tips to improve design and features: putting altimeter, fuel meter and vertical speed meter makes it easier to handle in cockpit mode. Smooth back and Smooth front on the Fueselages to make it look more professional and nice dont directly put pink into the glass, make a realistic glass color by making it more metallic and smoother in the color selection tool to make it look more like glass. For making it more realistic put thicker Fueselages where the canopy ends because that type of canopy with that thin tail under the canopy is very unsafe and reduces weight causing it to be more imbalanced. put a throttle lever in the cockpit to make it look more professional and better. paint the tires black. Painting the tires white reduces temperature, paint them black for more efficient landings and better tire weight. If the plane is imbalanced use “com col cot”
Center of mass (Com) Center of thrust (Cot) Center of lift (Col) center of lift should ALWAYS be behind center of mass or it will oof
This looks better than my 737! I didn’t really like mine but yours turned out very great! Even though you don’t have a lot of credits you’re still good at building planes!
@L1nus didn’t notice that.
change of release date. It will be released around 30th October. Hopefully before 31st
I have one of those!
holy chips that’s a lot of parts
oo looks cool
Well I got the furry forces on my side
You literally made a plane I saw in my dreams
+4uh this plane isn’t yours.
kan yuo föllow me
Very cool, I love it!
+2I wa’n ey’ bo’oh’ wa’er
+1Simple? This is better than my building skill lmao
Lockheed martin FJ-39 Griplighting
Note: I forgot to add flares for the plane lol a new plane will be posted
@MrSilverWolf you mean cant and not can right?
haha sky missile go brrrrrr
Here is mine
+1Yo buddy still alive? yes what did you think
hm imma actually try
Very detailed for a plane with not so many parts!
+1wtf controlling the uss beast is totally nice but when I controlled the uss tiny it uh
my rtx 3090 when I download: blows up
+4very detailed I love it!
+1me: mom can we have Arsenal bird from ace combat 7
mom: we already have the Arsenal bird at home!
Arsenal bird at home:
tips to improve design and features: putting altimeter, fuel meter and vertical speed meter makes it easier to handle in cockpit mode. Smooth back and Smooth front on the Fueselages to make it look more professional and nice dont directly put pink into the glass, make a realistic glass color by making it more metallic and smoother in the color selection tool to make it look more like glass. For making it more realistic put thicker Fueselages where the canopy ends because that type of canopy with that thin tail under the canopy is very unsafe and reduces weight causing it to be more imbalanced. put a throttle lever in the cockpit to make it look more professional and better. paint the tires black. Painting the tires white reduces temperature, paint them black for more efficient landings and better tire weight. If the plane is imbalanced use “com col cot”
Center of mass (Com) Center of thrust (Cot) Center of lift (Col) center of lift should ALWAYS be behind center of mass or it will oof
get cobra:d
This looks better than my 737! I didn’t really like mine but yours turned out very great! Even though you don’t have a lot of credits you’re still good at building planes!
Who needs dcs when we have this?????????
+3@Yourlocalhuman @Yourlocalhuman mom can we have a darkstar?
No! We already have a darkstar at home
Darkstar at home:
+3yes very nice
+2Ah yes it’s super fun performing cobra maneuvers
Dang very epic the soundtrack kinda reminds me of danger zone
+2@Umbreonplant thanks
+1@Jayfeather101 thanks
+1You’re probably a winner!
+1@SimplePilot28465 I think so
+2Watching a brazillian fighter produced by Sweden as a Swedish person is * p a i n *
+2@Bryan5 yes I rickrolled everyone in German who downloaded it
+1@PionierDynamics yes
+2@IDNSatya the winner will get a plane with their name on it
+1@IDNSatya idk but it will end July 10th so we have enough time
+1Actually imma do my own plane for the challenge even though I’m the creator of the challenge
+1@LeonardorHD1 ye
+1I know but uh uhm @beenz
+1yes @Yourlocalhuman
+1@PionierDynamics yeah same I don’t make cockpits too often but it’s still fun making cockpits. I sometimes don’t do them because I’m lazy lmao
+1This is the first plane with a cockpit i have seen made by you! Very cool
+1This is more like a testing version