just modifying Editing RomanoMilos Jeep Wrangler Here's a link to original.
I'm modifying quite a lot... including automatic 2X4 to 4X4, and full VR support and a lot of other small things...
@RomanoMilos I hope you don't mind,
I just want something similar to my old Isuzu Trooper I had, and your jeep just looks too damn good so I decided to build on it instead of making a new frame from scratch ;)
it will stay as a successor to your jeep if I ever upload.
you can use any missile.....
Inferno has tiny fins for example
edit explosion scale, targeting AA/AG/both and other things to make it do what you want it to....
and scale it to hide it better.....
Very cool Jeep!!!
I'm not trying to diss you or anything, but there are a few connection issues....
from the front inner door latch not connected, to some of the suspension having hinges connected one sided.
at least the2 door version from what I've seen so far
the only reason I've noticed is because I'm modifying it for my own fun, like making it a bit taller and having 4X4 only in lower speeds...
again, great build!
I love seeing this little heli flying IRL...
it looks like a BMX bicycle with a rotor compared to other heli's :P
very nice build, I'm modifying it for myself as a fully manual heli, similar to how it is IRL.
@Zaineman Most of the recordings i have like that are of MP flying with other players and such..
If I can, I prefer to record a flight from start to end, without any cuts, so anybody watching can see exactly what I'm doing right and wrong... Learning both from success and failure 😉
I can record for 4 hours to get that one perfect takeoff to landing flight, like my wright to yeager interstate flight..
But mostly it just depends how many tries it takes... This helicopter flight is my 4th flight with this heli for example, I just started recording to see what comes out 😉
@Zaineman I usually keep crashes and stuff for the end .. or if its my first flight.. or if it was a cool crash..
I like showing flights from takeoff to landing, without cuts in the middle.
But everybody has their own styles 🙂
@Ajplebo cheers mate, I have a good setup for helicopter flying, makes a lot of difference using both your arms and legs ;)
I also have some IRL experience with helis...
it's not that I don't like the gyro, I don't see it as necessary in most of the flight...
most helicopters, even ones with powerful Autopilot systems, you override those systems when maneuvering.
you use pitch and roll stabilization for things like long lags of flight, autohovering for emergencies and targeting enemies and such...
IRL most helicopters have a Cyclic Trim, that works a bit different than in airplanes, it centers the cyclic to a position you select.. and that's used most of the time for ease of flight.
so you basically put the helicopter at the attitude you want, and engage the trim, and that will hold your cyclic (and sometimes your tail rotor) in that position.
but that doesn't really work in SP.. same as rotor brakes for stopping the main rotor after shut down ;)
@Ajplebo updating the xml is a great way, if it's just fixes to the existing build...
if it's more edits like colors, or other stuff, I'd upload it as unlisted with a link, or as a successor build :)
nice bell!
easy to fly, and looks great!
tip for pedals in helis, they move simultaneously, when you push the right pedal, the left pedal moves back, just a tip as I see you like making the cockpits ;)
this helicopter represents my biggest gripe with Simpleplanes helicopters.
I mean, I wish helicopter physics were more realistic, but if they were, you'll have very few players that would actually build or fly them....
so I'm happy they're "easy" (even in SP it's not that easy still), as more players make cool helicopters like this one ;)
very very impressive work!!!!!!!
+1my favorite is still the original, but you did an amazing job on this!
@DISHWASHER2005 oof... hope it comes back stronger ;)
@GuyFolk naaaaah, don't sell yourself short ;)
+1@Zaineman thank you!
glad you like it :)
@Zaineman cheers ;)
@dots thank you!
great flying ;)
@WinsWings <3
@dots pls tag me in that build if that's you :)
(it's hard to know who's who in MP sometimes...)
Links will be added to the video description
@kelseyradley yeah... that is basically the first sentence below the title....
what does that have to do with outage map page?
failed to connect for 2 days now..
very cool addition!
+2minor thing, on the road to the pier, the corners have collision bumps..
not sure if that's intentional, but they are dangerous XD
very cool!
cool pics!
+3now we just need the Major and Batou ;)
+1@WinsWings cheers :)
+1@GABRIOX10 great flying!!
@TheFlightGuySP @Planeerf3 pls tag me in your builds if you upload them so I can add links.
@dannyboy18 @ReinMcDeer added links to your builds in the video description.
This is from a couple of months back..
very fun plane, link in the video description.
and Cheers @P1T1KU
@DISHWASHER2005 with so many good builders these days, I just grabbed a Jeep off the site and modified it ;)
+1F-10 constantly?
+1@Zaineman don't think Maywar is on mobile from what I know....
+1but that's in Pharaoh's garden on Maywar
@jamesPLANESii true... but most players don't actually set their mirrors...
+2Having mirrors and being able to Use the mirrors are 2 different things ;)
just some testing for better VR and driver camera and mirrors.
Here's a link to original
Original made by @RomanoMilos I'm just editing it for fun.
@Zaineman it has full interior cameras... and working mirrors..
but it's too scary on this track XD
@TheTomatoLover talking about a real one ;)
+1just modifying Editing RomanoMilos Jeep Wrangler Here's a link to original.
I'm modifying quite a lot... including automatic 2X4 to 4X4, and full VR support and a lot of other small things...
@RomanoMilos I hope you don't mind,
I just want something similar to my old Isuzu Trooper I had, and your jeep just looks too damn good so I decided to build on it instead of making a new frame from scratch ;)
it will stay as a successor to your jeep if I ever upload.
Hail Hydra! :P
+1you can use any missile.....
+2Inferno has tiny fins for example
edit explosion scale, targeting AA/AG/both and other things to make it do what you want it to....
and scale it to hide it better.....
T looking good
Very cool Jeep!!!
+1I'm not trying to diss you or anything, but there are a few connection issues....
from the front inner door latch not connected, to some of the suspension having hinges connected one sided.
at least the2 door version from what I've seen so far
the only reason I've noticed is because I'm modifying it for my own fun, like making it a bit taller and having 4X4 only in lower speeds...
again, great build!
was looking for a simple Schweizer and the Schweizer S300
by @PlaneFX6 was just what I was looking for.
Here's a link to the helicopter I fly in the video
trying to make this fully manual Governor disabled.. just having some fun with it :)
I love seeing this little heli flying IRL...
+2it looks like a BMX bicycle with a rotor compared to other heli's :P
very nice build, I'm modifying it for myself as a fully manual heli, similar to how it is IRL.
I made some C&C95 inspired builds if you want to see my take on the Orca and NOD recon bike... Not for the challenge, just as another C&C lover 😉
+1@Zaineman Most of the recordings i have like that are of MP flying with other players and such..
If I can, I prefer to record a flight from start to end, without any cuts, so anybody watching can see exactly what I'm doing right and wrong... Learning both from success and failure 😉
I can record for 4 hours to get that one perfect takeoff to landing flight, like my wright to yeager interstate flight..
But mostly it just depends how many tries it takes... This helicopter flight is my 4th flight with this heli for example, I just started recording to see what comes out 😉
@Zaineman I usually keep crashes and stuff for the end .. or if its my first flight.. or if it was a cool crash..
I like showing flights from takeoff to landing, without cuts in the middle.
But everybody has their own styles 🙂
@Zaineman I didn't edit anything in the video other than the music 😉
Was close... But not close enough 😜
@Ajplebo cheers mate, I have a good setup for helicopter flying, makes a lot of difference using both your arms and legs ;)
+1I also have some IRL experience with helis...
it's not that I don't like the gyro, I don't see it as necessary in most of the flight...
most helicopters, even ones with powerful Autopilot systems, you override those systems when maneuvering.
you use pitch and roll stabilization for things like long lags of flight, autohovering for emergencies and targeting enemies and such...
IRL most helicopters have a Cyclic Trim, that works a bit different than in airplanes, it centers the cyclic to a position you select.. and that's used most of the time for ease of flight.
so you basically put the helicopter at the attitude you want, and engage the trim, and that will hold your cyclic (and sometimes your tail rotor) in that position.
but that doesn't really work in SP.. same as rotor brakes for stopping the main rotor after shut down ;)
Helicopter by @Ajplebo
Link here
@Ajplebo updating the xml is a great way, if it's just fixes to the existing build...
if it's more edits like colors, or other stuff, I'd upload it as unlisted with a link, or as a successor build :)
nice bell!
+1easy to fly, and looks great!
tip for pedals in helis, they move simultaneously, when you push the right pedal, the left pedal moves back, just a tip as I see you like making the cockpits ;)
this helicopter represents my biggest gripe with Simpleplanes helicopters.
I mean, I wish helicopter physics were more realistic, but if they were, you'll have very few players that would actually build or fly them....
so I'm happy they're "easy" (even in SP it's not that easy still), as more players make cool helicopters like this one ;)
coding was probably such a pain
+2but t this is very impressive!
music wasn't edited in... was just chilling with dwarf fortress soundtrack in MP :P
@Weisbrich cheers and thank you!
its easier with a good setup.. but not that easy ;)
nice helicopter
+1Very nice build!!
+1@RodimusRhoamMaximus This should help
+1Very nice build!!!
love how heavy it feels.
love how unforgiving it is!