to support you and get you moving! Good luck! 👍
I do like this one. This one is pretty cool.
To support you of course!
@Brields95 @OrangeBoardEnterprise
No no no no no...
Y'all are wrong here folks...
Ain't that there Donald Trump?
Naw man...
I had to get some sleep...
I was up for most of the night...
I'm not done yet...
Yeah... I'm honestly not quite sure why this one was so successful.
Alright! Neither am I! Let's fly! ✈️
Thank you!