28.7k FeiGe3
Player Biography
Feel free to make liveries with the planes I make, just give credit(auto-credit or in description) of the plane's to GalacticaAsia & me and the livery to yourself.
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Sorry everyone, due to some busy tasks at this stage, the speed of publishing works will decrease to one work per four month or one work per fivemonths.
Bronze: 2022.3
Sliver: 2022.9.16
Gold: 2023.4.4
100 Followers:2023.5.23
150 Followers:2023.11.18
200 Followers:2024.3.23
250 Followers:2024.9.13
Platinum: 2024.11.6
300 Followers:2025.2.4
List of completed works(Narrow-Body Airliner Version):Here
List of completed works(Wide-Body Airliner Version):Here
List of Aircraft Manufacturing Plans:here
Previously known as