@Rjenteissussy ok i beat it. But we respected your design so my pilot severely damaged it but enough so it was still able to return home. It put up a good fight. We will be sending compensation to your fictional company for repairs.
@Rjenteissussy i challenge your plane. My squadron is escorting it to the round table as we speak. It will refuel before the battle. It will arrive in 2 hours...
@Tsuchiisan never heard of project aces. Thats cool man we all have black projects and ditched designs. I have 2 of them i just couldn't get to fly so made them as joke prank creations.
@Tsuchiisan well i won't hate on it as it looks amazing. I stand corrected on that part. I understand maybe it wasn't made to be insane but it sure looks like it wants to be. Don't add weapons then make it a racer. But you don't care. I will offer my skills to upgrade it though if the creators wish.....
@Tsuchiisan and my opinion is stating how i feel about this plane. If its gonna look that good it better fight like battlestar Galactica. Or put a disclaimer its not an elite plane. There are others on this sight that have built way better things than this as far as technology.
@epicfard Well that shows you are probably a coward to build something to beat me so all you got is insults. Haha! I love that. I don't care ablut opinions and insults unless you can prove that they have some solid backing and meaning. Words mean nothing. Actions mean something.
@Tsuchiisan i also have an actual life i play this game mainly on weekends and when i have time. This is why my planes may not look as pretty and a billion parts on them as i love keeping things simple. I work in construction and build houses. So i got a life buddy. I am also an active hiker and mountain climber. Before you judge someone get the facts. You are exactly the reason i wanted to be unbeatable because people think i am bronze or a noob means i don't know what i am doing. Yes i make mistakes but i learn from them probably faster than some. I know what i want when i start a build.
@Tsuchiisan i did see it if you gonna talk trash then back it up. I don't care about bronze whatever that is. I strive to be the best. This game has dogfighting and guns so that means to me build the best. Bronze gold don't mean a thing to me. And there is nothing realistic about this plane. It shoots cannons in all directions. Yes psm is a real thing and probably the only real thing on this plane but psm at 600mph. The pilot is a mashed potato.
@TRD6932 So beat my plane. I don't think its worthy of so many upvotes for being amazing. Don't get me wrong its beautiful and whoever built it worked hard but if the fancy tech doesn't work its pointless. I destroyed this thing. Not to mention it has stuff i have been designed on a freaking phone
@BeastHunter are you opposed to xml modding or don't know how? We can collab or i can give you my tricks if you want. I can even upgrade your planes once you make them. I really love this game and i can actually design something of my own.
@BeastHunter i thought ya did as it says you cannot communicate with this person. My bad. But yeah i actually do my own taxidermy work for the losers on my wall.
@Rjenteissussy ouch
+1Woah this a news report story. Nice writing! This could definitely be movie.
+1@Rjenteissussy woah! Make a video. What was it?
+1@BeastHunter that browser extension works great everyone should try it.
+1i put a link to the video @BeastHunter
@BeastHunter what you don't believe me i will do a screen record and post it on youtube
+1@BeastHunter it didn't even crash my game lol
+1It worked on ai for me just tried it. My plane killed it.
+1@BeastHunter i will try it
+1@WolfHunter9111 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/jx1491/Challenger
+1@WolfHunter9111 OH YEAH!!!
+1Hehe.... THE MAD SCIENTIST HAS ENTERED THE CHAT.....@WolfHunter9111 @Tsuchiisan
+1@Rjenteissussy yeah i saw that. We should collab. I can build you some armaments and other tech modules.
+1@Rjenteissussy ok i beat it. But we respected your design so my pilot severely damaged it but enough so it was still able to return home. It put up a good fight. We will be sending compensation to your fictional company for repairs.
+1@Rjenteissussy i challenge your plane. My squadron is escorting it to the round table as we speak. It will refuel before the battle. It will arrive in 2 hours...
+1@WolfHunter9111 yes very true. You are doing a great job.
+1@WolfHunter9111 yeah thats what i was thinking.
+1@WolfHunter9111 cool.
+1@Rjenteissussy sure. I love the su27
+1@WolfHunter9111 lol. I think you could make a entire series based on this little duel.
+1@Kthepersonorguy 🤣 i honestly can't wait for the next episode.
+1@Tsuchiisan never thought of that.
+1@Tsuchiisan yes thats allowed. Just gotta be kinda mobile friendly until.i get it on my pc. But you can go above 3000. Bullet hell allowed.
+1@WolfHunter9111 woah cool plot twist
+1@WolfHunter9111 oh sorry. I will make it a little less. I didn't have much of lag on my phone so i will make a mobile friendly one.
+1@Tsuchiisan yeah i hear ya one of those oh man i was bad moments. Lol
+1@Tsuchiisan never heard of project aces. Thats cool man we all have black projects and ditched designs. I have 2 of them i just couldn't get to fly so made them as joke prank creations.
+1Looks like my favorite civilian plane. A PA21
+1@Tsuchiisan well i won't hate on it as it looks amazing. I stand corrected on that part. I understand maybe it wasn't made to be insane but it sure looks like it wants to be. Don't add weapons then make it a racer. But you don't care. I will offer my skills to upgrade it though if the creators wish.....
+1I watched a little but i have something to do. Its epic so far
+1@epicfard for a game at least.
+1@epicfard and for your information i upvoted this when i saw because it is beautiful but dont mount guns on it if its a useless fighter.
+1@Tsuchiisan and my opinion is stating how i feel about this plane. If its gonna look that good it better fight like battlestar Galactica. Or put a disclaimer its not an elite plane. There are others on this sight that have built way better things than this as far as technology.
+1@epicfard Well that shows you are probably a coward to build something to beat me so all you got is insults. Haha! I love that. I don't care ablut opinions and insults unless you can prove that they have some solid backing and meaning. Words mean nothing. Actions mean something.
+1@Tsuchiisan i also have an actual life i play this game mainly on weekends and when i have time. This is why my planes may not look as pretty and a billion parts on them as i love keeping things simple. I work in construction and build houses. So i got a life buddy. I am also an active hiker and mountain climber. Before you judge someone get the facts. You are exactly the reason i wanted to be unbeatable because people think i am bronze or a noob means i don't know what i am doing. Yes i make mistakes but i learn from them probably faster than some. I know what i want when i start a build.
+1@Tsuchiisan i did see it if you gonna talk trash then back it up. I don't care about bronze whatever that is. I strive to be the best. This game has dogfighting and guns so that means to me build the best. Bronze gold don't mean a thing to me. And there is nothing realistic about this plane. It shoots cannons in all directions. Yes psm is a real thing and probably the only real thing on this plane but psm at 600mph. The pilot is a mashed potato.
+1@DEADSHOT14 Its a flying trash pit. Lol
+1@karameji this was your idea huh? Well its garbage. Hahaha!!!😈
+1@TRD6932 i was expecting based on the photos and a DEV helped create it it would be unbeatle but thats not the case
+1@TRD6932 So beat my plane. I don't think its worthy of so many upvotes for being amazing. Don't get me wrong its beautiful and whoever built it worked hard but if the fancy tech doesn't work its pointless. I destroyed this thing. Not to mention it has stuff i have been designed on a freaking phone
+1@WolfHunter9111 You will all DIE!!!!! IWILL BECOME THE RULER OF THE AIR!!!
+1Hey @AndrewGarrison I challenge your plane to a duel with mine.....
+1@BeastHunter can you make a op one for me to play with?
+1@BeastHunter are you opposed to xml modding or don't know how? We can collab or i can give you my tricks if you want. I can even upgrade your planes once you make them. I really love this game and i can actually design something of my own.
+1@BeastHunter i thought ya did as it says you cannot communicate with this person. My bad. But yeah i actually do my own taxidermy work for the losers on my wall.