386 FltLtFox Comments

  • AI Wingmen 7.0 years ago

    What I think is needed is an 'ally' 'neutral' and 'enemy' AI. Neutral is default, but if hit by bullets will try and return fire (missile lock response is already in the game). Ally is exactly that, and could probably have the setting idea you have to get them in formation and such (being able to make your own custom one would be awesome). And enemy is just that. They're on the same team and won't just shoot at each other like the 'aggressive' setting does (as fun as it is to watch).

    Now if they also include AI controlled turrets... I could have an awesome bomber formation defending against hordes of swarming enemy fighters. And potentially being capable of carrying little helpers into the fight. Or straight up proper flying aircraft carriers. Because flying aircraft carriers.

  • Where is the WWII fleet? 7.2 years ago

    @WEAPONSMITH Alright. Straight ahead for 15 minutes. Let's see where that gets me. At least this bomber lives up to being called the 'Long Range Heavy Bomber'... And doubles as a maritime patrol craft. Also gonna be spamming that tab key on ground targets.

  • F-17a (help needed) 7.2 years ago

    Your roll surfaces need to be on the ends of the wings for maximum effect. And you could make them bigger as well. (Go to the wing-edit tab in the builder and scroll down to 'control surface'. There's an 'edit shape' button that will let you change how it looks)

  • Any suggestions for A plane 7.2 years ago

    As Awsomur suggested, I'm going to expand on that. Look up the Italian 3 engine bombers and build one of those :D

  • T28/T95 (GMC)-Super Heavy Tank 7.2 years ago


  • F-17a (help needed) 7.2 years ago

    @Nuclearbomb O7 you're welcome!

  • Exact Definition of top speed 7.0 years ago

    I'm pretty sure it's highest achieved.

  • Perry the Stratopuss 7.0 years ago

    @Maxwell1 Yeah. I had nooooo idea what I was doing. XD

  • Perry the Stratopuss 7.0 years ago

    @Maxwell1 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/mNVRtO/VonDerp-MKI-wo-bombs

    Here you go. Good luck! :D

  • Perry the Stratopuss 7.0 years ago

    @Maxwell1 Haven't posted it yet. And by "barely" I mean it's going constantly at stall speed flat forward with no climb. Can't do steep climbs or turns either.

  • Perry the Stratopuss 7.0 years ago

    I've made something even less aerodynamic than that fly (barely)

  • Biplane Fighter 7.0 years ago

    Nice little biplane. :D I've got a few if you want some ideas.

  • How stealthy can you be against the AI? 7.0 years ago

    @Patrick20206 So far there's no stealth system. Sadly.

  • Need ideeeeeaaas. 7.0 years ago

    Make WWI or interwar inspired planes. Googling 'parasol fighters' results in interesting stuff.

  • How stealthy can you be against the AI? 7.0 years ago

    If you're trying to complete the 'destroy the bridges' mission thingy, I've found a fast plane and flying low is very helpful.

  • What is THEE BIGGEST plane (length & wingspan wise) in Simpleplanes EVER? 7.2 years ago

    I could upload my Hive type plane... I need to refine it though. It's merely a MK1 and the wings are very very flimsy. XD Five under-slung fighters to launch though! And bombs.

  • Ercoupe (Failed build #1) 7.2 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf Yup. And I can't even put a proper cowling over it...

  • Ercoupe (Failed build #1) 7.2 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf I tried to make a basic radial style engine detail, but it causes so much drag the plane doesn't fly well. It's more like it falls very very slowly over a longish distance.

  • L-18 7.2 years ago

    @BrianFalero I take it that was the inspiration?

  • L-18 7.2 years ago

    Looks kinda like a Pe-2.

  • Ercoupe (Failed build #1) 7.2 years ago

    Hell yeah! Join the 'it didn't go to plan' club! Holds up hand for high five

  • Piston Power - First radial 9 and 18 supercharged piston engines!! 7.2 years ago

    @MethaManAircraft An actual rotary engine might be able to.

  • Piston Power - First radial 9 and 18 supercharged piston engines!! 7.2 years ago

    Well I've built a plane that 'flies' using the 9 cyl supercharged engine (pretty sure). Acts more as a rotary engine than a radial. That torque. Can't take off because of it.

  • Piston Power - First radial 9 and 18 supercharged piston engines!! 7.2 years ago

    Are these fuel-less piston engines?

  • What should I build? 7.2 years ago

    Build an enormous flying boat bomber.

  • Grumman f4f wildcat v2.0 7.2 years ago

    @Sloths ahh.

  • Grumman f4f wildcat v2.0 7.2 years ago

    That's cool looking, although why is it in Thatch's colors?

  • Aircraft Fleet 7.2 years ago

    @Irobert55 @CK10 that's the problem with not having planes connected to the main cockpit. They don't quite follow the commands you give.

  • Inside the Kraken! 7.2 years ago

    @QuantausAviation you can't kill it sadly. It's basically a moving island.

  • Communism Mark (Wing Part) 7.2 years ago

    Glory to Mother Russia, Comerade.

  • Manual Linkage Autopilot 7.2 years ago

    Does it keep the plane flying up and level?

  • Atlantis 7.2 years ago

    @Sunnyskies I've gotten decently good guestimating where to shoot with turrets. I also clip several guns into each gun on the turret for a proper fire-rate, so that probably helps. Having several shots on the same side going to roughly the same area...

  • Rheinstahl Rh 112 'Luftkreuzer' 7.2 years ago

    That turret in the top of the tail is such a derpy position to put a gunner, but I love it. XD

  • PeterScripol's Biplane 7.2 years ago

    @ACE256 aye. But sadly the engines have default weights and crap.

  • PeterScripol's Biplane 7.2 years ago

    @ACE256 Uh. 280lbs or so I think. Has to be under 500lbs to be an ultralight. So the SP version is well over ten times the weight. XD

  • b-29 enola gay 7.2 years ago

    @diegoavion84 Nice looking cockpit. :D

  • Savoia Marchetti SM.79 7.2 years ago

    Looks good! :D Now. Add guns and a bomb bay. >:D

  • b-29 enola gay 7.2 years ago

    Does it have a nuke?

  • XXVIIB Seehund 7.2 years ago

    I was thinking of making a submarine... Well. Now I have something to tear apart for my own. Muwahahahaha.

  • Need help for choice 7.2 years ago

    Make a boat-tank.

  • lots of questions 7.2 years ago

    Rotators make for bomb bay doors. :3 experiment with different ways of attaching them! I'd recommend the wing shaped fuselage part.

  • Aircraft B-17G 7.2 years ago

    @KeeBird it's fine, and amusing. I've done similarly. XD although my forgetfulness was probably worse than colors on the plane. I forgot to fine tune the angles of some flaps so the highest point was 90° up/down, making airbrakes instead of flaps.

  • PeterScripol's Biplane 7.2 years ago

    @TheAvion yup! Too bad we can't make it the same weight though. I wish they would let us go 'ok. I want this to be made of x-kind of wood, aluminum, steel, etc.' so we can change the weight more easily.

  • PeterScripol's Biplane 7.2 years ago

    @Benkelmans Avion has made two versions. This one is way lighter.

  • PeterScripol's Biplane 7.2 years ago

    I see that you have used the thin-wall method. :D

  • Trump truck 7.2 years ago

    Needs to be colored gold for proper trumpness.

  • SP 2? 7.2 years ago

    @QingyuZhou that'd be nice. And turret AI would be nice too.

  • Warshark 7.2 years ago

    Just a boat?! You made a Monitor-class looking vessel! Aka: the first 'modern' battleship!

  • Biplane w/ attempted struts 7.2 years ago

    @TheChosenOne You're welcome! O7 Now you can go crazy with tiny details. :D

  • Flaps + Trim design 7.2 years ago

    @Sans201x Ah