Dunno. Define “mechanical build”? The idea is to keep the power within easily measured limits. If you can guarantee that the motor isnt more powerful than a 600 hp car engine then ok! @ThePrototype
Thanks! I really just tried to make her flyable and fun - she isnt too accurate (wing span is a bit long, she has 50% of the cowl flaps of the actual An-2 and there are fewer windows than there should be, for example). I took a look at the An-2 (both of yhem) that jamesPLANESii did. They were my benchmark and very very good! @BogdanX
Lets see; I did the prototype, a MkIa, a MkVa, a MkVb, a MkIXb, a MkXIIb, a MkXIIc, a couple of MKXIV variants and two Seafires. And a Mk22. And the two fictional Twinfires. So 13 or 14 all in. @WarHawk95
Thanks! Im not sure its THAT good, but youre very kind. Ive been building 3d models for about 15 years, first in Milkshape 3d, then Blender, then Gmax. I guess this is an extension of that? Im seriously thinking of getting an Android or Windows based tablet of some sort, since I think Im pretty much at the limit of what I can do on an iPhone. @Warhammer55
If I recall correctly the yellow leading edges were for recognition purposes. Im not convinced all fighter command units used them, though. I know the IJA / IJN used the same recognition trick too later in the war. @Tang0five
Sweet! Go for it! I would love to see what you build. @ThePrototype
I welcome you with most komradely socialistic fraternal welcome. Do your best, for Russia! @DJS8Corporations
Thank you very much, komrade. @jamesPLANESii
Do it! You know it makes sense! For the Rodina! @BogdanX
+1Dunno. Define “mechanical build”? The idea is to keep the power within easily measured limits. If you can guarantee that the motor isnt more powerful than a 600 hp car engine then ok! @ThePrototype
PO-2 is superior. Da komrade! @ThePrototype
Thanks! I really just tried to make her flyable and fun - she isnt too accurate (wing span is a bit long, she has 50% of the cowl flaps of the actual An-2 and there are fewer windows than there should be, for example). I took a look at the An-2 (both of yhem) that jamesPLANESii did. They were my benchmark and very very good! @BogdanX
The pilot alone is worth the price of entry!
@EternalDarkness you old devil, you! Many thanks.
@Othawne Thank you!
Thanks matey - I dont often add long descriptions, but I thought this one deserved one. @tylerdeveneuxmusic
+1@tylerdeveneuxmusic Cheers!
+1@Kungfuevan Thanks!
+1... Im an only child...
I loves a good challenge, me. Im in!
+1Mobile friendly, innit.@SledDriver
I can happily confirm that this wonder operates nicely on high settings on my iPhone 8. Awesome.
KSP is fun. The only reason I dont play any more is because lack of time restricts me to mobile. @BaconAircraft
...which will live in infamy.
+2Permission granted! Welcome on board! @tylerdeveneuxmusic
+1Thanks! Im quite fond of this one too. @MAHADI
@Tw1st3dPs7ch0 Well done. Youre in.
+1Do it! Doitdoitdoit! Dooooo iiiiiit! @MrSilverWolf
I amended the deadline, chaps! Take note!
+2Thanks, but I dont think human is his first language... @Kerbango
Oh please do, old boy - I dont think the natives are quite savvy with all this car lingo... @Tang0five
+1Thats true. Im not sure what the going rate is for an iPhone 8? It gets me up to 700 - 750 parts, though. @Jetliner101
Ok. Well thanks, I guess...@AchuTMM
Yes you are. But are you in? @AchuTMM
I wasnt implying anything here - It was more of a general comment. There have been a few never ending challenges lately. @Boundslayer
Especially when a lot of guys start challenges then never come back with a result. @Kerbango
+1I built everything I have ever built on an iPhone. Being on mobile is no excuse. @Jetliner101
Agreed! This will be fun. Im thinking an Antonov an-2 would be a nice entry.
Lets see; I did the prototype, a MkIa, a MkVa, a MkVb, a MkIXb, a MkXIIb, a MkXIIc, a couple of MKXIV variants and two Seafires. And a Mk22. And the two fictional Twinfires. So 13 or 14 all in. @WarHawk95
Thanks! Im not sure its THAT good, but youre very kind. Ive been building 3d models for about 15 years, first in Milkshape 3d, then Blender, then Gmax. I guess this is an extension of that? Im seriously thinking of getting an Android or Windows based tablet of some sort, since I think Im pretty much at the limit of what I can do on an iPhone. @Warhammer55
Sure! Just post it up. @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
Thanks matey! @RamboJutter
Thanks man! @Tang0five
Cheers! One more Spit to go then Im done. @TMach5
How what, my dear fellow? @Warhammer55
@trolman Thanks!
Yeah, theres been far too bloody many of those, lately. @RamboJutter
Aaaaaan RJ wins the challenge.
If I recall correctly the yellow leading edges were for recognition purposes. Im not convinced all fighter command units used them, though. I know the IJA / IJN used the same recognition trick too later in the war. @Tang0five
Also; I just noticed something odd with the artificial horizon on this kite. Stay tuned for an update!
Cheers @EternalDarkness @randomusername @Spitfirelad05
+1Ive thought about it, believe me! Ive got one more Spitfire (F.22) in the works, one fictional Norwegian jet bomber and then we’ll see? @Spitfirelad05
This is a re touch of my existing spit 1. The initial build was a week or so. And you are very kind, thanks! @Frenchyfry
Im in. I did just do a bunch of them, after all.
+1Nicely done!