@TheMouse take your time. Post it when you are ready. but sure i would like to see your version. But only upload it when you are satisfied with the result don t rush
@TheMouse It depends but i usualy start with a calculation or drawing. I use Excel or FreeCad. The rest is XML-moding. I create a new airplane and enter the xml file. From there its possible to specify all parameters. Something very useful for creating bodies like these is to scale all fuselage blocks 2:2:2. The size of the blocks and their position x:y:z are easier to work with that way. If yo include wings the scaled fuselage fits the wings better aswell. I don t use a slicer software or anything similar. If the shape is very complex like my moebius build you have to do a lot of it by hand. On this particular build copy paste was very helpful. The drawing or design has to be sophisticated to avoid surprises during the build. I have a very interesting project that i am working on. The design is very simple. I could upload the body for you and you can build the rest for yourself. Afterwards we compare our results. But my project will keep me busy for quite some time. I guess end of the year. Greetings Galeo
@TheUltimatePlaneLover niiiiice. You surely stepped up your game. If there is enough time to finish my curent project..............;-) We will meet again competing for great victory ;-) I am working on something like the loyal wingman-concept. Tricky but cool if i can pull it off. See ya
@TheMouse thanks for the good rating. I am working on a doomsday-missile-launch-system. Maybe i will upload a version equiped with it. I will have to reduce some parts inorder to do so. The Beaconlights will have to go
@TheGliderGuy its kind of a glider ;-) the controls are a little to thrustbased to be a real glider. This design could fly and behave pleasent, if i did my math right
@MrCOPTY Thats true, but i avoided complicated trigonometric functions by using 5. The improved version includes bulletspeed and ratio of TargetHeading and TargetElevation. Much more acurate. Maybe i will figure out how to do it with two on my next build.
@Chancey21 no i am not SledDriver :-) we had a similar discusion on my last built. We both build fancy shiny stuff but we are not the same and i agree its a nice built
@mrxml this will put out false/true 4 times per second If you need 1 and 0 add clamp01() the full term would be clamp01(round(0.5cos(Time1440)+0.5)=1).
I hope this was helpful. there should be stars for multiply betwen cos/0.5 an Time/1440
@mrxml i checked it again. It does now aswell, but it didnt during my development. Maybe i messed with the wrong parameters and made it a little bit more complicated then necessary
@mrxml reason 1 there are several cannons with different angles for my adaptive spread configuration
reason 2 the cannons shoot when the button FireWeapons is pushed, but only one. for another round you have to release fire weapons and push it again. I interrupt the pushed button by activating and deactivating the aviation group.
the input changes from true to false multiple times per second and releases a shot every time.
Was that helpful?
I was experimenting with a missile launch system that would multiply on the way to its target. Launch one and watch 10 missiles impact.
Things like this are possible with custom-AGs.
The input would be something like:
this input specified for the AG of a detacher would have make it detach after the missile traveled 90% of the way.
If AG3 initiated the launch.
complicated but cool.
@mrxml i checked your profile. you should be familiar with xml editing. i created a custam aviationgroup that is controlled by a cosinusfunction and time. It turns your AG on and off multiple times per minute. The cannon shoots like you were hammering the fireweapon button very fast. I used a cannon and made a heavy machinegun with it. I m glad you like it
@mrxml with funky trees input. Snowflake posted a guide on Github. Very useful. it takes a while to get into building with funky trees but its worth the effort. The Autogun is located below the cockpit. Hide the parts and take alook at it. If you give me some credit for it you can copy the Autogun to your subassys and use it on your plane. Enjoy
@TheMouse i like your upload very agile, very fast and very different from anything i built so far. But cool. Keep me posted on the final result
+1@TheMouse take your time. Post it when you are ready. but sure i would like to see your version. But only upload it when you are satisfied with the result don t rush
+1Test it like this on the ground against aircrafts. The spread has a special mandala-pattern. Enjoy
+1@TheMouse i will try to implement some improvements. I will upload it till monday
+1@TheMouse sure i will upload a seperate subassy for you
+1@TheMouse It depends but i usualy start with a calculation or drawing. I use Excel or FreeCad. The rest is XML-moding. I create a new airplane and enter the xml file. From there its possible to specify all parameters. Something very useful for creating bodies like these is to scale all fuselage blocks 2:2:2. The size of the blocks and their position x:y:z are easier to work with that way. If yo include wings the scaled fuselage fits the wings better aswell. I don t use a slicer software or anything similar. If the shape is very complex like my moebius build you have to do a lot of it by hand. On this particular build copy paste was very helpful. The drawing or design has to be sophisticated to avoid surprises during the build. I have a very interesting project that i am working on. The design is very simple. I could upload the body for you and you can build the rest for yourself. Afterwards we compare our results. But my project will keep me busy for quite some time. I guess end of the year. Greetings Galeo
+1@AndrewTheGarrison thanks
+1@TheMouse thanks for the good rating. I am very happy with my placement. Congratulations to first and second place. See ya
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover niiiiice. You surely stepped up your game. If there is enough time to finish my curent project..............;-) We will meet again competing for great victory ;-) I am working on something like the loyal wingman-concept. Tricky but cool if i can pull it off. See ya
+1@TheMouse thanks for the good rating. I am working on a doomsday-missile-launch-system. Maybe i will upload a version equiped with it. I will have to reduce some parts inorder to do so. The Beaconlights will have to go
+1@Noname918181818181818181 that was what i intended. thanks
+1@Graingy thanks, but why can you not test it?
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 i will check on it.my new project seems funky and challenging so maybe this will be my post for your challenge
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 i am glad you like it
+1@TheGliderGuy its kind of a glider ;-) the controls are a little to thrustbased to be a real glider. This design could fly and behave pleasent, if i did my math right
+1@MrCOPTY Thats true, but i avoided complicated trigonometric functions by using 5. The improved version includes bulletspeed and ratio of TargetHeading and TargetElevation. Much more acurate. Maybe i will figure out how to do it with two on my next build.
+1If requested i will upload a version of this plane with weapons attached
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon thanks and I`m fine with it
+1@meysam تشکر i hope itranslated it rigth and it means thanks
+1@Chancey21 no i am not SledDriver :-) we had a similar discusion on my last built. We both build fancy shiny stuff but we are not the same and i agree its a nice built
+1@TheMouse i checked it => very niceee
@Rb2h whaaaat? Glad you like it anyway
@TheMouse this is my version and i am working on a more elaborated one aswell.
try to keep a minimum distance of 1 mile when using the grenadelauncher
@TheMouse this is for your build. Let me know if you need smething modified
@mrxml this will put out false/true 4 times per second If you need 1 and 0 add clamp01() the full term would be clamp01(round(0.5cos(Time1440)+0.5)=1).
I hope this was helpful. there should be stars for multiply betwen cos/0.5 an Time/1440
@mrxml round(0.5cos(Time1440)+0.5)=1 should work
@mrxml i checked it again. It does now aswell, but it didnt during my development. Maybe i messed with the wrong parameters and made it a little bit more complicated then necessary
@mrxml okay it was not working on my computer. I had to hit the button again
@mrxml reason 1 there are several cannons with different angles for my adaptive spread configuration
reason 2 the cannons shoot when the button FireWeapons is pushed, but only one. for another round you have to release fire weapons and push it again. I interrupt the pushed button by activating and deactivating the aviation group.
the input changes from true to false multiple times per second and releases a shot every time.
Was that helpful?
I was experimenting with a missile launch system that would multiply on the way to its target. Launch one and watch 10 missiles impact.
Things like this are possible with custom-AGs.
The input would be something like:
this input specified for the AG of a detacher would have make it detach after the missile traveled 90% of the way.
If AG3 initiated the launch.
complicated but cool.
@mrxml do you need help with one of your projects?
@mrxml do you need help with one of your projects?
@mrxml i checked your profile. you should be familiar with xml editing. i created a custam aviationgroup that is controlled by a cosinusfunction and time. It turns your AG on and off multiple times per minute. The cannon shoots like you were hammering the fireweapon button very fast. I used a cannon and made a heavy machinegun with it. I m glad you like it
@mrxml with funky trees input. Snowflake posted a guide on Github. Very useful. it takes a while to get into building with funky trees but its worth the effort. The Autogun is located below the cockpit. Hide the parts and take alook at it. If you give me some credit for it you can copy the Autogun to your subassys and use it on your plane. Enjoy
@CrestelAeronautics thanks. looks cool and i am glad you like it
@Graingy it flies well on linux with outdated hardware ;-)
@Graingy the engine configuration is not build for efficiency. its build for performance. Thats what causes the high performance cost
@TheMouse thanks
@TheMouse thanks
@florky thanks
@SyntheticL thanks
@Xx24reminder we had that discussion on previous builds ;-)
@Dpdfuzz thanks. it took a little while to figure it out
@Xx24reminder Nope
@MobileBuilder21 thanks
thanks for the upvotes. I fixed the autogun, i wil reupload with improved autogun,
thanks for all the upvotes. Its the desired appreciation of the afford i put in the build, what was more than initialy expected.
@MAHADI yes i did. If you change the scale their halo becomes bigger too ;-)
finaly fixed the pictures
why do the screenshots in the discription not work?
did they change the command?
 was the command. is it blocked or changed?