26.7k FishMiner Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    The ability to change the sounds a part makes. This feature should allow someone to change the volume, pitch, and sound effect a part uses, with the effects library available being the existing effects in game.

  • I think there’s a lawyer in our website guys... 4.4 years ago

    Also I just looked this up, they're a legit firm, and one with a comedically bad marketing strategy at that.

  • FISHMINER 4.0 years ago


  • fuselage guns 3.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii he hasn't figured what the nudge tool does, and so hasn't figured out how to nudge wing guns into a fuselage.

  • Do anyone really know what is the meaning of Jundroo ? 3.9 years ago

    Its an inside joke between Andrew -the lead dev, and his siblings (I think)

  • the watter i drank wiredd 4.3 years ago

    You seem pretty drunk, so what you drank was probably vodka. Vodka is pretty strong stuff and you should get some help. Again, alcohol poisoning is serious and so you should seek help.

  • My First Fuselage Art 4.5 years ago

    W H A T H A V E Y O U B R O U G H T U P O N T H I S C U R S E D L A N D

  • Multiplayer Glitch 4.7 years ago

    Ah this bug, its caused by a bad connection to the server and can only be fixed by getting rid of the bad connection, often times newer MP players or younger players in general will not be cooperative, so you have have to force them off somehow, usually by force crashing the server you are on. :/

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.1 years ago

    People who advertise their builds on other people's post.

    I mean, how hard is it to get attention without being a door to door salesman?

  • This community disturbs me. 3.7 years ago

    Ah yes, stealing a build and time traveling back so it's no longer a stolen build, genius.

  • Tactical Shopping Cart 4.4 years ago

    Perfect for a trip to Tesco at 3am, a little under armed for Birmingham though.

  • This one goes back a bit... 4.5 years ago

    TLDR: Jundroo got it's name because of an inside joke.

  • How a possible updated Rank System could look 4.4 years ago

    This is incredibly dumb. Just keep the current tanks and add another one on. And please keep in mind the site's astetic, these ranks don't work with the site's color palette.

  • Why is everyone jumping onto the,"BoganBoganTheMan" trend? 4.4 years ago

    ngl its pretty cringe

  • I’m a rapper now lol 2.0 years ago

    My condolences

  • A Complete List of Rafale Air to Air Kills 1986-2021 3.8 years ago

    yey, funni drama tiem

  • Bruh stop hating on 0 point users who reupload with funky colors and engines everywhere 4.3 years ago

    Ok Ur JuSt ObJeTiVeLy WrOnG aNd WoRsE tHaN hItLeR iF u Do ThIs

  • An Actual Discrace To The SP Community. 4.7 years ago

    Today's top story: Platinum user angry at cloud for making weird shape while he was looking.

  • What’s up with everyone’s pfps?? 3.4 years ago

    they got rid of the beloved stock yellow anon man and replaced him with this

  • Michigan's State Tree 3.5 years ago

    I love how they give these things permanent mountings, at least the numbskulls at the DOT are self aware lol.

  • Why don’t I get any upvotes on my planes and stuff? 3.7 years ago

    1: your stuff is ok, not great, and people upvote things they think are great.
    2: really bad thumbnail images

    Your building and marketing skills get better over time, it took me several years to get to where I am. In general it takes about 3 years before someones artistic sense and style to mature and for them to master the medium, so be patient.

  • 25,079 part Tutorial Plane 3.8 years ago

    Extensive scientific research shows that this is the last image the human brain creates at the point of death. Could this be god himself?

  • Sukhoi SU-30 Flanker-C 4.0 years ago

    By the way, one of the instruments in the cockpit explodes during high G manuevers, I didn't fix it because it makes a wonderful pilot soupification meter.

  • Cooking Le Fish 4.3 years ago

    Oh no

  • Simpleplanes site has 604063 planes 4.6 years ago

    Floating p51- the lowest rated plane by a user with an account...
    We must rectify this injustice.

  • New drama is dumb 4.7 years ago

    Remember when this site was an interesting and fun place to be? Pepperidge farm remembers.

  • Can we please have a new rank? 5.3 years ago

    How about emerald instead of diamond, because you know... the devs are already blue.

  • German Frying Fortress 3.1 years ago

    Thank you for opening up this mighty fine salt mine. It is truly a glorious thing to behold.

  • Tiger II Malachite 3.2 years ago

    Includes everything you need, even two spare transmissions, giving you a whole 15 minutes of driving!

  • All my unpublished mods 3.6 years ago

    Does the coom mod just give every Island snowstones textures?

  • I dont get it 4.4 years ago

    And here we see the wild KOR and his inability to get sarcasm, what a curious creature indead.

  • Michael Bay Movie Simulator 2018 7.1 years ago

    That face has seen some serious stuff.

  • car 2.5 years ago

    I present to you: an car


  • Snax The Heavily mutated Floridan gator 2.7 years ago

    I've been to Florida, and I can confirm from personal experience that it takes a squad of Florida men to wrestle one of these away from hole 7 of the local golf course.

  • Farewell, SP 3.2 years ago

    You'll be back, you can't escape this game for long...

  • (Teaser) Garuda Class 5.0 years ago

    Nope, by far not the largest.

  • Laziness. 4.3 years ago

    M8 haven't you heard the news, effort doesn't mean shit anymore.

    Being serious for a second here, I think you're overreacting a bit here. I will concead that you do have a point what with all the rotor spam on this person's ships. This does not mean that you have the right to make ad-hominem attacks on this user.

  • Why is the community of Simpleplanes Multiplayer so boring and empty? 4.3 years ago

    Having nothing interesting to do
    Having a low tolerance for other peoples BS
    Having a life
    Being busy

  • Tactical Shopping Cart 4.4 years ago

    @Jdlarkspur NO U

  • why? 4.5 years ago

    Your thumbnails are zoomed out and in orthographic mode.
    Taking pictures directly from the front is not good.
    And turning the turrets of your tanks in the designer is annoying.
    A detailed description would help too.

  • (Fills with disgust) 4.6 years ago

    @KnightOfRen it's ironic that you of all people are complaining about this.
    One gets upvotes because a clique made a meme out of it.
    The other gets upvotes because he set up a clique to get them.

  • ME-262 WAS A WASTE OF RESOURCES 4.7 years ago

    Bismarck class P O C K E T B A T T L E S H I P. Lmao you lost me there.

  • YAMATO 1945 4.8 years ago

    game gave up and crashed when i tried to cancel the download lmao

  • Goodbye. 4.8 years ago

    This is big sad.
    Also your probably going to want to come back in about 5 months.

  • White sun 5.5 years ago

    @SakuraSaku its pretty clear that it was a joke

  • New update when? 1.9 years ago

    Lol, lmao even

  • Tractor Plane 2.3 years ago

    this thing radiates 2017 energy, I love it.

  • Lo Res car 2.4 years ago

    the 1970's called, the want their "economy" lead acid battery powered electric car back
