49.1k Flightsonic Comments

  • We need a cannon (Uservoice suggestion) 7.2 years ago

    I would enjoy drop for the already existing guns, especially to make dogfights a little more realistic

  • Bronze, silver, gold and platinum 9.1 years ago

    101 bronze
    1001 silver
    5001 gold
    25001 platinum

  • ok google, stop it 7.2 years ago

    I think it's mostly due to their... immaturity for lack of better terms that makes that extremely thick skulled and ignorant, to have a higher average age would be amazing

  • Is there a way to make an object spin endlessly? 7.2 years ago

    Increase max input to something extreme

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    Oh I was under the impression that auto-credit was different than successors, whoops! Though I wonder how it would be to implement an algorithm to compare the XML files of two craft, and have UUIDs within parts to identify them between creations

  • Rapid fire rockets 7.5 years ago

    No problem!

  • How would I go about creating this? 4.9 years ago

    In regard to the shape you mean? Best way to do more complex geometries is to use fuselage as panels, and increase/decrease their thickness in order to create curves between them

  • Need help with Funky trees 4.9 years ago


  • Please 7.2 years ago

    @GermanAircrafts did you even read the damn post?

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.3 years ago

    @Temmie removes upvote jk

  • HOW DO I XML MOD ON MOBILE(android or iOS) 9.0 years ago

    Apple you can't, android:find the directory and open the XML files with a text editor. Look up tutorials on it

  • I am Randomdoggo 4.9 years ago

    who's that?

  • Help with funky trees for direction of travel alignment on tailess aircraft 4.9 years ago

    AngleOfSlip determines your angle in comparison to your heading on the yaw axis

  • My Fictional Country of New Zealand 4.9 years ago

    I like the flag! I'm surprised australia is on that map tho, I'm relatively sure it doesn't exist either

  • (help)How to delay Rotator? 4.9 years ago

    @spefyjerbf sorry to keep tagging you about funkytrees, I'm trying to learn
    wouldn't something along the lines of smooth(Activate1,delay)>threshold ? 1 : 0 achieve something similar, or is there something else it it?

  • Falcon Heavy Succeeded! 7.1 years ago

    I don't even think it's egotistical, think this
    You have one of the most successful private space agencies
    You have the ability to capture the minds of millions of people
    And you have a rocket to test

    It's almost comparable to the space race in a non-political way, just the efforts to push further and farther, so why not?

  • Funny Thing 7.2 years ago

    Just, wow.

  • AMEX Satellite 7.2 years ago

    @PorkyClown3 Ah gotcha, my bad

  • About Tagging: 7.2 years ago

    Or use the follower system

  • New Website Feature 7.2 years ago

    Have you thought about implementing a way to sort comment by highest rated/hottest/newest now that we have comment upvotes?

  • Who would win in a fight? 7.2 years ago


  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer Mod - Patch 0.105 Changelog 7.2 years ago

    I feel that one of the dev team's tasks should be to make a bot that replies to anyone who asks for mobile multiplayer or iOS mods

  • Rapid fire rockets 7.5 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 "firingDelay=X" allows for delay editing on missiles

  • Upvoting comments 7.9 years ago

    @AstleyIndustries and potentially a way to filter from top rated/chronological comments, whereas the most helpful comments will be the first

  • Flying Guitar Challenge 8.5 years ago

    I was like "Challenge? There's no competition when the post already has the winner"

  • How to save a whole model as a sub assembly 8.9 years ago

    @Razr no, it doesn't allow that to prevent copies... see?

  • James Bond Car 9.1 years ago

    Adding one part isn't gonna do much for you... please read the rules about copying

  • What is Drag points means ????????? 9.1 years ago

    I believe the record low is 17 drag points (wow)

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 9.2 years ago

    Lol this is a mess of a forum with all the pics

  • If you enjoyed SimplePlanes, why are you leaving? one year ago

    When I was still a little pea in a pod I also saw many posts like those, its funny to come back to em. There's still some reason I mess around with this game over KSP or anything else. If you enjoy this game, and especially if you're still young with plenty of time, just enjoy it. Don't worry about the games metrics, 10 years is a long time for any game.

  • Why? 4.9 years ago

    You should see planes that actually take people weeks or even months

  • Question ,about 3D-Printing creations 4.9 years ago

    @Nickk if you're trying to get the file from android I'm assuming you don't have a computer then? You still should be able to get the obj file from android in the menu in the designer, I personally can't check tho

  • SP posting logic.(advices) (complaint warning) 4.9 years ago

    aha funny joke, funny, laughed

  • I am annoyed 4.9 years ago

    Well there isn't much to fix when we don't know what it is

  • Funky what now? 4.9 years ago

    And here
    @TrislandianAlliance boolean is a type of operator

  • Why do so many posts seem to be getting removed? 4.9 years ago

    Well if it was removed as spam, just maybe it was?

  • COMING SOON 4.9 years ago

    A true masterpiece an inspiring piece of cinema. This movie is an overall EPIC and AWESOME movie Ill try not to give any spoilers but WHEW THIS IS ePiC! This movie honestly changed my life i now see things differently ever since i was a boy i dreamed of anthropomorphic coffee beans brutally fighting this caught my eye with a little looking into I found out Jeff Lew made this. If you didnt know Jeff Lew helped pass the 13th amendment which was an incredible event. When i first watched this i was doubting myself OH MY WAS I WRONG this is the best movie ive ever seen the story, the animation style, and the gun play was amazing Killer Bean or Jack bean is the main protagonist he is a hitman sent to bean town to stop a mafia crime lord not only does this movie have incredible action scenes it is very quotable. Killer Bean 3 is going to come out soon with a run time of about an hour and 25 minutes and a budget of under 1 million which is super suprising this action comedy will blow you away overall I would give this movie a 10/10 even though there were some missed opportunities the one liners and action scenes were great let alone the plot being amazing god i love this film it is an inspiring work of art and should be showed to the youth of america so they can fight back in shmule scootings Killer Bean le epicly destroys all of his foes in stylish ways like i said i give this movie a 10/10 would recommend and definitely watch again you should get this movie as a Christmas present or birthday present. So to conclude this i will rate Killer Bean Forever, made in 2009 a 10/10 rating this has been Doorknob Jar goodbye.

  • Just watched a cursed comments video 4.9 years ago

    ahah cool wowie

  • We need logic! 4.9 years ago

    Throttle>.5 ? 1 : 0
    If throttle is greater than 50%, output 1, or else output 0
    It's not much more difficult than general math

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    true true, I'll give it some more work

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    @DPain I'm actually baffled as to why it does lose calibration, I had a sneaky suspicion that it was in that range. At first I thought it was due to slip or something but that can't be so because yawrate would only read out the change in yaw, and it doesnt matter the heading

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    Nope I haven't, think I'm close though

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    I actually got it I think

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    I think I'm getting close to getting it, I'll give you the code once/if I do, the coordinate singularity of pointing straight up/down is a problem tho

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    @DPain the smooth(Heading,clamp01(Time<1)*10000) locks the starting value for heading, So smooth will determine the rate which the value based on heading will change, which will be near instant at the start, but once Time>1 (which clamp01 makes sure it's 0 not -1) the value cannot change even if heading does, so we can then determine our rate of change of heading after this function

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    @DPain think I found a way to do the starting offset, smooth(Heading,clamp01(Time<1)*10000)
    then + whatever will make it track

    and sorry to spam with this lol

  • Question: how do i make large wings more stable via XMl editing 4.9 years ago

    You can change structural wings to allow control surfaces with the allowControlSurfaces parameter

  • Heading Indicator Mk.I 4.9 years ago

    @DPain yeahh, that's where it gets tough, good work on this though, don't mean to sound negative

  • AXIS Flight System 4.9 years ago

    @spefyjerbf alright thanks! Can't wait to see that too

  • This is probably my most ambitious SP build. 4.9 years ago

    OH BOY
    I'll just pretend that I'm anywhere as organized as your graphics make me want to be
