0 Gravemind123 Comments

  • UNSC Frigate 9.1 years ago

    Now all we are missing is a Covenant carrier ;D

  • UNSC Frigate weasalzone 9.1 years ago

    Still cool though, i've always loved the Halo universe and having 2 frigates in simple lanes only adds TWICE THE AWESOME!!

  • UNSC Frigate 9.1 years ago

    Ah does anyone know what UNSC means? Let me know and I will tell you if you are right... or not. Oh and no, the new Halo games ARE NOT for PC. Only the original Halo CE and Halo 2 on windows vista, don't worry, I looked it up, and know for sure now. I also know how the Flood was born. Yes that was story of great betrayal, deep envy, and a dark secret the Forerunners brought with them to the grave! Anyway good frigate it is very accurate by look and shape, but not by size. THAT would basically require a supercomputer to make because they are BIG!

  • UNSC Frigate 9.1 years ago

    @bobthetitan Durable, no. Super cool looking and a blast to fly (despite it's tendencies to flip out randomly) yes! I tested it out by ramming it into something... yeah it blew apart and only the invincible cockpit and a clod of fuselage blocks survived. Yeah, NOT durable :P

  • Parts 'n Things 9.1 years ago


  • Parts 'n Things 9.1 years ago

    Also can you help me with one other thing, if you have the time of course? I would like to create a boat, like a water ship that is, that can RAM other things, smash them, and keep on going. I've created a temporary solution with, hehe, cockpits since they are, after all, invincible BUT they seem to fall off after an impact. Could you possibly tell me how to create parts that WON'T fall off or explode when I ram something? Thanks that would be great!

    Oh and by the way: "may the lift be with you :D"

  • Parts 'n Things 9.1 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft Ur um how exactly can you begin modding parts on MAC because I bought the game on Mac expecting weapons and stuff (still waiting -_-) but couldn't find ANY unity package to download. Where exactly would I find the tools for XML modding exactly?

  • lots of weightless fuel 9.2 years ago

    snort wow thats cute, most of you think it has ACTUAL weightless fuel in it huh? You think it's cool huh? Well first yes it is weightless and NO THERE IS NO FUEL IN IT IT'S JUST A WEIGHTLESS BLOCK!! Sorry for my rage but if it ACTUALLY had fuel i it that would be nice but, alas, it does NOT!@STARHAWKindustries Yeah it has NO real FUEL in it, it's just a weightless block like I said :( Also if anyone could could you email me the unity modding package so I can take a crack at it thanks. my email: pratti@ahst.k12.ia.us YEs it is my school email so what?

  • lighter than air idea. 9.2 years ago

    @Flakmagnet Okay i would love to have this "part" thing that sounds nice.

  • A plea to the devs 9.2 years ago

    Sorry for being angry before BUT when you plea to the devs NOT to give everone weapons it makes me sad.

  • Steam Beta Test 9.2 years ago

    @Lucky13 Thanks for letting me know but are you sure the exact same time because PCs are generally faster at responding and receiving than IOS but thanks for the heads up! :D

  • Giant Sub-Beta 9.2 years ago

    Ur um I stay incorrected it DIVES but CANT drive underwater THATS the part that is being worked on duh Ian pay attention :P

  • Giant Sub-Beta 9.2 years ago

    @Nickasaurus Um HOW is this a Submarine exactly? Sure it looks like a RALLY long and skinny one but it DOESN'T dive. In order to technically be a TRUE submarine it must be able to dive. But hey, at least its stable and won't flip over on me but it's still in beta so I hope it's diving capabilities are underway :D

  • Hydra submarine (Captain America 1) 9.2 years ago

    @LordofLego What do you mean 'a very hydra thing to do' is that what the submarines do in the movie?! They ram tiny boats now thats just sad for the boat at least but if the boats work like the Tiny then I feel bad for the unfortunate hydra sub who got in it's way.

  • Hydra submarine (Captain America 1) 9.2 years ago

    @THEaviator Um if by fly you mean flip out in the air doing barrel rolls turning this way and that then yeah it fly's LOL. Oh and ramming the Tiny, doesn't work out in your favor really :P

  • Steam Beta Test 9.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Sadly that hasn't happend yet i just bought the game not to long ago on my mac and still NO update. PLEASE bring some weapons to mac as i am desperate to blow stuff up without killing myself in the process.

  • A plea to the devs 9.2 years ago

    The fact that lucky is BEGGING the devs not to release weapons is and even bigger insult! It's like a slap in the face sure Lucky didn't intend it that way but, sadly, thats how it turned out >:(

  • A plea to the devs 9.2 years ago

    OBVIOUSLY if you add weapons IT WON'T necessarily become a trolling game. Plus if the devs DON'T add multiplayer with the weapons update then there wouldn't be any trolling OBVIOUSLY! Sorry just a bit PISSED OFF that lucky doesn't want US to have weapons (us as in mac users, users without that NOW FAKE steam key to the new beta)! It's kinda insulting really so whoever doesn't want EVERYONE to have the same version can just @#$% OFF thats just rude! Thank you but if you also want weapons to come to everyone then thanks but all you aposers just wow.

  • lighter than air idea. 9.2 years ago

    @Flakmagnet Please tell me how you did this oh and could you put it on youtube I MUST see it for myself.

  • lighter than air idea. 9.2 years ago

    @Squirrel No helium in most airships has little to no pressure well.. some. That way it won't rupture the gas bags it lies in as to much pressure might burst them.

  • lighter than air idea. 9.2 years ago

    @Flakmagnet Um what's the name of your physics resistant plane. I wish to look into it ;)