342 GigaChadFighterJet Comments

  • Fairchild-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II 2.4 years ago

    Cute Minecraft A-10

  • Balloon Bus 2.1 years ago

    I don't know why, but I looked inside the interior and saw that you added the most iconic thing on a bus, a trash bin. It put a smile on my face lol.

  • Sukhoi Su-35 [Remaster] 2.3 years ago

    Im going to paint it red and name it Sus-35 AND YOU CANT STOP ME

  • The Flying Saucer 2.0 years ago

    The flying Applesauce carrier

  • Balloon Bus 2.1 years ago

    @realSavageMan I only looked up how fast it goes by that idea of how it's propelled is probably nor an engine and the bus might be being pushed by turbulent currents that travel in a long line high above the map (made up idea) wild guess but just for the memes super sonic battle bus with guns and bombs

  • TA-07 "Atropos" 2.1 years ago

    This has immediately become one my favorite planes to fly as it were my first time being put in a real aircraft cockpit and told to fly it on my own, just love the shape and the cockpit

  • FA-18 Super Hornet - SM 2.3 years ago

    And some how I'm scared you've been watching me as if i were even interesting, and yet I've never posted my jet with that same horizontal tailfin texture, but I must be too colorblind to see those colors aren't Black and Egyptian Gold... that sounded racist but I mean by the gold color.

  • Drakon Dynamics DRA-07X Nyx 2.3 years ago

    Alright boys, todays mission involves destroying California... Trigger don't get happy alright?!

  • [HASD]HSA-1[SF-28] ''Gray-bellied Hawk'' 2.3 years ago

    The cockpits main color is pitch black, why so stupid?

  • the Ultimate Multirole Aircraft 2.4 years ago

    Omg lmao, swiss army knife lmao

  • Flooded Rail 2.4 years ago


  • GARP-2 Drakon Fire 2.4 years ago

    @Zaineman i was planning on retractable landing gear but who needs those if you can just land on the airfield and fire the combustion gun when ready.

  • GARP-2 Drakon Fire 2.4 years ago

    @WinsWings thank you I have always thought outside the airfield and built in the scrap yard, so it'll be the words "It ain't much but its honest work" thank you again.

  • Mig-29 but Egg 2.0 years ago

    Questions. Can you move the cockpit camera down? I'll edit it myself but for future enjoyers it's kind of annoying to dogfight with.

  • Rocket Glider 2.0 years ago

    Note: when telling you to set desired fuel time in Editor and set it by seconds I had forgot to tell you to find the "Rocket" and select the Editor.

  • Balloon Bus 2.1 years ago

    Oh, and make sure to give it a speed mode

  • Balloon Bus 2.1 years ago

    The battle bus goes 167 miles per hour in fortnite yours go's 60+ miles, can you make it go super sonic?

  • Real stealth in ohio 2.1 years ago

    Oh my God it's corn! Yaba Ooh Ratta Nurrata Ohriotta
    يابا اوه راتا نوراتا اوريوتا

  • 25 Parts Dassault Mirage 2000 2.3 years ago

    @FalcoOne heads up, your right air break isn't connected. Also love the handle but im not to sure why it can't break on ground.

  • the flying kazoo 2.3 years ago

    Ah shit, I can here the kazoo kid flying over sitting in the top funnel with his jet engine making a kazoo sound.. please do this

  • Dassault/Dornier Alphajet 2.3 years ago

    Bruh you think it's cute... until you see its thin ass from the top. 💀

  • F7U-3M Cutlass 2.3 years ago

    I like it, cuter appearance and the shape looks less banged up

  • Fuel tank and Missile carrier (For F22) 2.3 years ago

    Wow, was looking for these 2 HOURS AGO, LMAO

  • FA-122-S2 Vonmare 2.3 years ago

    Attention all downloaders and enjoyers, please move the guns pylon back by one grid block. It will help with flight and the planes nosing issues, there is always a fix to a problem but don't try to correct me!

  • Delta wing experiment 2.3 years ago

    Go ahead

  • FA-122-S2 Vonmare 2.3 years ago

    Yall can suck some ass if you take my build an say it was inspired, sorry to be rude honestly

  • hurkus-imha1 2.4 years ago

    The tail so nice and that weaponry mmm

  • GRAP-3.Z VR Capable Now w Weapons ! ! 2.4 years ago

    Oh come on if your ggonna weapon nize my vehicle build a new base that looks nothing like it and use the same gun, its cool but really -_-
    BUT... could we by chance have a chat?

  • Maywar for android Newedition 2.4 years ago

    The known glitch is not a glitch, trouble being able to find and edit the file storage of SP and I only have media file apps

  • SimplePlanes Discord Open! 2.4 years ago

    @Wallaby i left its fine It changed my mind

  • SimplePlanes Discord Open! 2.4 years ago

    @Wallaby sorry I'm not in it anymore

  • Cannon Powered Aircraft ! ! 2.4 years ago

    @Rocketguy2079 haha, thanks

  • Bus 2.4 years ago


  • SimplePlanes Discord Open! 2.4 years ago

    I Aint getting a message from your bots

  • gun Powered plane 2.4 years ago

    Hiw many guns?

  • FA-122-S Vonmare 2.4 years ago

    There is a comment now