15 GoldyWorman Comments

  • lockheed C-133 Advanced Hercules 7.7 years ago

    @CALVIN232 if you are not a blind just check it out ..... Differences b/w this and the real one that i was used....... Bru stop jealous from new bies.....and am go along with you that i am using someones c130 design and its mention above (based on lockeed c130 hercules)....so why you posting such worthless comments? If i want i can delete your comment but i don't think so....because you have such a misunderstanding.....Thank you bro
    So here are some design changes and improvements ⬇⬇⬇
    C-130 (based model) / C-133 (my model)
    Dragpoint- 8593 vs 8269
    Wingarea- 970.1ft.sq vs 1206.9ft.sq
    Wing loading- 26.1lbs/ft.sq vs 22.8lbs/ft
    Length- 52.2ft vs 63.3ft
    Wingspan- 63.2ft vs 69.9ft
    Emptyweight- 3879kg vs 7773kg
    And c133 is with advanced highly terrac 145• + 145• nose design and wide improved fuselage ..☝☝👍👍👍👍 thank you again bro ......