12.5k Flash0of0green Comments

  • Auto-Aim AA Cannon With Proximity Detonation Shell 2.9 years ago

    what happens when you use more then one of them on a single build? also would these aim at your own craft if a targeted aircraft crossed passed part of your own build?

  • IA Raycasting Demo 2.5 years ago

    @BuiltBionixInd10 autism the greatest power of all. XD

  • Simple Forklift 2.5 years ago

    "come with me and you'll be in a world of OSHA vitiations"

  • It's been a good ride. 2.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison are you really 40? you don't look much older then me and im 25.

  • Perfect Fuselage Art 3.8 years ago

    @realSavageMan there are free programs that QR encode web links.

  • Tank gun ( Feel free to use it !! ) 4.0 years ago

    something i find Strang is the riffling on this tank gun. there is no spiral so the riffling generates no spin. also the fact that it even has riffling is strange because most modern tank guns are smooth bore as to not affect there more exotic ammo types. Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot rounds (APFSD), High explosive squash head (HESH), High explosive anti tank (HEAT), High explosive (HE) are normally negatively affected by riffling in a tank barrel. over all its a nice gun.
    another thing that screams "this is not a modern tank gun" is the absence of a Bore evacuator witch are seen on a number of modern tank guns as well as a number of cold war era tank guns.

  • LOWA class Battlesship-Miami 4.1 years ago

    it's nice but unrealistic. the underbelly turrets the lack of landing gear or landing support structure furthermore i could not set down in water do to the near impossibility for the sub-bridge to take the water pressure + the pressure of the ship also the belly turrets would be even harder to make watertight.
    my final thoughts are. It's vary nice, has very advanced build quality, and looks nice. over all numeric score (which is a bad system) 8/10

  • Saturn 350mm 2.0 years ago

    how does it feed the 350mm shell?

  • Wirbelwind Flakpanzer 2.5 years ago

    @SimpleTankers i see, i see.

  • Westland Wessex 2.5 years ago

    @rimiha great now turn it into a Winnebago Heli Home

  • Observation Equipment -Naozumi- 2.5 years ago

    @hpgbproductions i will take that into note. thing is i tend to draw for male figures witch as far as i can tell form my physique have wider chests and shoulders then females. that being said im far from good at drawing. i have hard times getting face proportions right.

  • AKC-76/2S (76mm) 2.6 years ago

    @CheezyRyrio i mean yha. people will naturally judge your works under a harsher grading scale the higher rank you are. keep at it though and you will eventually make it to gold.

  • Pioneer 100mm 2.7 years ago

    @mahardika oh boi dat ant good. well. i guess the negative elevation doesn't matter if this is a main ship gun.

  • Pioneer 100mm 2.7 years ago

    @mahardika what's the negative elevation on this gun?

  • HAPPY PRIDE MONTH !! 2.8 years ago

    and yet another reminder that we stray farther from gods light.

  • MSK-008 Dijeh 3.9 years ago

    One of the most Zeon looking mobile suits in Zeta Gundam and for good reason it was worked on by a number of Zeon engineers that defected to the AEUG.

  • Among Us - Military Pilot (Green) 4.5 years ago

    we've found the imposter boys.

  • MS-05 Zaku i 4.7 years ago

    @Starlight I'm vary tempted to try and make this into a Zaku I sniper.

  • Teaser 4.7 years ago

    @c144538707 Nope. Before the Zabi family took over the nation of Zeon's flag looked something like this. side note the nation of Zeon wasn't called that before the takeover it was originally called Munzo and was one colony. Zeon zum deikun was assassinated and the Zabi took power. then they declared their independence and split off from the earth then calling them selves Zeon taking control of meany other space colony's.

  • ZGMF-X10A Freedom 4.8 years ago

    @Starlight the Golden frame is a sign of VPSA (Variable Phase Shift Armor) which is an improved version of PS armor. VPSA covers the joints of the inner frame to help with G-forces and system operation as well as providing greater protection for the pilot. If it was my choice what color the VPSA's armor color would take it would be Jet Black or OD Green.

  • Update 2.0.001 - SimplePlanes 2 Mobile Beta 5.0 years ago

    @BaconAircraft The memes are dank with this one.

  • Test tank 1 5.0 years ago

    don't know if you knew this but you can upload creations as unlisted which means others cant see it with out your permeation. @BODG96

  • Evangelion Unit-01 5.1 years ago

    @Starlight o that's cool. English is a dumb language to be truly honest. that said, its one of the leading world languages so :-/

  • Mitsubishi J8M Shisei Shusui 5.1 years ago

    something i never understood is why the Japanese thought it was a good idea to ally themselves with Nazis when there leader was a tyrannical insane out of touch old man that more or less wanted to take over the world. that exactly what Lebensraum was about.

  • stridsvagn 103's hydropneumatic tracks 5.3 years ago


  • Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" 5.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 i got the chance to ride i a B-17 once.

  • Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" 5.4 years ago

    @MrPorg137 other way around chef.

  • Villager Mech-5702 5.4 years ago

    @HarrisCraft yha that's what you meant. i originally thought you were making a joke like in Monty Python search for the holey glare-Animated Monster - Ceen

  • M9 - Red Silver 5.7 years ago

    @SodiumChloride @randomusername thanks for the upvotes M8s

  • Hispano-Suiza 20mm Automatic Aircraft Cannon 6.2 years ago

    @14ROVI HeareHeare's a challenge you. Try to make a Flack cannon ; one that actually fires an flack shell.

  • VK 6600(h) E-79 (I'm back, you hecks!) [NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY] 6.9 years ago

    @Adlerkrieg Looks like the Edelweiss from Valkyria chronicles. Mind if I mod it into it?

  • RX-0 Unicorn Gundam(need help!) 8.1 years ago

    @MrMecha do you think you can help with this?

  • ASTERISK 90MM CANNON 1.5 years ago

    @mahardika good to know im not going crazy.... cant go some where you already are but still.

  • ASTERISK 90MM CANNON 1.5 years ago

    i seem to remember there being an armored car that has something similar to this as it's main armament.

  • Nordschleife 7:00 maybe but fixed race 2.1 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima nice reference to Red Line.

  • RX-78-02 GUNDAM(ver.GTO) 2.4 years ago

    Now all it needs is the Gundam hammer/ hyper hammer, beam javelin, and mega bazooka, and super napalm launcher and you'll have the prefect RX-78-2

  • Gundam GP03S Stamen (RX-78GP03S) 2.4 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima break a leg at collage M8

  • MSN-04-SAZABI 2.5 years ago

    @Holymissile this looks pretty good.

  • MS-06R Psycho Zaku 2.5 years ago

    the Zeon logo in that shoulder shield. cant tell if that's the one im responsible for or some one else end of the day it doesn't matter. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ kuz psycho Zaku.

  • a10 2.5 years ago

    yha yes the A10 one of the plains known for the highest friendly kill count in recent history. also one of if not the most over hyped air craft of modern times.

  • CameraAndDisplay 2.5 years ago

    heads up if you have a weaker PC just having this mod activated will drop your FPS down to one. this mod is not optimized for weaker PCs

  • Old Glory 2.5 years ago

    warning vary pterotic. the history behind the Star Spangled Banner

  • How to annoy pc players 2.5 years ago

    @210100 Achievement Unlocked: Simple Planes Fud
    congrats! your now showing your age. you have been part of the SP community for long enough that you still have access to this mod.

  • Wirbelwind Flakpanzer 2.5 years ago

    @SimpleTankers mind explaining why you found it scare?

  • Wirbelwind Flakpanzer 2.5 years ago

    i always thought the Wirbelwind had an interesting turret design.

  • Observation Equipment -Naozumi- 2.5 years ago

    you did this based off of a drawing you did? neat. i wonder if you would be willing to take a look at a drawing i did (im not what i would call an artist, just have armature sketching skills and rarely draw from reference). @hpgbproductions

  • UDC UCC-300, .300 BLK Carbine 2.5 years ago

    @YuukaNeko that's a nice SureFire PQE you got on there.
