@Delphinos oh i didn't notice that
i remember i left it like that because it had a weird conflict that caused it to roll right uncontrollably and I was going fix it up on my computer
@Darsas I must say though, the aircraft performance is severely lacking. Using gyroscopes is all well and good, but it limits the freedom of flight. I don't like to brag, but if you need some performance tweaking, I'll be glad to help you out.
@HKAerodynamics Nice aircraft! I like how you've done the super secret glowing fuselage :D What is the background mod you're using though? It looks spectacular with all of your planes.
Bloody 'ell mate! How the bloomin' galahs you make this at silver?! Give this man/woman a promotion straight to platinum! (much over exaggeration of my origin)
WARNING: FuryionAircraft is not responsible for any loss
of sanity trying to make these work. Because sometimes
they don't, and it gets frustrating. If loss of sanity is
present, seek help from loved ones, or in extreme
cases, a counselor/psychologist.
I'm not sure about it being impractical to develop, but if Unstable's having that much trouble with it, it might need a different approach 😉 my OnePlus 5 is currently running SP better than my AUD $1800 laptop, so in the not so far future, it might be very practical to do.
@TTHHSSSS Thanks! This was one of my very early aircraft, but the performance is still amazing, and could be a very effective swarm fighter. Needs a manoeverability upgrade though, I'm working on that.
wow, its been almost 10 years since i tried this, great to see this is still a thing here ^-^
+1seems like this is a common experience XD spectacular execution
@breitling huh? The auto credit wasn't meant to be there... I didn't use any of those parts, I just modified the standard engines myself
@Delphinos oh i didn't notice that
i remember i left it like that because it had a weird conflict that caused it to roll right uncontrollably and I was going fix it up on my computer
@lliamlegoguy huh, okay thanks
@Delphinos What would that be? Also, is that you? The Delphinus we all know and love?
@lliamlegoguy yeah, I've not been able to get it to work
@AviownCorp Yes mum
@AviownCorp I'd say it looks quite good... It doesn't look bogus at all to me
@AviownCorp Going through high school, haven't got time for anything 😂
I don't understand. What makes this bogus? It seems to fly pretty well, nothing seems excessive...
@AviownCorp Haha! Well nice to see you're making planes again old friend. ☺️
Like this?
Or this?
Maybe this?
It goes on
And on
But basically you just need 1 or 2 hashes
#But this is 7
@DarthAbhinav Just saying, stop beating him up (figuratively) over it 😂
@DarthAbhinav @phanps I legit just mentioned that
@BACconcordepilot thanks for the tip!
@Darsas I must say though, the aircraft performance is severely lacking. Using gyroscopes is all well and good, but it limits the freedom of flight. I don't like to brag, but if you need some performance tweaking, I'll be glad to help you out.
@Darsas Damn, ok. So past experience can help you make 👌 top quality aircraft 😁
@HKAerodynamics Nice aircraft! I like how you've done the super secret glowing fuselage :D What is the background mod you're using though? It looks spectacular with all of your planes.
@Darsas You sure you're not some platinum player using an alt?
Bloody 'ell mate! How the bloomin' galahs you make this at silver?! Give this man/woman a promotion straight to platinum! (much over exaggeration of my origin)
Goddammit @Tully2001
I lost a bit of sanity trying to get that to work
WARNING: FuryionAircraft is not responsible for any loss
of sanity trying to make these work. Because sometimes
they don't, and it gets frustrating. If loss of sanity is
present, seek help from loved ones, or in extreme
cases, a counselor/psychologist.
I'm confused now
wait now this isn't working
@Tully2001 does
* and #
work for you? like this #and this?#@Tully2001 huh,
works fine for me... Make sure you're using
back ticks, not apostrophes
@Tully2001 did you put
before it?@Tully2001 huh... I don't know...
it's working for me
I'm not sure about it being impractical to develop, but if Unstable's having that much trouble with it, it might need a different approach 😉 my OnePlus 5 is currently running SP better than my AUD $1800 laptop, so in the not so far future, it might be very practical to do.
@Visify I'd like to see it.
@OtterOfToast Haha! It kinda does! I'd love to see what you do with it.
The Spidget Finnering will BURN I the most influential fire of the century after the Meme War 3.
Congratulations, HellFireKoder! Have some old and dead memes!
01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100100 01110010 01100001 01100111 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101
It looks like the Viper MK III...
@legiondesigns Cool, blog it.
@CALVIN232 Oh, in that case you want 120x.
@CALVIN232 20x???!!! That's more power than I think you think it is.
@CALVIN232 That would be interesting if the thrust focus panels also worked as airbrakes... Perhaps I should try that... ;D
Can you pleeeaaase~ make a download for PC? The steam workshop mods don't load for me unless I'm on the Internet.
@CALVIN232 Would they work as airbrakes? Last time I tested something like that, all it did was move the COM a bit when deployed.
Is this safe for scaling? I could use this on my tiny Anti-Grav Drive Vehicle in place of the mod I used...
Nice engine BTW.
I'm on it. You want everything scaled to 0.75 is easy. Be back with the scaled version soon.
@TTHHSSSS Thanks! This was one of my very early aircraft, but the performance is still amazing, and could be a very effective swarm fighter. Needs a manoeverability upgrade though, I'm working on that.
@Ctracerx2 Oh, ok.