@RussianAS The tracks are wrong, it had a duel track set up with a smaller track in the front and longer track in the rear or at least all the versions i have seen are like that.
@EternalDarkness How much blade rattle and blade play did your knifes have when you tried chopping? Because i guarantee that you had at least a little.
@Starlight @asteroidbook345 i shall rephrase my question then. because Asteroidbook345 also got my meaning wrong. with the anime or manga of Evangelion do you find something to be disagreeable with the art stile, writing, or plot of Evangelion? if so what?
I hope that's clearer. what's your language?
something i never understood is why the Japanese thought it was a good idea to ally themselves with Nazis when there leader was a tyrannical insane out of touch old man that more or less wanted to take over the world. that exactly what Lebensraum was about.
@Brendorkus dose the back thruster tilt with the front too and did you add thrust force to the back thruster so it matches the thrust force of the front too? kus if you did it should be stable. all you would need to make it more stable if you did would be to add a gyro.
@Zanedavid i think this is the last mech i make with this mod. the mod destabilizes the hole mech. its good to know you liked it though. might make a tank tracks version of this...
@Strikefighter04 i figured if Spin Tires could do it why not. That said Spin Tires is a another duck altogether.
@Gestour so not in a great area if at all.
Hans get zhe Flammenwerfer! it muss nicht eier legen!
@YuukaNeko with out the stock would this sieve more of a auto pistol or more automatic large-frame pistol role?
@Donduck1interesting turret. had loaded or auto loader?
+1@Pianoman the droid the myth the legend Pianoman is back.
+1@RussianAS The tracks are wrong, it had a duel track set up with a smaller track in the front and longer track in the rear or at least all the versions i have seen are like that.
@DickBrazen did it sound like i was calling out otayahiromo8211 because i wasn't.
+1@EternalDarkness How much blade rattle and blade play did your knifes have when you tried chopping? Because i guarantee that you had at least a little.
@Enderhawk frame lockers have problems but you probably knew that already.
@EternalDarkness couldent do any real cooping with it do to the fact that if you were to try the blade would snap off. i know i have dune this.
@EternalDarkness doesn't have a tang so the extra length kinda pointless.
@Enderhawk frame locker or locking blade?
@Starlight o that's cool. English is a dumb language to be truly honest. that said, its one of the leading world languages so :-/
+2@Starlight @asteroidbook345 i shall rephrase my question then. because Asteroidbook345 also got my meaning wrong. with the anime or manga of Evangelion do you find something to be disagreeable with the art stile, writing, or plot of Evangelion? if so what?
I hope that's clearer. what's your language?
@Maxwellcrafter but can you weaponize it?
@Starlight what would you say is the critiqueable thing in Evangelion is?
something i never understood is why the Japanese thought it was a good idea to ally themselves with Nazis when there leader was a tyrannical insane out of touch old man that more or less wanted to take over the world. that exactly what Lebensraum was about.
+2cant say i was ever a fan of Evangelion.... cool meck though.
+1@NFIGMT wow this brings me back... its been what 19 years scene that came out? dam man your digging up my ghosts.
+1@Starlight good luck. meany have tried, meany have failed.
@Starlight so your working on a Granddaddy Gundam that walks?
@Emman100000 you should try something that's not a grandam for once. V project RX-77-2 Guncannon maybe..
@Ruffes123 you might find this useful.
@Starlight would you be open to help me out a bit with a project of mine?
+1@Terminator have only one question. how much crack are you on.
+1doesn't look much like the granddaddy Gundam.
@Starlight the one you made way better then the one i made. Great job BTW Good stuff.
+1@Minecraftpoweer AND IT WILL BE THE LAST. X'D
@Zanedavid hears the full release.
@Dstabler if you spent points this game would become competitive really quickly. SP ant that kind of game and doesn't have that kind of community.
@zombieuncle is the next one your going to make going to be named Bird of Pray?
@Brendorkus is the center of lift right on top of the center of mass or close?
@Irrandan yes, you do need to say more.
+1@Brendorkus dose the back thruster tilt with the front too and did you add thrust force to the back thruster so it matches the thrust force of the front too? kus if you did it should be stable. all you would need to make it more stable if you did would be to add a gyro.
@Ruffes123 NP, Brov... you make some interesting stuff. tis cool to see another MSG fan. also congrats on making gold.
@carrot2110 or maybe this.
@carrot2110 or this.
+1@carrot2110 i see you like guns. you might like this.
@Zanedavid i think this is the last mech i make with this mod. the mod destabilizes the hole mech. its good to know you liked it though. might make a tank tracks version of this...
@Zanedavid tell me what you think. also you should reed the description. you might find it vary interesting.
@Khanskaya thanks. :3 you are a great help.
+1@Khanskaya that would be great. i do have the Overload mod.
@MrHoboDuck thanks for the upvote also. X3
@Khanskaya well if you can and do let me know.
@MrHoboDuck thanks for trying though. maybe you could tell me how to do what i want to do...
As useful as a duck foot gun.
a octahedron made out of polygons... shape separation. O_o
+1them duke boys are at it again .GIF
+1@asteroidbook345 noted... how meany submissions are you hoping to git?