FT masters please don't look under the hood of this thing and make fun of me I've already been given enough wedgies by the cool kids when I've tried to wear underpants.
Hm, that's odd. Unfortunate, I consider them a friend. At least as much as somebody can be a friend on a site like this.
They don't seem the sort to do anything too bad, though I can imagine they may have let their filter fail and said something to somebody they shouldn't have. That's just my theory, at least.
@MosquitowithaMachineGun Edge of where? If it's in the Tumour then we'll probably pass, at least to any major extent. We try to keep most of our large production capacity within Universe-1.
@WinsWings I poked fun at @TheMouse a few weeks ago (whose pfp had broken during a hiatus) by using HTML to change their black one to mine, and sending them a screen clip.
Few days later they imitated the Graingy logo, then asked others to do the same. It was a meme. I think it’s finally lost its steam, though.
My folder has like 40 of them, but numerous alternates by people who changed their design or upgraded it to the better template. Mouse’s had a few issues.
@PlaneFlightX Are you proud of me?
Oh hey look a kickass poster I wonder who made it
Come see the show!
FT masters please don't look under the hood of this thing and make fun of me I've already been given enough wedgies by the cool kids when I've tried to wear underpants.
@Convex Uranium isn't that unstable. You need to think more exotic.
+1Hm, that's odd. Unfortunate, I consider them a friend. At least as much as somebody can be a friend on a site like this.
+1They don't seem the sort to do anything too bad, though I can imagine they may have let their filter fail and said something to somebody they shouldn't have. That's just my theory, at least.
@32 I'm not a cool kid
@Monarchii Two cherries.
@Monarchii When will you learn
@FlyOnTheWall Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun Is it in the Tumour?
+1Alternatively known as the world of SimplePlanes.
@MosquitowithaMachineGun Do you not know how forums work?
+1@EnglishGarden May your days be unpleasant.
big log
Until they looked at the whiteboard, presumably.
Be sure to stay out of view of Ice Base.
Draw an apple I want to eat it
big log
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun Edge of where? If it's in the Tumour then we'll probably pass, at least to any major extent. We try to keep most of our large production capacity within Universe-1.
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun In your upvote bomb you gave me a combined... 34 points.
+1Like trying to level a city by throwing bricks from a plane.
@MosquitowithaMachineGun Me neither.
+1@WinsWings At one point even jamesPLANESii was involved. And crazyplaness, though very briefly.
+1@FlyOnTheWall I don't follow? How do two mutually exclusive things create the greatest extent when combined?
That is a blob
Nothing new but fine enough
big log
+1@Boeing727200F Why not.
Maybe something vaguely relevant to the game.
You are a demon
Do what I do when I have nothing to post: Nothing
You mean craft or forums?
@Rob119 Ask Chii
@WinsWings I poked fun at @TheMouse a few weeks ago (whose pfp had broken during a hiatus) by using HTML to change their black one to mine, and sending them a screen clip.
Few days later they imitated the Graingy logo, then asked others to do the same. It was a meme. I think it’s finally lost its steam, though.
+1My folder has like 40 of them, but numerous alternates by people who changed their design or upgraded it to the better template. Mouse’s had a few issues.
@Monarchii 🏏
+1@Monarchii hallo
@Monarchii pretty please with a cherry on top
@Monarchii NOOOOOOOooooooo…..
@Monarchii for eating or you just think it’s neat?
O snap
I mustn’t be surpassed
@hpgbproductions whar
Somebody being a little too silly started the Great War
@Monarchii A mixed bag of organs.
@Monarchii ... HEY!
@Nerfaddict Uh, probably not?
@SILVERPANZER Considering you have developed a very recognizable style, I don't see how 1 could apply to you.
It says 31 comments but there are (were) 12?
Wow cool
+3Wow cool
I pity you
@TheMouse @m @m @a @d @b @r @o @questionmark
Please avoid statements which could qualify as libel.
@TheMouse @questionmark @questionmark @questionmark