I decided I'd leave it till Sunday because I couldn't use SP on my computer this week and I didn't see any point in uploading it in the state it's now (The rest of the stuff I had planned needs FineTuner). I'll upload it as soon as possible (most likely Monday) but please don't delay the challenge just for me. Thanks!
Well I'm planning on making a few projects that should be finished around the start of summer, and then I'll start making Star Wars ships. As I don't really know what I'm going to do first I'll try to do one of these around that time : ) @asteroidbook345
All I heard was that somebody was dragged off a plane, so the rest is all new to me and I'm honestly quite shocked.
I think it's a disgrace that he was handled like that, and the fact that he had an operation o do the next day makes it even worse, and I understand that he refused to get off the plane.
I think airlines should just give people who have to leave the plane a business class ticket for the next flight or some card to get into the nicer lounges at the airport.
Do you think you could move the deadline to next Wednesday (the 19th)? I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish my project for Saturday, as I'm working on a big project, which should be finished on Wednesday.
If you don't want to move the deadline, I totally understand and I'll just send you what I have on Saturday. Thx!
I'd just put a lot of vertical stabilizer wings underneath the boat for stability. But I'm also quite new to this so I don't know how to make it turn better.
3 three of my planes were once featured in a video (I sent them in), but 2 of them went hypersonic and exploded because I had built them two updates earlier and some glitch had been added...
You need to go onto "view profile" and click on "manage account" in the top left corner under the points badge. Then just change your name and click save.
Are you using rotators or hinge rotators? Because I think if you made a long line of hinge rotators where every other hinge is turned on it's side, the rope could be quite strong, but I'm not too sure. Could you post the gun so we can look at it?
Yeah, I find that users below 5000 points don't really get much attention even if they make amazing builds (there are of course exceptions). But don't let that drag you down, as long as you had fun making it and you like it, that's all that matters.
Awesome! I'm really glad with how this turned out : ) Do you mind if I give this "the Fine Tuner treatment" (basically making some small changes with XML)? I'll give to you afterwards to upload.
note that to download mods you must download them through internet explorer and not through the game (at least it works like that on PC)
Did you download the mod? -> FineTuner
I decided I'd leave it till Sunday because I couldn't use SP on my computer this week and I didn't see any point in uploading it in the state it's now (The rest of the stuff I had planned needs FineTuner). I'll upload it as soon as possible (most likely Monday) but please don't delay the challenge just for me. Thanks!
Very impressive!
Thx! @M4A4Firefly @Stampede @JettStorm
Thank you! @luuk2909 @Akrimonious @Treadmill103
Thank you! : D @MAHADI @masteroftheskys @ElHoncho
Thx : D @Phantion @mushr0om @ForeverPie
Thanks for you upvote! @DestinyAviation @CWhat016 @kampfer
Thanks : D @Avro683Lancaster @Sauce @BaconAircraft
Thx! @MSkoluda @NativeChief1492 @jamesPLANESii
Thanks! @cobalT @TheOwlAce @PaderiegeZ
Thank you! @Gemista @Visify @ChiChiWerx
It's just a clickable link to thepilot04's post
Thanks! Glad you like it : ) @Buza @EternalDarkness @Tully2001
Yeah, I'm in France on holiday this week and I'm visiting the A380 factory in Toulouse on Tuesday, so I thought I might as well make one. @Luuk2909
The original tu-22 had the downward-firing ejection seats, but the newer tu-22m3 has normal ejection seats. @MaximusTheMinimus
@SimpleFlow Slightly late for your challenge, but better late than never!
@Buza hehehe
Well I'm planning on making a few projects that should be finished around the start of summer, and then I'll start making Star Wars ships. As I don't really know what I'm going to do first I'll try to do one of these around that time : ) @asteroidbook345
All I heard was that somebody was dragged off a plane, so the rest is all new to me and I'm honestly quite shocked.
I think it's a disgrace that he was handled like that, and the fact that he had an operation o do the next day makes it even worse, and I understand that he refused to get off the plane.
I think airlines should just give people who have to leave the plane a business class ticket for the next flight or some card to get into the nicer lounges at the airport.
Do you think you could move the deadline to next Wednesday (the 19th)? I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish my project for Saturday, as I'm working on a big project, which should be finished on Wednesday.
If you don't want to move the deadline, I totally understand and I'll just send you what I have on Saturday. Thx!
I'd just put a lot of vertical stabilizer wings underneath the boat for stability. But I'm also quite new to this so I don't know how to make it turn better.
I remember that Top Gear episode like I watched it yesterday...
Ok then, sadly I'll only be able to watch about 10 mins though
Which time zone are you in?
Do you also want the boom 50 scaled?
I'll have a look, but I don't know how to do it so I'll have to try some stuff out (it may or may not work)
Thank you for saving us all! @AndrewGarrison
3 three of my planes were once featured in a video (I sent them in), but 2 of them went hypersonic and exploded because I had built them two updates earlier and some glitch had been added...
Yeah I have that too.
Tully2001 found some way to abuse the spotlight system and is spamming us all......
np! I'm really happy with how this turned out, and hopefully we can do some more projects together in the future : )
Wow, this is awesome! Feature alert!! @Seeras @Cedy117 @MediocrePlanes
I'd say continue it, but maybe take a break and build some planes aerospace planes first
Now that I've just checked if it works it seems there's no way to do it....
You need to go onto "view profile" and click on "manage account" in the top left corner under the points badge. Then just change your name and click save.
Sure, but my computer can only handle 1000+ ish builds on low physics. Although I guess that could give you a different perspective of the builds.
Are you using rotators or hinge rotators? Because I think if you made a long line of hinge rotators where every other hinge is turned on it's side, the rope could be quite strong, but I'm not too sure. Could you post the gun so we can look at it?
Yeah, I find that users below 5000 points don't really get much attention even if they make amazing builds (there are of course exceptions). But don't let that drag you down, as long as you had fun making it and you like it, that's all that matters.
Awesome! I'm really glad with how this turned out : ) Do you mind if I give this "the Fine Tuner treatment" (basically making some small changes with XML)? I'll give to you afterwards to upload.
Thank you! @rubbishcraft
So you mean like the flaps on the wing used to brake? Can you spend me the link I'll see what I can do
Lol, I didn't get round to finishing mine, although it'll be finished by Tuesday (I almost made it). Can you rate mine anyway?
Ok it looks like nobody did it. I'll be able to do on Monday though (if things go well I can do it tomorrow)
Supposedly there'll be boat races, which means that there'll probably be new boat parts, but that's about everything we know