13.4k Grob0s0VBRa Comments

  • 1st Jetfighter Generation 4.0 years ago

    @mikoyanster Apologies for disturbance but i'm leaving this challenge
    Reason: cant get my craft ready in time

  • FV-301 [1 Year special][Mobile Friendly] 4.0 years ago

    @ToxyPilot Понял. Принял. Прочел...

  • FV-301 [1 Year special][Mobile Friendly] 4.0 years ago

    Это т-70 который можно заправлять чаем?
    абсолютно непривычно видеть бритиш-что-то-там с наклонной лобовой деталью

  • COLD WAR Challenge [CLOSED] 4.0 years ago

    Me: just about to say that real life things wont let me get ze build in time
    Mr. MAHADI: Deadline delayed for second time.
    Me:For the Grace and the Might of the Lord...
    *Hard engineering noises*
    teaser soon

  • Progress report: Nightprowler 4.0 years ago

    Oh well...
    *the voices*

  • Some plane> 4.0 years ago

    Rest in pixels Nigel.
    Pretty good Typhoon you got here by the way

  • hey shitass, wanna see me build? 4.0 years ago

    Seems motivational
    And painful

    normally, i do build with such noises and intensity, so this is even funnier to me as it (kinda) depicts me

  • Awaiting some final touch... 4.0 years ago

    More salvos for the god of salvos
    and yes i thought there is 4 bombs in 10 salvos

  • Awaiting some final touch... 4.0 years ago

    8 x 5 be like carpet bombing ( more suitable for B-52 and such)
    4 x 10 is ok ( for this UAV at least)
    if im not that dumb at least

  • Awaiting some final touch... 4.0 years ago

    Hoh, i guess i start to regain faith in humanity with such amount of explosives
    *Laughs uncontrollably in russian*

  • Drop the hammer... How large should the cruise missiles go anyways? 4.0 years ago

    Lets say that the medium range missiles would be better choice, tactically, as we could use them against hostile AA while approaching main targets ( and dropping bombs on them)
    hel, now thats alotofCOFFEN

  • XT-OM 04 Sleeper 4.1 years ago

    So hecking beautiful!
    also me thonks SP need moar insects.
    *continues to sip*

  • Custom landing gears finished! Bombs or missiles? 4.1 years ago


  • Explain your username 4.1 years ago

    Coffin + Great Belarus Random but its written as it pronounces in russian.
    Just a random thing, completely not connected with funerals...

  • plane_aesthetics.avi 4.1 years ago

    Да его то я узнал, просто мужик с синтезатором вспомнился

  • plane_aesthetics.avi 4.1 years ago

    ...Naa zareeee golosaaaa zovuuut menyaaa...

  • [TEASER] The Legendary.... 4.1 years ago

    F-86 sabre guess i must

  • ATPJS90 Watchman 4.1 years ago

    @DanDaFreakinMan Thanks

  • Auto-lock missiles - and how to make them 4.1 years ago

    Waaagh approves
    as well as skavenhood

  • COLD WAR Challenge [CLOSED] 4.1 years ago


    Any kind of propulsion used during the cold war is allowed.

    VTOL is allowed? yes or no
    If yes then Draken
    If no then i need to start anotha concept already

  • 1st Jetfighter Generation 4.1 years ago

    Lets say we have a MiG-9, its armament consist of 2x 23 mm and 1x 37 mm autocannons but, due to restictions of the challenge, i cant place 37 mm gun, am i right?
    So, 1) No Cannon part?
    2) Wing guns must have a characteristics of a real things, like a um... MK-108, MG-151, NS-23 and others?

  • The new APEX predator 4.1 years ago

    Dis is da vey
    I mean, looks great

  • HEY, Püto-40/75 4.1 years ago

    Толстопард, не такая частая находка как E-25 в рандоме но всё же, это таки пухлый светляк который одним своим видом повышает градус пятой точки, заставляя вспоминать былое...

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 4.1 years ago

    Darn, you cant see a tripod everyday here...
    So, to be short...

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @APilotOfPlanes The thing is...
    It gets warped only when hit in main body, legs and turret is just fine with any type of interactions
    Maybe setting all collisions to false is not a bad idea, maybe.
    sooo, the tires is not the thing that solves this problem

  • Wheelchair Man 4.1 years ago

    Напоминает о старой браузерке, Happy wheels

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @spefyjerbf Ok

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @APilotOfPlanes Well, the thing is it is gets warped somewhere when any part of it explodes.
    Maybe that happens because some of external parts are weightless and with DisconnectOnly in collision response.
    It can stand shots of convoy AA with ease but if use another craft with cannon( explosive shells with tweaked, small explosive damage) it starts to act weird

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @spefyjerbf @PlanariaLab @SnoWFLakE0s
    Hear my plea, oh, the mighty beings of this realm
    first of all apologies for disturbance
    Secondly, welp, im trying to get into FT a little deeper but im defnitely doing something wrong soooo...
    Halp meh please
    numerous tries with codes for last 2 weeks made me absolutley livid

  • Should i post my creations? 4.1 years ago

    Dont let your dreams be dreams.
    Make your dreams come true.
    Nothing is impossible.
    Just do it.

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @NexusGaming Crabby thing

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    So, lets imagine that i have this code in legs :
    LandingGear = 0 ? (something that i used for forward and backward movement): (Altitude > 2 ? nothingness : something for in water behavior)

    The question is :
    What i may put instead nothingness so it would be like :
    Full cycle time > time i need ? code for 1st position( with variable speed and output) + Delay №1(idle position; variable time) + code for 2st position + Delay №2 (rotators fixes in specific position; variable time and position) + ... : 0
    Full cycle time >time i need ? (Time for 1st position < Delay №1 ? 1st output : (Time for 2nd position < Delay №2 ? 2nd output : (Time for 3rd position <Delay №3 : 0 ) ) )
    P.s. messing with this for 2 weeks already, it made me angy

  • Arachnophobia anyone? (Teaser + FT question) 4.1 years ago

    @thebanbehindtheslaughter шустрый

  • K-Orca MK-I 4.1 years ago

    The Rat is still breathing by the way

  • My take on "Carrier takeoff" 4.1 years ago

    From now on, I, ze rat, is in extreme need to build something capable of this trick
    Reason: cool

  • No-V Type 13 Ember 4.1 years ago

    Hehe, calendar jokes seem to be inevitable

  • [Teaser] Done for the Second Time... 4.1 years ago

    It looks Bagellous
    so T

  • Good Morning. 4.1 years ago

    Wake me up
    Wake me up inside
    Cant wake up
    Wake me up inside
    Save meeeeeeee

    too much caffeine guess i must

  • hey now you're an allstar 4.1 years ago

    I think i was panzershrek'ed right now

  • a preview....... 4.1 years ago

    Welp, T

  • you be looking sus 4.2 years ago

    SP community: hmm, S U S!!!
    The Australians : seems normal.

  • Name Formatting 4.2 years ago


  • BIRTHDAY ARCHIVES 4.2 years ago


  • Call of Dooty: Advanced Doot Doot 4.2 years ago

    DOOT Eternal

  • Screams are echoing from the dungeon... 4.2 years ago

    Bones rattle!

  • Tonight on bOtToM gEaR 4.2 years ago

    Everybody gangsta till destroyer wins F1

  • Angels Are pretty cute and innocent looking don't you agree? 4.2 years ago

    If there is a place where human thoughts and fears materialize then this would be the least hostlie entity to meet as it just... observes from above.
    So... i agree, i guess

  • Is the Mech Genre in simpleplanes dead? 4.2 years ago

    if something can die then it can be resurrected
